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  1. #41
    thickmass is offline Member
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    Mar 2002
    How is the cycle going mmaximus?

  2. #42
    BASK8KACE is offline Anabolic Member
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    May 2002

    This is the first time I've seen this thread, eventhough it has been around for about 3 months.

    You look great, bro! Nice job. I hope I eventually get that thick.

    I'm curious about your year long cycle. Would you write out the cycle for us (list the AS and doses you took)? Did the long cycle adversely affect you?

    BTW, when's the date for the wedding? You'll have to post a pic or two from the ceremony/honeymoon.

  3. #43
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    May 2002
    Hey ThickM …B8K, I have been having some ups and downs concerning my diet. I also was in the gutter after having sinus surgery which kept me out of the gym for 3-1/2 weeks.
    I'm just now getting back into the gym and can already seeing my strength coming back. It’s funny... I'm struggling with 225 for 10 reps... it kinda hurts the ego, cause 6weeks ago that was my work out weight for strength training. I would do 12 reps moderate tempo and hold at the bottom 1in above my chest for 3 seconds and explode up then go to a light weight set of 135 and do 10 sec negatives into a power hold for another 5 secondes then slowly pushing the weight up... 5 sets in total on flat... I'll be back though

    One thing that helped my recovery was the T3 and 200mg a week of propionate (100mg every 3rd day). I want to regain my strength then sit down and plan a diet clean up schedule.

    I'll log my cycle down for the past 12mo. I did happen to switch philosophies 4 or 6 months ago and changed my cycle accordingly. My main change is... previously I was experimenting with running high anabolics then switching to higher androgenic 's in my cycle and bridging each cycle with a low dose a single androgenic steroid like enanthate for 4-6 weeks (200-400mg a week)
    My new method is running a high dose cycle and then a low dose cycle as a bridge.
    My high doses aren't as high as other people though. I stay under a gram altogether... right now I'm on 500mg propionate 400mg enanthate a week, 40mg nolvadex e/d.
    B8K I will try and log my cycle for the past 12mo including the details such as HCG , nolvadex, proviron , Dopergin, Clenbuterol , and cynomel. Diet for me has been my struggle this year... I know it’s effected my growth and progress too.

    B8k, we plan on waiting to get married until she has her business degree which could be 2years. I don’t mind the time frame I just wanted to let her know that she’s the one for me and luckily her sentiments where of the same.

    The link below is my last progress pick I was leaning from 226 to 220 and very determined to stay at 220 but continue and lower body fat. Then I started have problems with dizzy spells and kept brushing it off. It turns out I had a blocked and deviated septum which lead to fluid being trapped in my sinus and then turning into a minor sinus infection. Long story short is 6 weeks ago my sinus screwed up my whole train groove and jacked up my diet... I've just now begun a more consistent training routine for about 3 weeks...

    Me now... fully recovered getting back at it @ 220 bf %(????) 5/26/03.... thx for the check up Thick and BK
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails jumping 225-227,want to make 225 my new base-5-26-03.jpg  

  4. #44
    thickmass is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    thanks for the update.

    yeah I was recently sidelined for 8 weeks getting my tonsils out. Really drains you, but I'm breathing 40% better now so more intensity in the gym.

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