Hello everyone!

I'm a new member and a first timer. I'm the skinny guy who was the same size from about the 10th grade to about the age of 25. I've finally began to fill out and I'm currently 161 lbs, but with approx 25% - 30% body fat. I'm on a good high protein/low carb diet, and I'm working out, with a light routine, beginning with 30 mins of cardio, curls, push-ups and ending with another 30 mins of cardio. But, I want quicker results. So, I'm here looking for some advice from experienced users or from members who were in my shoes not too long ago.

My friend, told me I should start by taking Anadrol , but I'm thinking that may be too harsh for a first timer. Plus, I don't want to stack at this point yet. Should I start with Deca 200? Or what about Winstrol ? I want something that will build my muscle but won't have too many negative sides, or hell, no sides at all would be great. I appreciate yor feedback and if you can, let me know how much dosage of what product(s) to use. Thanks in advanced guys!