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Thread: Physique Critique (what I need to work on most)

  1. #1
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    Physique Critique (what I need to work on most)

    Let me first say thank you so much for any all advice and you taking the time out. Please give your thoughts on which areas need the most work. I definitely need to gain weight which is what I'm going for. I am currently 164-166 fluctuating. 5'10.

    Gimme a day to get that cleaned up, sorry.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20141228_200934.jpg 
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ID:	154507
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Physique Critique (what I need to work on most)-20141229_185507.jpg   Physique Critique (what I need to work on most)-20141229_185454.jpg   Physique Critique (what I need to work on most)-20141229_185422.jpg   Physique Critique (what I need to work on most)-20141228_200953.jpg   Physique Critique (what I need to work on most)-20141228_195717.jpg  

    Physique Critique (what I need to work on most)-20141228_195643.jpg   Physique Critique (what I need to work on most)-20141229_185727.jpg  
    Last edited by AllKindsOGains; 12-30-2014 at 08:32 AM.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You just need to add size and overall mass, you are building a good base but you just need more size which will come in time. You need to work on the diet and eat some solid foods and get rid of those shakes and you need to take some rest days out of the gym and learn that you grow outside the gym. See how your weight is in 4-6 weeks time and if it hasn't changed you need start changing things up
    AllKindsOGains and SEOINAGE like this.

  3. #3
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    Looking hella solid to be in mid 160's @ 5'10"

    Just add mass - If you want, eat more - train less

  4. #4
    hawk14dl's Avatar
    hawk14dl is offline Senior Member
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    Look pretty good dude. To me, upper chest looks like it could use some more concentration. And add some width to your lats.

    Other then that, just more mass. You're building a pretty good base. When you get to cycle age you'll be good to go

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
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    My neck hurts now.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  6. #6
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    ^^ lol.

    First, you need to learn to rotate your pics before uploading them.

    Beyond that, you're looking good, and if you stay consistent, you'll make great progress at your age.

    To echo what others have said, I don't see any one particular area or muscle group lagging behind. Just work on bringing up overall mass. I'm 5'10 and around 193 in my avi, however from what I can see, you'll look MUCH better than me with ~30lbs added to your frame.

    Note - stay lean bro. Don't go stuffing your face and getting fat just to try and 'force' a few lbs of muscle. It comes over time, and lean mass gains don't occur in a linear fashion. Trust me, it's MUCH easier to maintain a lean physique than to work down to one from being a fatso.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post
    ^^ lol.

    First, you need to learn to rotate your pics before uploading them.

    Beyond that, you're looking good, and if you stay consistent, you'll make great progress at your age.

    To echo what others have said, I don't see any one particular area or muscle group lagging behind. Just work on bringing up overall mass. I'm 5'10 and around 193 in my avi, however from what I can see, you'll look MUCH better than me with ~30lbs added to your frame.

    Note - stay lean bro. Don't go stuffing your face and getting fat just to try and 'force' a few lbs of muscle. It comes over time, and lean mass gains don't occur in a linear fashion. Trust me, it's MUCH easier to maintain a lean physique than to work down to one from being a fatso.
    That's what I've always strived for, is leanness year round. I won't say that that hasn't holded me back, because it has. The first place I gain weight is my face, so I hate eating like a slob. Advice on how much weight to gain how fast would also be appreciated. Thanks so much everyone! Sorry for pics I got a new phone and they uploaded that way.

  8. #8
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllKindsOGains View Post
    Advice on how much weight to gain how fast would also be appreciated.
    Well, that's really not something you have control over. Your body is going to put on weight (lean mass) based on:

    Genetic predisposition
    Drugs - which I hope you're not considering as of yet

    Most novices will be lucky to put on a few quality pounds of muscle per year. That's why I always laugh when guys talk about how they gained "30 solid pounds" during their bulk. Yea ... 29lbs of fat, 1lb of muscle. Then they'll lose 5lbs of muscle trying to lose the fat. But, I digress.

    Just continue to train and eat properly, don't be overly concerned with 'how much' weight you're gaining; be concerned with the fact you are progressing. If you maintain leanness and are gaining weight, then you're doing something right.
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  9. #9
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbrice75 View Post

    Most novices will be lucky to put on a few quality pounds of muscle per year. That's why I always laugh when guys talk about how they gained "30 solid pounds" during their bulk. Yea ... 29lbs of fat, 1lb of muscle. Then they'll lose 5lbs of muscle trying to lose the fat.


    Been there, done that

    It worked - sorta

    The way you're going about it OP is the "proper" way - As far as drugs, you been oh here long enough - you know what's what & when

    But, getting beastly fat isn't cool - But, adding LBM takes a high cal diet, the higher the cal the more we tend to throw in additives.

    Shit, man - if you stay this lean & get to like 185+ you'll look big as fvck

  10. #10
    gbrice75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Shit, man - if you stay this lean & get to like 185+ you'll look big as fvck
    That's what I told him! Look at his rear double bi where he says he's roughly mid 160's, then look at my avy where i'm around 193 - we're the same height. Tell me he isn't gonna look MUCH bigger than me at 185!! lol

  11. #11
    zempey's Avatar
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    With some patients and dedication it will happen. Start trying to swap out supps for whole food and your gains will be more solid. No matter what people say, calories aren't calories, if that were the case I could gain a ton of muscle from the beer calories, but that isn't going to happen. You look good, and you are young, keep at it and one day you will look back on this and laugh.
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  12. #12
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey
    With some patients and dedication it will happen. Start trying to swap out supps for whole food and your gains will be more solid. No matter what people say, calories aren't calories, if that were the case I could gain a ton of muscle from the beer calories, but that isn't going to happen. You look good, and you are young, keep at it and one day you will look back on this and laugh.
    Yes and no IMO

    Calories aren't calories < that's a fact

    But, shakes sure do serve their purpose

    Most of us can't just pull them out of our diet. I can't- I need too much protein and just can't afford a few pounds of fish per day.

    But, I always agree - lean clean food is better than a sup < we just can't always do food over a shake. But, keeping the food to sup ratio higher will def help enough.

    Shit, I remember when I was 169 - I looked like stick figure - I'll trade you genetics for size. Sounds square to me. Lol

    I am 200++ now and pretty lean - but, I just don't have that density that I see on OP or other guys.
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  13. #13
    zempey's Avatar
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    I agree supps have their place, I just like to see more food based calories over shakes. I have at least 3 shakes a day, but at 270lbs it is very hard to hit my goals with just food. I like casein protein before bed, I use whey and oats before and after the gym, and if I find myself hungry or behind schedule, I will hit a shake to get me by. Just don't base your diet on supps, use them as what they are supplements.

  14. #14
    SOL!D5NAK3's Avatar
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    nice body, 165 aka 75 kg was my max natural weight(shorter than you 175 cm just as lean thow). but i got tired of not gaining anymore muscle and did a cycle.
    but you can get heavier natural 170-175lb maybe?! just don't rush into anything and plz don't buy supps anymore they won't do anything except that nice placebo effect.

  15. #15
    ctcrunch is offline New Member
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    Add mass, you have a good base.

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