Week 1 Oxandralone 2.5mg per day (low, but wanted to really safe)
Week 2 Oxandralone 5mg per day/25mcg T3 (cut up the OX 1/2 am 1/2 pm)
Week 3 Oxandralone 10mg per day/50mcg T3 (One OX in the a.m one in the p.m)
Week 4 Oxandralone 15mg per day/75mcg T3 (1.5 OX in the am and 1.5 OX in pm)

So far she has had absolutely no sides except (as she calls it a severe breakout on her face) a pimple on her chin. She has had very very slight clitoral enlargement which I know will go away after her cycle. It was hard for her to have an orgasm before (or maybe it was my performance) now she has a few everytime we have sex. She seems a little moody at times, not a big deal. Her strength is going up significantly and she is right around 2000 calories per day.
She wants to lean down, but add 5-7lbs of muscle with this cycle. We've gotten her a trainer five days per week and have recently changed her workout routine to a three day split. She's doing 40-60 minutes of cardio everyday with two days off. Usually in the am on a empty stomach. can she overtrain on Var?? What would you ladies suggest in terms of calorie intake, workout routine and cardio... When it comes to food and shakes $$$ is no object.
How long does it take for the results to become noticeable?? Her strength has already gone up significantly. We have alot more var so how much longer should she run it and should she remain at this dose?? I don't think going up in dose would be a very smart idea.
Week five her T3 dosage drops to 50mcg, week six her T3 dosage drops to 25mcg and week seven it drops to 12.5. I have boughten yohimburn and have used it a couple times on her thighs, lower abs and love handles. How many times per day does she need to use it??
At the end of her cycle to block cortisol from building up I will be giving her some clenbuterol . I know to act as a cortisone blocker for a male it is in the area of 140mcg. What is the dosage for a girl?? I also have some ketotifen which is supposed to allow a smaller dosage to be taken with better effectiveness.

Her Stats:
3 years of natural training/cardio
Her eating could have been a little better, but improved her eating 100% (total turnaround) for a month prior to starting the cycle.
5'5 122 lbs. She has a nice body, but I have no idea of BF%. Wants to lose fat in Thighs/Ass and add some muscle density to those areas as well.