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Thread: Hey there!

  1. #1
    bikeracer is offline New Member
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    Hey there!

    I'm the proud new member of this forum. To get started, I live in Colorado and I am a cat 2 road bike racer. I've been racing for 18 years and I just turned 40 so I'm also a masters class racer. I first started a steroid plan last spring. Nothing too hardcore since drastic weight gain is counter-productive to the sport. So I tried a cycle with 50-60mg of oral stanazolol (winstrol ) and damn in less than 2 weeks, I was riding like I did when I was 30. the bummer is the potential liver trauma it causes so this year, I'd like to try the depot since I heard that instead of passing through the liver twice, it goes through once. Are there any other competitive cyclist out there?

    Last edited by bikeracer; 03-19-2008 at 11:08 AM. Reason: my little icon dude was giving the finger. how rude.

  2. #2
    STEROIDMD's Avatar
    STEROIDMD is offline Associate Member
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    Welcome Bro. You could also try primobolan depot or equipoise . I've used both with great results for just overall getting in shape, indurance up, and looking shredded. Good luck.

  3. #3
    bikeracer is offline New Member
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    I heard that equipose can still cause some weight gain. Is it better than test cip or test prop? also my contacts have vanished since I haven't bought anything since last summer, and I don't want to get scammed like I did more than once last year as a newbie. I'm down to my last hundred winstrols. I'm not soliciting, just looking for advice.


  4. #4
    STEROIDMD's Avatar
    STEROIDMD is offline Associate Member
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    You may gain a few pounds on eq but that probably depends on your diet and how you train. If you're not lifting heavy weight and eating a lot of calories you won't gain much. Eq is definately better IMO than test-c, test-e, or test-p for your purposes bro. Much less sides (gyno, water retention, acne, ect...).

  5. #5
    bikeracer is offline New Member
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    thanks MD

    My diet is actually pretty good. I've been dropping my carb intake drastically so my body will go into ketosis for fat loss. But it's harder to do the older you get. I have a lactate threshold test next week followed by a VO2 max test two day's later so I need to up the carbs. My first serious race is in 3 weeks. On a personal note; why is it so hard to find gear these days? Last year I had very little difficulty (sort of). I did get burned by some overseas scams but I found some legit suppliers through some reliable sources as a member of ******** forum. It seems that everyone but me has a source. What am I doing wrong. I know there was that Chinese sting last year, but did that have that big of an effect. I had 2 suppliers that all but vanished. So now out of sheer desperation, I bought fake winstrol (winny-v) from SDI-Labs yesterday so in a few days time, I'm going to get a bottle of crap in the mail that I hope I can refund. I've become stupid in my desperation. I wish someone can throw me a bone. As you may know, there are alot of drugs being used in the cycling industry, and they are all very tight lipped with good reason. It only takes a few people to mess up and ruin it for everyone one else. I also wonder if it's where I live that makes it harder. Does everyone who have connections live in Florida? Both of mine did. This is very disconcerting. Do you have any advice?

  6. #6
    STEROIDMD's Avatar
    STEROIDMD is offline Associate Member
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    I wish I could just give u a source bro, but that ain't the way it works. My advise is to do some research on line. There r some good ones out there. In the meantime get your post count up and u can have someone do a source check for u by pm. Don't rush into buying anything from just anyone and if someone just offers u a source...its likly to be a scam. Dudes don't just offer up there truted sources to people they don't know for obvious reasons. Good Luck Bro!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    welcome btw

  8. #8
    Peducho0113 is offline Senior Member
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    Welcome bro

  9. #9
    bigboomer's Avatar
    bigboomer is offline Associate Member
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    welcome bro

  10. #10
    mastertech's Avatar
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  11. #11
    Peducho0113 is offline Senior Member
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    Welcome aboard

  12. #12
    tbaylight26 is offline Junior Member
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  13. #13
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    SaSqUaDgE is offline Senior Member
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