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Thread: Wat I b Needen?

  1. #1
    zemke405 is offline New Member
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    Wat I b Needen?

    Okay.. So, Im 19 yr's old and Im 6'3 and weigh about 295lbs, I have worked out since I was a little kid and have never taken any roid's, I want to lose alot of my fat and get toned up w/out losing any of my muscle mass. I can Diet and I dont want to spend a hell of a lot of money. I wouldn't mind getting more muscle but I want to lose a lot of weight, Winstrol ? Equipoise ? What should I take?

  2. #2
    zemke405 is offline New Member
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    I want abbs baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!

  3. #3
    pampama is offline New Member
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    I would try ephedrine first. Looking big in the pics . How is your meal plan?

  4. #4
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    TREN !

    well maybe not such a good idea.... wouldnt want to see a 300lb man going off the deep end while on tren.

    id advise a trt dose of test e @ 250mg/ weekly with 600mg/ weekly of EQ

    lower your cals. 45 mins of cardio on workout days.

    should help

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    diet and cardio only, get your body fat down to where you want it, then go from there.

  6. #6
    beatango2008's Avatar
    beatango2008 is offline Senior Member
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    yea I wouldnt jump on the sauce just yet. Just get your diet in check post it up here in the diet section so the bros can review it for you.
    Just remember there is no quick fix just hard work and dedication good luck.

  7. #7
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    #1 this is not a flame
    ...i dont get it, just cause this is a big dude, is it more acceptable for him to be talking about/considering juice at 19? if it was a a person who is 175 lbs...everyone would be saying "YOUR TOO YOUNG!!!"...just a double standard im noticing...

    your a big guy bro, im not much older than you, your clearly an athletic person, i still havent turned to the dark ima******ger said, you should try to refine your diet and do more cardio b4 you try any other routes. youll be surprised how much gains you can make off of diet alone.

    good luck


  8. #8
    zemke405 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pampama View Post
    I would try ephedrine first. Looking big in the pics . How is your meal plan?
    Meal plan? Whats that lol.. I realy have no diet, I eat whatever and whenever... Thats part of the problem. I want to start dieting but there are so many out there. Im not so interested in what my weight is but more my body fat %. I want a Diet where I will burn fat and not starve myself and my body start eating at my muscle. And what's wrong with someone like me taking Tren ?

  9. #9
    beatango2008's Avatar
    beatango2008 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zemke405 View Post
    Meal plan? Whats that lol.. I realy have no diet, I eat whatever and whenever... Thats part of the problem. I want to start dieting but there are so many out there. Im not so interested in what my weight is but more my body fat %. I want a Diet where I will burn fat and not starve myself and my body start eating at my muscle. And what's wrong with someone like me taking Tren?

    Because you will screw yourself up, thats whats wrong with it.
    For one you need to do ALOT more research find yourself a diet if your really serious about this and follow it. You would just be wasting your money anyhow because you would probably lose all your gains after the cycle from lack of nutritional needs. There are alot of great diets in the Diet Forum on the sticks. Use the search botton its your best friend.
    But in the end your going to make your own choice anyhow so whatever.

  10. #10
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    Quote Originally Posted by beatango2008 View Post
    Because you will screw yourself up, thats whats wrong with it.
    For one you need to do ALOT more research find yourself a diet if your really serious about this and follow it. You would just be wasting your money anyhow because you would probably lose all your gains after the cycle from lack of nutritional needs. There are alot of great diets in the Diet Forum on the sticks. Use the search botton its your best friend.
    But in the end your going to make your own choice anyhow so whatever.

  11. #11
    pampama is offline New Member
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    Do you know how much calories do you intake?

  12. #12
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    diet and cardio will be what you need to achieve your goal

  13. #13
    zemke405 is offline New Member
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    I have no clue.. I have never payed any attention to what I eat.. I just eat it lol.. I am going to start a diet in January. I was wondering, Is Winstrol one of those that you want to take in a ton of calories or u diet regularly?

  14. #14
    Renesis's Avatar
    Renesis is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you want to lose weight steroids aren't your answer. Look into an ECA stack (ephedrine caffeine and aspirin) if not look into Clenbuterol as well. These will help you shed pounds but only if your diet is in check. For diets that will help you lose will and not starve your body you need high protein and low carbs, with just under the amount of calories you burn in a day. So say you burn naturally just sitting 3k cals a day then eat 2.5k-2.7k no more no less. Go to the diet section there are plenty of example cutting diets in there.

  15. #15
    Markosterone is offline Member
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    don't use roids yet, find a good diet and you will not loose much muscle.

    I can recommend Clen is your diet is right, I have used it, and it works great when diet is good.

    try getting 3-400g protein a day, and around 100g slow carbs a day, plus 100g good/healty fats...per day...

    cardio atleast 30-60min every day. a morning walk, and some post workout cardio would do the trick.
    Last edited by Markosterone; 12-25-2007 at 09:47 AM.

  16. #16
    SkinnY&HungrY150 is offline Junior Member
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    No where close to even be thinking about steroids .

    Your a big kid, but your carrying loads of fat. Cut down to 220lbs, and see how much of a base you have before trying to take shortcuts that will do no good.

  17. #17
    mattosteel is offline Junior Member
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    dude don't post on a roid forum looking for a diet. here's a diet secret, if it has more than one ingredient in the food, you shouldn't be eating it. example's chicken, rice, potato, nuts, fish, carrots, broccoli. you get the point. and by the way, cheese has more than one ingredient in it!

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