I've been spending quite a bit of time reading on here before I decided to register. I only wish I had found it a bit sooner and maybe I wouldn't have gotten burned by another site. Oh well, once bitte, twice shy right? As per the instructions i'll keep my questions for the other threads. As for me, I very briefly dabbled with winni with extemely good results, then towards the end of my first cycle I was involved in a very bad accident. Doc said if I wasn't in such good shape they would have written me off. Anyway, i'm not trying to go all 6 million dollar man on you guys but after a 6 month stay in the hospitol and another 2 1/2 months being bed ridden and wheel chair bound it's safe to say that I feel like a stick figure. I've since moved and lost contact with my winni source and haven't found another as of yet. I've always been fit with or without winni but definitely like the edge that I had when I was on it. I don't mean to be volgure but, I never had problems in the sac before, but you know that commercial that says you should call a doctor if you have an erection longer than 4 hours? Well I called someone,.....but she wasn't a doctor!(she dressed like a nurse once.....anyway, i'm rambling) One question I do have is what is meant by asking about sources? Does this mean don't ask where you can find certain/specific stuff? So then, awesome and infinitely informative site so far. I hope to get good help from all of you.