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  1. #1
    carl08 is offline Junior Member
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    1 year of training ever....

    i am 6ft tall weight is 84kg....have been trainin on and off for a year but solid for last 4 months....age is 22 aswelll..wot could eny1 tell me to improve on as i am starting my first cycle and roughly how much would i put on
    Last edited by carl08; 05-09-2008 at 11:30 AM. Reason: want pics off

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    I know your not going to want to hear this, but your not ready for AAS.

    Looks like you could get plenty more gains through diet and natty training.

    If you did a cycle now you will put on weight, but most of it will be water.
    What muscle you do put on you will likely loose most of.

  3. #3
    teufelhundenjwa is offline Associate Member
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    I think you would be best served to go the natural route a bit longer...IMO
    Bodybuilding is a marathon, not a sprint. The body you make before going on the juice is the body you get to keep once off of it.

  4. #4
    skitz1's Avatar
    skitz1 is offline Junior Member
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    Train naturally for a longer and don't start your cycle yet. Training solid for four months doesn't mean you have a solid foundation to start a cycle. You could probably still be mixing up your routines and getting gains from that. I'm half way through my first cycle, but from what the information I've been studying, you put on as much as you put in. Good diet and heavy lifting, you'll get good gains. Blase attitude and hoping the steds will just magically transform you, you'll see less gains. Depends on what you're cycling as well.

  5. #5
    carl08 is offline Junior Member
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    how much more would you say i could gain through natty training...and how much longer to train naturally???i know it all depends on me but i feel i have my diet and training in check????

  6. #6
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    Thats a question that can't reall ybe answered bro. Its up to you and will depend on you workout, diet, and commitment. Layout your diet in the diet forum and your routine. People will give you some good advice. I have been lifting for 16 years and totally commited for three. I am also older than you to. I made great gains at your age naturally. Keepreading the forums and learn as much as you can before you even think of juicing. They are not magic pills, it takes a lot to make them work effectively. Good Luck Dude

  7. #7
    carl08 is offline Junior Member
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    just 1 thing tjm with proper training and diet how much can a guy put on per year natty....i seem to gain pretty ok not fat but muscle when im proper into not a hardgainer but i would say im not a easy gainer but in between

  8. #8
    skitz1's Avatar
    skitz1 is offline Junior Member
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    I've been training solidly for just over 6 years using legal supplements and I'm 23. Unfortunately I'd been stuck at a plateu for a year and that's when I decided to start my first cycle. I've also got awful genetics. But you'd be surprised at how using legal supplements can actually boost your gains. I'd say at least be training solidly for two years. If you've only been training solidly for four months there's no doubt that you'll still be able to gain more naturally. Don't try and take the quick route now because it'll just slow you down later on and you won't get as gains as good. One of my flatmates has started training with me for the past five months and he has pretty much exactly the same stats as you, and from what you're mentioning, a similar body type. In that five months he's put an inch and a half onto his arms, 3 inches onto his chest, increased his bench press at the start by 30kgs, his squat by 40kgs and deadlift by 30 kgs whilst putting on about 20 pounds of muscle. He did this all naturally with a good diet and good supplementation and he's still growing. Beginners gains are one of the times you'll blow up the quickest. See it out.

  9. #9
    carl08 is offline Junior Member
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    yeh skitz i know what ur sayin ya get a bit impatient and that but yeh thats why iv came here to get as much as possible i think im gonna leave it for a year at least and make the best of it naturally...i dont wana mess nuffin up i want it bang on for when i do do it so ill take the time to learn all this while im goin naturally....what sites or forums can help me on the natural side off things for now i know a bit but need more info as this forum is juice related...but ill still be on here learning as much as possible

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