Wanted to share some progress. Nov 5, 2008 I had the gastric bypass surgery due to medical illness. These were my stats.

Age- 35
Weight- 315lbs
Height- 5'10
BMI- 42%

Body fat at 13%

Ive been training since high school and the longest ive taken off from the gym was 4 years. thats when i balloned up. My current diet consists of 5-6 meals a day. Chicken, Fish, lean meats, and lots of veggies. My protein count is at about 300grams. Thinking of doing a 8 week cycle to add a little more muscle mass. Deca and Test. in the past ive used D-bol and Fina in cycles.

Heres a few of pics. This is a pic taken on the day of surgery Nov. 5 2008 at 315 pounds. The second pic was taken July 9. The third pic a week ago. and the final pic is a diagram of what the proceedure entailed. You can see the scars left by the surgery. 5 laproscopic incisions.