12-24-2004, 12:44 PM #41
YOu do B-12 injections or what? Can you get enough through pills?
12-24-2004, 01:08 PM #42
IMO no you cant get it through pills read up on it and you will find that as for appetite injections are FAR superior
12-24-2004, 01:55 PM #43
Anyone else have any info on B-12 injections....Im mid cycle now so not sure if i can get it for this cycle.
12-24-2004, 02:30 PM #44
dude you can take it all year round, in fact when off it will help you eat more b/c you arent as hungry when off. al;so IMO I would stop the cycle run pct and figure some stuff out, you arent getting what you want from your cycles so more homework should be done IMO, you need to master nutrition and training first or just waste your money on gear and get side effects w/ no effects. plan everything in advance and stick to it ie, food/training/timing etc. you want to be diesel but think an injection here and a workout here and there will do it, it wont, I am sorry to say this no offense but there are natural people that are making better gains w/ proper food intake and correct training principles, if I had to steer you in a direction I would say look into some DC training and follow a good bulking diet natural for a while then hit the juice w/ those weapons of knowledge you have acquired. not a flame bro just been there myself and was frustrated and lazy so I didnt make gains even w/ juice. I started training right and eating right I was gaining great natural until it plateaued at around 210. add juice and those prinples and that 210 can and will turn into 240 before long, trust me
12-24-2004, 03:32 PM #45
Thanks for the info. I've had everyone on this board tell me that I shouldn't be juicing and a bunch of other guys telling me that I should. I really don't think my pics do me justice in the progress I have made in the past several years. Below is a pic of me from 2000. I did not juice for three years after this pic and put on a good 20+ lbs naturally and then plateud. I felt like juice was the next logical step for me...but maybe it should not have been.
12-24-2004, 03:43 PM #46
I hear ya bro, I gained 40 lbs natural, then juiced and it was still too early, b/c when I came off the sauce I trained natural again and gained another 15 pounds! I know this sounds rude but its not meant to be, by your avatar pic and the pics at the start of this thread I knew you must have been really small just by the way you carry yourself and talk, when you are small and gain a little weight you think you have gotten huge because youve come a long way but really you just look like a normal person, I started this whole thing at 6 foot 135lbs and have gained about 100lbs since then, the first 60 lbs made me just look normal and I though I was big, I would walk around acting big but I really was normal. I dont think you know you have plateaud because how would you know without knowing for sure you have done EVERYTHING possible to make natural gains again we have to talk about diet and training, have you tried tons of different training regimines/recovery days/meal timing/consistancy/weighing your foods/understanding your bodys response to these food etc. I hope you can get where you want to be bro, I know you can but will you? best of luck bro and merry x-mass!
12-25-2004, 10:07 AM #47
I know I can get what I want. I am not that far from where I want to be now. Like I said I have no plans to compete, just look and feel good about myself.
12-27-2004, 09:14 AM #48
Hey anyone have suggestions on a good bi routine, I need to switch things up?
12-27-2004, 05:42 PM #49
I work back with bi's. One of my favorite routines is as follows:
Lat pulldown 4x10 increase weight by 10 each set
seated row 4x10 increase weight by 10 each set
dead lift 3x10 increase weight 20 each set
dumbell shrugs 2x10 heavy
dumbell curls 3x8 heavy
hammer dumbell curls 3x10
curl bar 4x10 (2set wide,2 set close grip) increase weight 20 pounds after first set of each grip
cable curls at head level 3x10 increase weight 20 each set
All of my motions are slow and controlled. Always squeeze and hold for a second at the top, and slowly bring the weight(s) back down. I am always amazed at some of the people I see flipping around like a fish thinking more weight is more work, and it is, but the right parts aren't doing the work.
12-28-2004, 09:46 AM #50
No one ever said anything about my diet or other stuff. I am willing to post up my routine also. A good AR member helped me develop it several months back as a growth routine for me....maybe it needs some tweaking?
12-28-2004, 09:58 AM #51AR Hall of Fame
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May wanna try the diet forum for diet stuff.
I thought you did that many months back, but I could be thinking of someone else, I dunno...........
12-28-2004, 10:13 AM #52
I will post over there. I did a few months back and got approval from most.
01-03-2005, 01:18 PM #53
Few New Pics
Hey...took these today at the gym...dont show much except for my upper chest and shoulders...I feel they are really starting to fill out and look alot bigger.
What you guys think?
01-03-2005, 02:53 PM #54
Yup it looks like your physic is making some good gains bro.
Good luck to you and do whats best for you. Lots of Bros seem to be helping you out with quality Information. Take it and see what works for ya best.
Peace out bro
01-03-2005, 02:57 PM #55
Im takin it all and listening to everything!!!!
01-03-2005, 03:29 PM #56
Cool then!! No worries!!
01-03-2005, 05:50 PM #57
youve gotten leaner in the mis section. keep up the work
01-03-2005, 08:52 PM #58
Thanks....I am working harder than ever!
01-04-2005, 12:25 AM #59AR Hall of Fame
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Can't really see shiznit brutha.
It's hard to see even half the chest........
I'd take a full frontal shot to compare to ones from long ago to judge progress.
Cutting them off like that doesn't help.
01-04-2005, 01:02 AM #60
i don't mean to be negative, but maybe its just a placebo effect kicking in for u because i do not c that much of a difference.........u may have a slight pump going for u and therefore feelin a tad bigger........don't let it discourage you from posting the progress pics.....i'm keeping an eye on this thread..................
01-04-2005, 08:33 AM #61
I just posted them up for the heck of it. A friend took a few quick shots and I knew they sucked.
I will post pics in a couple more weeks at the end of my Tren . I have posted millions of pics on this site over the past year and never hide anything. Some say I have made alot of progress, others say I haven't made much at all. I guess it's all in the eye of the beholder. But I will never not show my progress and hide behind an avatar.
I did post pics earlier in this thread of me from about 4 years ago. I think I have made alot of progress and am proud of my accomplishments.
01-04-2005, 01:47 PM #62Originally Posted by SwoleCat
01-04-2005, 02:17 PM #63
I agree
01-04-2005, 04:14 PM #64
BTW...topped out over 230 for the first time this week. Now up a good 16lbs on this cycle. Also starting to have alot of people notice my size and giving comments....feels good.
I am becoming a true believer in Swole's theory of working Legs as being the most important thing you can do. Have been hitting them hard for weeks now unlike ever before and I think it is spurring my growth everywhere else.
01-04-2005, 08:57 PM #65AR Hall of Fame
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Originally Posted by BiggerBri2002
01-06-2005, 07:21 AM #66
Anyone have a guess on my BF% from my most recent pics. Guy in the gym yesterday said I looked like I was upwards of 20-24%.....I was thinking somewhere closer to the mid to lower teens?
01-06-2005, 09:48 AM #67
lower teens are when u can see ur abs quite good. I would estimate u between 17-19%
01-06-2005, 09:54 AM #68
Well, remember that I have alot of extra skin in my midsection that kills the look of my abs....not really fat...just skin from being fat.
01-06-2005, 10:18 AM #69AR Hall of Fame
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Originally Posted by BiggerBri2002
It's impossible to tell from that.
01-06-2005, 10:19 AM #70
I meant from the pics at the beginning of this thread, the ones from mid cycle.
01-06-2005, 10:23 AM #71AR Hall of Fame
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Mmm, I'd guess 18-22% or so.
I never was a fan of bodyfat readings as they are highly inaccurate and I never understood why people care? I mean, if you look good, then why would you care what it was? As well, if you looked sh*tty, then you obviously have work to do. I don't understand why people receive comfort in getting a figure/percentage. It's how you look that matters, not what a figure/percentage is.
I've never tested my bodyfat. If I'm ripped, then the work is done. If I'm not, then I have work to do. Simple as that, for me anyhow. It just seems pointless.
01-06-2005, 11:43 AM #72
YOu make a good point...the mirror is the best measure of progress and satisfaction. I just asked cause someone threw a number at me that seemed high.
01-06-2005, 11:45 AM #73AR Hall of Fame
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You are not that high, that guy is whacked.
01-25-2005, 10:27 AM #74
Just wanted to give you guys an update. Just entered the last two weeks of my cycle here with the PROP only phase for weeks 11 & 12. My weight is staying right around 231-235 on a daily basis. So I am REALLY happy with the 15+lbs gains I have made. I will try to get some final pics up at the end of my cycle in a few weeks. I feel really good about this cycle as people started to take notice of my gains this time and didn't on my first.
Post cycle I plan on adding back in my cardio maybe around late March. Dont want to rush it to fast and see if I can settle down in the low 220's. I like making small gains with each cycle as long as I can see visible results.
On a side note, I have decided to split with my BF of 6yrs. Things just weren't working out and it is time to move on. We will probably end up being friends as we are still very close and civil towards each other.
I just want to thank all the guys on here for their support on help. I feel as though you are all my family.
01-25-2005, 11:13 AM #75
On a side note, I have decided to split with my BF of 6yrs. Things just weren't working out and it is time to move on. We will probably end up being friends as we are still very close and civil towards each other.
im confused..are you talking about your bodyfat here?
01-25-2005, 11:38 AM #76
No....my boyfriend...check out my old threads for the history.
01-25-2005, 01:19 PM #77
You've come a long way over the last year or so bro, I've been following your progress for a long time.
I think your occational lapse in motiveation comes from being somewhat endomorphic in body type. By that I mean like alot of members here, its easy for you to add unwanted fat and need cardio to keep it off, which in turn can hide your gains especialy while bulking. Take a major ectomorph like me, every last pound of muscle that I gain, I can look in the mirror and say "there it is!" lol my bodyfat is always very low so i see real time results and thats a huge motiveator
If I were in your situation I'd cut big time, you've got a very solid base to work with of over 220lbs so its not like you'd end up skinny. Once you're down to the single digits of body fat, lean bulk back up, yeah it'll take longer but you'd see the results alot more clearly and so do the people around you.
Prop, Tren , Clen and ECA/YNCA might do the trick.
Just a suggestion anyway, you just seem a lot like one of my gym buddies whos been endo his entire life, hes got a lot more bf than any of the guys we work out with but he can match them lift for lift showing that underneith hes got just as much muscle mass and any of us. But he still gets frustrated because he can't see his results but he can see ours all the time
Something to think about
01-25-2005, 01:19 PM #78
ahh that explains it. why the break up if u dont mind me askin
01-25-2005, 05:38 PM #79Senior Member
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Dude, i dont think you look fat at all. A little cutting needed here and there, but i think its good.....
01-25-2005, 05:40 PM #80
You're gay?
Originally Posted by BiggerBri2002
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