Hey guy whats up? So i have been looking around this site for a while and its really helpful and gives really good information and i wanted to thank everyone on here for that! So i Have been thinking about starting a cycle but... Iam only 20 Years Old and 5'5" tall and 200 LBS. I've been lifting since i was 17 but never really had the body to show for it. Iam not really big like fat i guess you could say iam really stocky i have big shoulders big chest little bit of boobies cause of the extra weight. Thats what brings me to my problem i have always been kinda big like had fat over my muscles the only things that doesnt look fat is my arms those are cut! LOL! so my big problem is my chest and gutt!! Some people said to stop lifting and just do cardio and diet because iam just building muscle under fat! I wanted to try A50 to just get big and solve my problem! i know some of you guys are like thats not how it works! Any Advice guys?!?!? please. Iam sorry for my long intro! Thanks guys!