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  1. #41
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    dude they bombed out the roads.
    Roads are part of the infrastructure.....When arms supplies are coming in from Syria, this is exactly what they should have done. Common sense.

  2. #42
    Bigen12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    maybe in some cases but in many they didn't, and anyways it's a moot point because they bombed way north in places like beirut that are nowhere close to hezbollah control.

    The Israelies only bombed the southern suburbs of Beirut, which was part of the areas where the leflets were dropped.

    FYI I have a friend who lives there, who confirmed this info for me.

  3. #43
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigen12
    The Israelies only bombed the southern suburbs of Beirut, which was part of the areas where the leflets were dropped.

    FYI I have a friend who lives there, who confirmed this info for me.
    That doesn't matter Bigen, JSN still will not believe you. It goes against his current world view. Even if he were there, he still wouldn't believe it.....

  4. #44
    singern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    maybe in some cases but in many they didn't, and anyways it's a moot point because they bombed way north in places like beirut that are nowhere close to hezbollah control.
    I think your clearly missing the big picture:
    Israel didnt start this war, Hezbolah started it by crossing international border into Israel and killing and kidnapping Israeli citizens. All Israel wanted was the safe return of its citizens, and to be left alone, this shouldnt be terribly difficult to understand.

    Lebanon is now paying the price for allowing the cancer of international terrorism to flourish and take hold in there country. Sleep with dogs, wake up with fleas..........
    Last edited by singern; 12-09-2006 at 06:49 PM.

  5. #45
    Bigen12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    then it talks about lending support to palestine i don't consider that to be so incredibly bad considering the continued and internationally illegal israeli occupation of places like gaza.

    I read this statement as you don't mind Iran's support of Hamas, because their actions are based on Israeli actions.

    I am curious if you are still in favor of Iran's support of Hamas, after this event....

    KHAN YOUNIS, Gaza Strip - Hamas gunmen fired on demonstrators from the rival Fatah movement on Tuesday, wounding four people and intensifying fears of a new wave of Palestinian infighting following the deaths of three children in a drive-by shooting, officials said.

    The demonstration was organized to protest the deaths of the children, whose car was riddled with bullets as they were driven to school Monday morning. Fatah officials have accused Hamas of being behind the shooting. The children's father is an intelligence officer who is considered an enemy of Hamas.

    Saleh Hammad, a local Fatah leader, said the demonstration was peaceful, though he acknowledged that some children had provoked the Hamas militiamen by throwing rocks at them.

    "Even if one or a few children lost their temper and stoned the members of the unit, this is not a reason to be fired at," he said.

    Islami Shawan, a spokesman for the Hamas security unit in the area, denied his men had fired on protesters.

    "Our personnel didn't fire at any demonstrations in Khan Younis. Our personnel were attacked by shooting and stones," Shawan said.

    Hospital officials confirmed four people were wounded. The demonstration quickly dispersed, and there were no further signs of fighting.

    The factional violence was the first since Monday's shooting, which increased fears of an explosion of violence between Fatah and Hamas.

    Gaza has been plagued by escalating lawlessness and sporadic street battles between the factions since Hamas defeated Fatah in January parliamentary elections. The tensions increased over the weekend, after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas threatened to call new elections.

    On Tuesday, a top aide to Abbas said the president will announce his intention to hold an early vote in a major speech on Saturday. But Abbas is not expected to announce a date for the election, giving negotiators more time to reach a deal with Hamas.

    Abbas has been trying to form a coalition with Hamas in hopes of ending international sanctions against the current Hamas-led government. Western donors cut off hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to the government after Hamas took power, demanding the Islamic group renounce violence and recognize Israel's right to exist.

    Hamas, which is committed to Israel's destruction, has rejected the international conditions. The sanctions have caused widespread hardship throughout the West Bank and Gaza.
    Or is it ok to deliberatly kill children, as long as they are Jewish?

  6. #46
    SMYL_GR8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    That doesn't matter Bigen, JSN still will not believe you. It goes against his current world view. Even if he were there, he still wouldn't believe it.....
    I never argue politics b/c this type of pseudo-communication is what tends to occur, but why you gotta bash JSN b/c he has a differing opinion? I don't see him insulting you but you've got to call him dumb etc.? He has no common sense b/c he doesn't agree with you? Try acknowledging and disagreeing respectfully and maybe you can find SOME middle ground.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMYL_GR8
    I never argue politics b/c this type of pseudo-communication is what tends to occur, but why you gotta bash JSN b/c he has a differing opinion? I don't see him insulting you but you've got to call him dumb etc.? He has no common sense b/c he doesn't agree with you? Try acknowledging and disagreeing respectfully and maybe you can find SOME middle ground.
    Obviously, I am not the only one calling his opinion into question. If I tell you that 2+2=4 and you deny it, then I would call your opinion into question as well.............BTW, there is no middle ground here to achieve.

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