Hello all. Just want to start off saying this is a great forum with a lot of good info. I have been reading up for the last month on some of the stickies and have actually put off a dbol , tren e and test e cycle just until I get more knowledge. I'm 27, 84kg at about 16%-18% body fat, 175cm. Training for about 8 years but only the last 3 half decent. My goal for now is to hold on to as much muscle that I can and drop to about 10%. I'm on a low carb meal plan for the past 8 months and have gotten good results so far and my body works well on higher fat intake. I'm a construction worker (ceramic tiler) and I think it's a pretty active job as we always have to work quick (we get payed per square meter not per hour) so I calculated my BMR at 2500. Look forward at advice .
