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  1. #1
    BrnstrM is offline New Member
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    May 2010

    Hello all, currently in Texas. Trying to recover from serious injury...


    Where to begin...well I have been working out to include lifting weights since Pee Wee football. Played through college so I was mostly a lifter and not much of a cardio guy. After school entered the military where I needed to be in much better shape so in addition to lifting began to focus on total fitness.

    This culminated in Iraq in 2007, where at 6'1", 230 pounds I was not only at my strongest (315 bench, 425 squat, mid 5s on the deadlift) but was also in insane cardio shape, and was breaking into the sub 12-minute 2 mile. As for bodyfat, I never really cared about being ripped, although with my fitness level it was relatively low. Most important, I had no issue whatsoever wearing my body armor and equipment for up to 12 hours a day, and even in the extreme heat never tired.

    However it would not last, as a few months into my tour I was severely injured by a roadside bomb. My left leg was mangled and my abdomen torn apart. I had to have a colostomy for awhile (thankfully reversed) although my stomach now looks like a jigsaw puzzle.

    My left leg is a story on its own. I have been fighting with it for over two and a half years and am really not much better than where I started. I am still on active duty while I continue to try and resolve my health, and with the nature of this website I need to be discrete, so I cannot get too much into my injuries or my personal details. However I came here really prompted by the difficulties I am having with getting back in shape. I lost most of my soleous, so I am interested in the new therapies out there to grow new muscle fiber. My leg in general is terribly weak, and PT is really kicking my butt - probably because my hemocrit and testosterone are both the low end (testosterone panel just came in in the high 300s - definitely no where near what a 27 year old atheltic male should be). Where doctors on the outside might be willing to help me out (I mean this is as legit as it gets) as I am still in the military the ones I am required to go through cannot help me pursue cutting edge pharmaceuticals and thus I am forced to go at it alone. BTW now I am at around 205, definitely at a much higher bodyfat than in the past (although I still have an athletic build in clothes) - to be honest though I don't care too much about bodyfat as long as my shape is good.

    Anyway as for my experience, I did an experimental "baby" stack just once back in college - just 8 weeks of sustenon. Really I was just looking for something light to compliment the supplements I was taking - in fact in Iraq all I did was pretty much the same supplements and they worked pretty well - cell tech, 2x myoplex deluxe a day, NO2, leukic, gakic, and maybe a few others here and there. Anyway good results, although it was such a relatively low dose it could have been everything else; and no side effects beyond minor injection area acne.

    Anyway I am going well beyond the scope of introduction. Again just wanted to say hello and look forward to learning from you all and hopefully I can get back on my game!
    Last edited by BrnstrM; 05-04-2010 at 09:50 PM.

  2. #2
    6ft5's Avatar
    6ft5 is offline Member
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    Hello! I'm in TX too. Thank you for your service man! And sorry to hear about your injuries.. This place is fullll of info. Best luck!

  3. #3
    j4ever41's Avatar
    j4ever41 is offline Senior Member
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    welcome bro! Thank you for your service and sacrifice brotha,keep ya head up and stay strong man. So the military docs will not prescribe TRT for you even though you qualify for it? I was injured in the military as well and the damn docs damn near screwed me up worse than the injury,i finally got my ass to a civilian doc and it was like night and day,anyway man best of luck to you,sometimes the road can be long and hard but hang in there it will get better,keep a strong mind.
    Last edited by j4ever41; 05-05-2010 at 02:24 PM.

  4. #4
    Jimmy 'B' is offline New Member
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    (from the first Gulf War)


  5. #5
    shredhead's Avatar
    shredhead is offline New Member
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    welcome B&J and thank you for your service...hope it all works out

  6. #6
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    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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