Hey whats up. 33 recent former Army SF medic.
I am looking for some good positive and constructive
input from some pros... I prefer to learn from those
Who know what theyre doing.

I fell out of shape soon as I got out of the army.2011
And I decided to get back into shape. 2013
I wound up roomating with someone who cycles.

I did my first cycle for 7 weeks
Started with half cc . Worked up to 2cc 2x\week
A Test Sustanon mix with Primobolin stacked 1 part each(2 part stack). I ended it about 9 weeks ago. Im ready to now start over.

I didnt have any side effects other than acne on the back of my arms
Which ive been prone to before without test...but it went awaafter 2 weeks. I didnt notice the results till week 6 and 7. My final weeks. I should have went with a test P and Test Sustanon
Stack I think for immediate results and for the long term.

So I only did 7 weeks because I moved and ran out
Of product and didnt know who to get from .
I didnt have any pct but thank god im totally fine....
Probably because it was my first time and primobolin
Supposedly has less side effects.

This time I am doing something different:
.5 cc each of a 4 part stack that will not exceed 2cc 2x/wk
When combined. Test P, Test Sustanon, Deca , Trenbalone( has great reviews)
4 parts divided .5cc eac. Injectable

And a very very small amount of winnie oral version.
And a little bit of clenbuterol once a week (not everyday as suggested) because of everything else im doing.

How long should I cycle for? 8 wks or 12 weeks?
AND what side effect blockers should I use and what PCT
When im done?

This is my 2nd cycle
I am 33 former military in super good health
I seem to be immune to hair loss whatsoever I had thick hair
That wont move.
I weight 190 mostly all muscle but I do have a slight gut
Everything else is solid. But I could lose 10 lbs of fat.
I have bones that support it all broad shoulders barrel chest
Decently big boned.
I am 5'8 , 190. I dont do much cardio...though maybe I should
But someone made me nervous about cardio because it raises
Cortisol with makes you age super quick and eats muscle tissue
And wares your knees supposedly but maybe thats bs ?

Last question a friend of mine is going for trina or is tirinabol
Says it has a high anabolic output and less androgenic

Excited to hear feedback from pros.