Hello all. After thoroughly researching gear/pct on this forum and others I've put together my 1st cycle based on the researched compiled by respected forum members and logic regarding safest noobie cycles. My priority here is safety. However, I'm looking for validation before proceeding further.


When I did this research the dosages were based of off 500mg of Test E for 12 weeks. I cannot no longer find who said/wrote this but (I remember these guy's were also experienced and rich with knowledge and said that that 'Test E peaks (or matures) if that's the correct terminology around weeks 5-8...but that around the 10th week it's bio-availability starts to diminish and makes no sense to run it for 12 weeks.... even though it's a longer ester.

From the reading I've done the only argument made not running a minimum of 500mg of test e for 12 weeks is limited gains/waste? Is that really the case? Wouldn't 300mg (1 pin per week) be enough for a first timer? It seems some just clearly think the more the better - which isn't the case.

I would like for those who are knowledgeable to chime in. Is there anything under/over dosed. Does the time frame look legit? Same goes for the anti-astrogens- are the dosages too high for just 300mg of test e/week?

My stats:

Age: 27
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 198
BF: ~8%
Lifting/BB Experience: 3 years

I've competed and won in natty comps. I've have thorough knowledge on dieting, contest prep, training, etc..... no meathead issues here but that's besides the point. Looking to branch out and take the physique to another level.


Weeks 1-8: Test E - 300mg
Weeks 1-8: Arimidex (EOD) - 20mgs
Weeks 1-10: H.C.G (x2/week) - 250IU
Weeks 11-12: Novladex (ED) 20mg & Clomid (ED) - 100mg
Weeks 13-14: Novladex (ED) 20mg & Clomid (ED) - 50mg


Weeks 1-12: Test E - 300mg OR 500mg
Weeks 1-12: Arimidex (EOD) - 20mgs
Weeks 1-14: H.C.G (x2/week) - 250IU
Weeks 15-16: Novladex (ED) 20mg & Clomid (ED) - 100mg
Weeks 17-18: Novladex (ED) 20mg & Clomid (ED) - 50mg

Is the scheduling of the weeks correct or are they amiss?


Blood Pressure:
Hawthorn Berry: 1g (E.D) w/ a 2 week pre-loading.

NAC - N Acetyl L Cysteine: 2-3g (E.D)
Milk Thistle: 1-2g (E.D)

Prolactin Inhibition:
Vitex/Angus Castus: 800mg - minimum?

Let me know what you think.