Hello All,

Just came aboard to try to get some information on TRT. Active 65 year old in good shape. Retired high school science teacher. Blood work is excellent, weight is good. No health issues whatsoever - other than low T and the symptoms associated with it. Was a long distance runner for nearly 25 years before a series of ankle injuries put me out of the running - so to speak. Never pumped iron but did my own weight and gym routines to stay in shape. Not much of that now. Intend to start up again, now that my energy is returning from TRT that my urologist put me on back in October 2012. (Taking low dose Cialis and Flomax for BPH) But he never tested to find out if I had primary or secondary hypogonadism. Likely secondary considering my age.

Been reading this forum for awhile and learned a good deal. Thanks to you all!

Need some help with this:

- Short of traveling to Reading, PA to see Dr. Shippen, I'm looking for a good MD in my area (I live in Queens, NYC) who knows what he or she is doing regarding TRT. (Lot's of BS clinics online and it gets me tired just looking at them!) I'm eager to get HCG therapy to see if I can get my own motor running to some degree - get testicles back to normal size and sperm production going. Not planning a family at this late stage but I miss what I had.

- I heard that there is an HPTA "reset" protocol. How difficult is it to go back to the beginning and start something like this? When I spoke to my urologist about HCG, he was not enthusiastic. Said he uses clomophene and not in men my age. He's a good young doc in his late 30s, but he's got his own way of doing things and that's why I'm looking for someone who really wants to know his patients' concerns and listens.

Looking forward to your replies. Thanks!