Hello everyone!

I'm here to learn all i can about everything. I have done two cycles, i am 24 years old. Did 2 cycles back to back...probably not a good idea. but oddly enough kept all my gains.

Bio Before 2 Cycles
Age 23
Weight 170
Clean and Jerk - 200
Squat - 250
Front Squat - 185
Snatch - 135...
Bench - 185

After 2 cycles
Age 23
Weight 205ish
Clean and Jerk - 295
Squat - 425
Front Squat - 335
Snatch - 235
Bench - 300
Strict Press - 205

My work capacity was through the roof and almost everything remains to this day a slight decrease in strength due to relocation but I will resume FULL training in about 5-6 day so I think I can have it back in a week.

For my cycles I Did

250mg Test E for 13 weeks
Did the cycle with a buddy without researching
Did nothing for PCT like an idiot except goat weed...

then immediately jumped on a

1000mg test e for 10 weeks
2 shots a week

Only PCT was HCG
Cant remember how long because i was a lab rat for my buddy and was consumed with my training..

Ended up keeping everything I gained strength wise and have been off for about 5-6 months now and would like to start learning everything I need to do myself because i feel I could be a lot stronger than i am now. I do strictly CrossFit and am looking to compete. I can make it to regionals as of now but its not hard to tell the top competitors are using something. If not they have got some EXTREME genetics but I dont believe that.

I have been reading a lot on HGH and heard it does tendon and ligament strengthening and stacked with test can be diabolical. i did however notice a slight decline in my work capacity but it could be because i was so gung ho about my strength gains i didnt really care. Well now I do and am looking to make the most out of my future cycles. I want veins popping out of my arms like a spiderweb!! But I seek performance over all else. Aesthetics are not what I am after. Sorry for the short essay and HI THERE.

Has anyone had any experience with HGH?