have been training/competeing in Figure for almost 3 years now...have been natural but looking for a little help to get back into my routine. Last competed in May 2012. Past three months have not been able to keep my 5/days routine and clean eating. I was injured(piriformis and wrist) and also had a daughter who was hit by a car. She is fine now, but I am not quite. Gained 10lbs, I know its not a lot but it feels like it! Used to being 12-15% bf....probably around 19-21% now I am a mom of 3 with a husband who works a lot. I am really burnt out from everything that has happened in past couple of months. But I am ready to get back to business! Needing energy boost. Have only used caffeine as a helper. Here to find some other suggestions and see what other females use to keep themselves going