05-02-2006, 06:47 AM #1
Natural Pics,Thinking of Steroids
Hi all,
These are my natural pictures, im thinking of taking steroids , do you have any advice on what i should take, example cycles?
I should also add im 22 Years old, and been training from when i was about 15.Last edited by underworldmagic; 05-02-2006 at 06:49 AM.
05-02-2006, 06:50 AM #2
what are your goals?
Height, weight, age?
I would try and lean out a lil first bro, if you are looking to AS for appeareance, you look big in those pics, but if you want quality gains then do a little cutting first.
05-02-2006, 06:50 AM #3chinups Guest
first off your a beast
2nd let me ask you now because someone will. Stats?
Secondly If I was you I would do a hardcore ripped diet. you look to be above 200 lbs and if you lost say 10lbs of fat you would be a sick looking freak
05-02-2006, 06:56 AM #4
Thanks for your replies
Answering your questions.
Im 22 Years old, height 5ft 8, weight 231 lbs.
my main goal is to gain freaky :-) overall mass, with definition.
05-02-2006, 07:01 AM #5
mine too!!!! but AAS will not do that.....alone, diet and dedication will, then you add the AAS, get everything in check first bro and you will be well on your way to beastlihood.
05-02-2006, 07:07 AM #6
LOL!! thanks for your reply.
im guessing thats everyones goal, i understand AS are nto the answer to everything, i know some people who take them and dont train hard/eat right, and get nowhere.
I look out for my diet, and train really hard with the goal to gain mass
05-02-2006, 08:10 AM #7
god damn!!! 231 at 5'8
05-02-2006, 09:27 AM #8
mate your a beast. well done, i would have assumed you had already used steroids on more than one course. yes id say diet and cardio for afew months, get between 10-15% bodyfat, then go on a cycle of test enanthate at 500mg EW, with 0.5mg arimidex ED for an anti-estrogen. do lots of research, this site really is a godsend for people like us. and ofcourse, dont forget PCT
05-02-2006, 09:38 AM #9
Beastly get that BF down before you start jump ON
05-02-2006, 09:47 AM #10
yea bro, looking good and thick, but imo, you should be below 10% bf before your first cycle of anything
05-02-2006, 10:46 AM #11
Cutting needs to be attempted before AAS is done, if at all, you may like the results alot after a good solid cutting diet and some cardio!!
05-02-2006, 10:55 AM #12
sick fukin traps dude
youve already come this far, you should cut up before you go to the other side
this will also give you a chance to get into the routine of cardio and dieting which is a must while on
got legs? you must being 230+
05-02-2006, 10:55 AM #13
Thanks for your kind words
There are lots of people who think ive been on steroids , but ive never touched them before.
I think the main reason for this is because im vegetarian, which means i have to live on soya, tofu, and other non meat protien foods (including eggs), so thats what i mainly eat, and also protien shakes inbetween meals.
I think im about 20% bf, i think i should start doing cardio in the morning (on a empty stomoch?) for about 30 mins...that should get my metabolism going as well.
Ive just got my Anabolics 2005 book, so im doing my bedtime reading now :-)
concerning steroids, how long would gains actually last until i will have to cycle again? or does the user have to keep on taking something to keep the gains on a regualr basis?
05-02-2006, 11:01 AM #14
Define Gains? Strenght Gains or Weight Gains?? YOur weight gains will stay with proper PCT, obviously your not going to be as strong or as big when your off as when your on, but you'll still be a hell of a lot bigger and stronger then before you started, some people tend to forget that and get pissed off when they cycle off, thus they never come off cycle, BAD MOVE!
05-02-2006, 11:09 AM #15
I understand what you mean Undecided09
I was more thinking along the lines of, gains meaning mass,
I would say that im OK in the strength area, i can bench just over 265kg (1 rep) and have done 290 on squat before (1 rep), im not saying im a powerlifter, but i like to lift heavy just to prove something to myself, just to know how far i can go.
i think ill just work on the cardio
05-02-2006, 11:16 AM #16
yeah I would stay away from the juice, cardio and diet dude, diet is SO important, I've just recently learned this...You can lift as hard as you want, but if you "eat like shit you look like shit" thats the bottom line...take someone who lifts their balls off 5 days a week, but eats like shit...Then take somone who lifts 3 times a week, hour or so sessions, pretty good effort, but their diet is on point! The latter person is going to look so much better and experience such better results from their exercise....Most people think eating as what you do to give you engery to lift...Maybe we lift so that we can eat???Crazy Huh???
05-02-2006, 01:46 PM #17
You definently have an awesome base before jumping on AS. I would definently try to drop some of that bodyfat before going on. How does your diet look being a vegetarian? Probably really hard to get in enough cals and protein without meat. There have been studies that show eating soy increases estrogen though, which could hinder your ability to drop that BF.
05-02-2006, 02:33 PM #18
EcToMoRpHiAn, i guess its harder than someone else who eats meat, but i dont use that as an escuse.
Its interesting what you said about too much soy products increasing estrogen levels, i wil definatly research more into that.
05-02-2006, 05:54 PM #19
Cut up and you'll loook nassttyyy. Then think about aas
05-02-2006, 10:15 PM #20Originally Posted by underworldmagic
Yes your bodyfat is on the high side.. but imo there is a LOT of muscle there.
I think you should read up on AAS; PCT; AIs; SERMs...There's a lot info here on each topic.
Acquire an understanding of each before you concern yourself with starting a cycle.
I will say.. if your goal is to be 'freaky'.. you're on your way.
I don't agree with the cut-and-paste reply that one has to be 'x bf %' to start a cycle.
If that was the case.. the 'cutting' cycle concept would not exist.
It does however.
Bodybuilders for decades have been bulking over 20% bf.. then running compounds to retain as much lean tissue when they dieted.
Anyway.. off that topic.
Here what i want you to do:
Get your bodyfat tested; read read read (diet; AAS etc); start cardio now (cardio is a good addition whether bulking or cutting); plan your approach
and holla back at us
Welcome to the board
05-03-2006, 06:33 AM #21
Narkissos ,
thanks ill take your advice, and do more research.
what are your views on a dianabol only cycle, with milk thistle? and Nolvadex as a PCT.
Ive read that Winstrol , (i have about 500 of the Body research 5mg) winstrol is like a milder version of dianabol, but does not increase water retention, and there is no estrogen production....so would it be suitable for a winstrol only cycle for bulking?
by the way what does AI and SERMs mean?Last edited by underworldmagic; 05-03-2006 at 06:36 AM.
05-03-2006, 07:01 AM #22
ideally you should run any steroid cycle with some kind of testosterone base. any compound, be it winstrol , dianabol , anavar etc will shut down your natural HPTA (natural testosterone production) and therefore, unless you are using some form of testosterone (prop/cyp/enantate/suspension/sustanon ) you are at risk of losing your sex drive, ability to get an erection, you will likely lose your sense of well-being, and training could possibly suffer. best to run alittle bit of test in any cycle really
07-04-2006, 11:31 AM #23
A single estered Testsoterone at 500mg/wk would be best IMHO. For 10-12 weeks, followed by PCT.
07-04-2006, 12:29 PM #24
ur traps are freaky big, nice work, i agree cut up and it'll all fall together.
07-04-2006, 03:57 PM #25
Ill repeat everything everybody else has already said...
You are a beast, you definatly have a ton of muscle!
I would try to lose some BF naturally before a cycle if I were you.
07-04-2006, 04:03 PM #26You are a beast, you definatly have a ton of muscle!
I would try to lose some BF naturally before a cycle if I were you.
07-04-2006, 04:44 PM #27Originally Posted by underworldmagic
i thought you were trying to cut, now your doing a dbol only cycle? I dont really understand this rationalization.
07-05-2006, 04:22 AM #28i thought you were trying to cut, now your doing a dbol only cycle? I dont really understand this rationalization.
yea bro, looking good and thick, but imo, you should be below 10% bf before your first cycle of anything
So what i ment to say was before starting my next cycle in the future i wil make sure closer to 10%.
Looking back at the pics now, it does look like im carrying alot of fat, but its reduced dramtically now - those pics are 2 months old
07-05-2006, 03:43 PM #29
So what i ment to say was before starting my next cycle in the future i wil make sure closer to 10%.
you dont have to be exactly ten percent but when you have your diet in check and a good training regiment you shoudl be good to go
good luck bro
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