New guy would appreciate some help/advice. Will make long boring story short - just ask if you want more details.

Starting feeling poorly around 40-41. Did not think much about it at first, but it kept getting worse and worse. By 45 I had gained 75lbs and was falling apart.
I tried running to lose weight but it would make me sick if I did it regularly. Only thing I could do was walk which was better than nothing but not by much.
Things kept getting worse- I woke up in a fog every morning. I have never been one to go to the DR, but I was at the point where I didn't have much choice.
Dr says I have all the symptoms of metabolic syndrome and Low T. I have been on TRT for a month and a half and at 47, I feel like 17 again. I can run again and in 1 months time went from running about 200 feet max to over 2 miles now.

I have read that hair loss is very common after starting on T. But everyone said it started around 8-9 months to a year after TRT. I suspected something was happening after a month and now at 6 weeks I can see that I have an outline of a male pattern baldness "circle" forming in back. My concern is the speed that mpb has appeared and wondering if this is a sign of something bad health wise?
Have you ever heard of MPB appearing so quickly and was it a sign of something going wrong? I can deal with baldness as long as it means I am not getting cancer at the same time

Dr says I HAVE to lose weight asap and she is wanting me to consider more drastic action of surgery but I want to try to do it myself first. Running is working - already lost between 10-14 lbs, but I am wondering if there are other exercises that a newbie can do that will give me max weight loss.? My weight is all concentrated in my belly. I will worry about getting toned later, just need this weight gone fast.

Thanks and appreciate any info on those 2 questions...