Hi all,

Here is a clip of my 6 week before and after transformation (thanks to my trainer who didn't consult me first, really embarrasing).


Training 3 days on 1 day off, less than 10grams carbs per day (only from vegies) 6 times a week, high protein 200g-250g a day (Cyclic Ketogenic Diet).

1 day off a week high carbs.

I'm not sure about the cyclic diet.

Goal is to lose fat and gain some muscle for some definition.

Stats: 6ft, 95kg (209 pounds), 19%-20% body fat currently.


6 x per week

7:00am 1 x OxyElite Pro Capsule
7:30am Protein shake 30g-40g protein
9:30am Half chicken (skin included)
12:30pm 2-3 cans of tuna 18g protein each can.
3:30pm 250g chicken brest, 100g vegies
5:30pm - 4 x whole eggs
7:00pm - Workout
8:00pm - Protein shake, teaspoon creatine 30g-40g protein
9:30pm - 250g steak and 100g vegies
11:30pm - 2 x tuna can 18g protein each (may skip this at times)

Day off is pretty much the same but will have bread, pasta, and musly bars added to each meal but no real consistancy on a weekly basis carb wise.

My main question is about diet, what do you guys think is best to lose fat and gain muscle for someone with my build?

Most of the stuff I read online about cutting phase include consistant carbs through out the day but just at a lower rate, is this a better way?

Thanks in advance.