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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    No you didnt prove anything, only repeated the same baseless hateful crap over and over without a bit of substance. The idea that you and your "reliable" sources are privy to intel so sensitive it would bring down the most powerful governments on the planet, not to mention the most secretive organizations ever created, is not only laughable but makes you a fool for even considering it to be legitimate.

    Equatable to Aliens, and Elvis at the Dry cleaners
    Are you retarded? My sources are the groups themselves...The AEI, PNAC, World Bank are all wide open organizations with websites...

    You denied Wolfowitz controlled the world bank, I proved you wrong, with a link to the world bank website...

    again before you compare my claims to aliens, What have I claimed that you would like like me to prove???

    And where do you get off calling me hateful? My father is a jewish-american as are my grand parents, they are all incredibly intelligent people, and they all agree with my "wild conspiracy" claims.
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 01-23-2007 at 11:20 AM.

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicedOUTbrain
    Are you retarded? My sources are the groups themselves...The AEI, PNAC, World Bank are all wide open organizations with websites...

    You denied Wolfowitz controlled the world bank, I proved you wrong, with a link to the world bank website...

    again before you compare my claims to aliens, What else would you like me to prove?
    You believe you proved anything, and you think IM retarded.
    Im off to have tea with the Ayatollah (who by the way is a closet Catholic) Honestly I read it in the Enquirer.

    You win.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    You believe you proved anything, and you think IM retarded.
    Im off to have tea with the Ayatollah (who by the way is a closet Catholic) Honestly I read it in the Enquirer.
    You win.
    Your a joke...wipe the drool of your keyboard and open a book

  4. #84
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    ROFL singern could be shown a video of wolf blitzer and joe lieberman telling condoleeza rice her stance on the israel-hizbollah war and would respond with, "i could pull a video like that out of thin air to prove santa clause too" omgz that's so anti-semetic.

    those tables and articles came from a number of sources, including a couple of jewish ones.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    singern could be shown a video of wolf blitzer and joe lieberman telling condoleeza rice her stance on the israel-hizbollah war and would respond with, "i could pull a video like that out of thin air to prove santa clause too" omgz that's so anti-semetic.

    those tables and articles came from a number of sources, including a couple of jewish ones.
    Show me that video, but dont post an article and claim it to be legitimate government intel.

    Show me substance, but dont post opinion and claim it to be written by god.
    Last edited by singern; 01-23-2007 at 08:13 AM.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicedOUTbrain
    Your a joke...wipe the drool of your keyboard and open a book

    Yes I am, do you feel better......
    Now please post something substantial that proves your statements,, or STFU
    Last edited by singern; 01-23-2007 at 08:47 AM.

  7. #87
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    Im not going to keep wasting my time...

    All I said were most of our foreign policy was being written by pro-israeli groups, think tanks. I supplied you member lists from the webistes of these groups, links to their policy papers, and of Bushs cabinet (cross reference them yourself)..

    I also said that Wolfowitz was president of the world bank...goto and check it out for done here...

    If you actually took the time to watch the movie i linked, youd see that these things are not some "conspiracy", they are common knowledge and openly addmitted around DC.

    but your obviously so frozen in your current mindset that you cant comprehend simple facts...

    Show me that video, but dont post an article and claim it to be legitimate government intel.
    I dont know how it is in Israel, but here in the US we have transparent government...There may be other things going on behind the scenes, but all the things I claim are out in the open (for anyone who takes the time to find out), and that is why bush has been purging AEI members from his cabinet...that is also why AEI members are risigning (because of bushs handling of the war)...

    Im done here...
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 01-23-2007 at 11:19 AM.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicedOUTbrain
    I dont know how it is in Israel, but here in the US we have transparent government...There may be other things going on behind the scenes, but all the things I claim are out in the open (for anyone who takes the time to find out), and that is why bush has been purging AEI members from his cabinet...that is also why AEI members are risigning (because of bushs handling of the war)...

    Im done here...
    You are correct it is a transparent government, so be realistic.
    President Clinton couldnt get away with a blowjob without the entire nation up in arms, court time, investigations, and an impeachment.

    Now you tell me the Government of the United states, the world bank and other national and world bodies are controlled by the State of israel, and nobody has anything to say about it, not one investigation or crisis.

    So now you tell me that the Autobiographies, and tabloid like columns you posted are in some way meant to be taken at face value just because you and others who share your ideology chose to believe in them.

    Sorry to burst your bubble.
    Last edited by singern; 01-23-2007 at 08:59 PM.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    Now you tell me the Government of the United states, the world bank and other national and world bodies are controlled by the State of israel, and nobody has anything to say about it, not one investigation or crisis.
    So Paul Wofowitz isnt the head of the World Bank? Paul Woflowitz isnt pro-Israeli? He doesnt have dual citizenship?

    AIPAC is not the largest political action committee in the US? AIPACs agenda is not the current agenda of the US media? Off-shoot groups like MEMRI dont examine the media for "anti-Israeli" or "anti-semetic" comments?

    PNAC and AEI didnt outline our foreign policy? There members aren't pro-israel? The policies wern't written in 1996 for Israel?

    What exactly do you disagree with?

    Not using this as evidence for or against what I claim...but, IF zionists, israelis, and pro-israeli PACs really did control the US gov't and, then wouldn't your question be self explanitory? Why would they investigate themselves?

    Once again, I will ask you I prove any of the things that I've stated false...

    not one investigation or crisis
    AIPAC is under investigation...And there are other investigations going on related to former PNAC members, such as the lewis libby trial...
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 01-23-2007 at 09:43 PM.

  10. #90
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    Quote: but, if zionists, israelis, and pro-israeli PACs really did control the US gov't and, then wouldn't your question be self explanatory? Why would they investigate themselves?

    Dont you see that your own words inject a fantasy scenario

    Even if Paul is pro Israel so What? Where is the evidence that he puts the good of Israel above all else?
    Even If the US government is pro Israel so What, Where is the evidence that the government puts the interest of Israel above that of the US or anything else?

    Hell, I am pro Chicago Bears, but that doesnt mean I will sell my children to go to a game.....Of course what you stated is all false, Just because you are anti Israel doesnt make any of this crap worth the time it takes to write it.
    Last edited by singern; 01-23-2007 at 09:31 PM.

  11. #91
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    Dont you see that your own words inject a fantasy scenario
    Im trying to word it from your POV, so you may be able to swollow some of it...

    Where is the evidence that he puts the good of Israel above all else?
    His policy papers are for "Israeli Strategic Objectives". Read em'

    Even If the US government is pro Israel so What, Where is the evidence that the government puts the interest of Israel above that of the US or anything else?
    How has the War in Iraq benefitted the US exactly? The oil pipelines are being built into Israel...Iran and Iraq were threats to Israel, not the US.
    Just because you are anti Israel doesnt make any of this crap worth the time it takes to write it.
    So your saying your opinions are equally as worthless because you live in Israel, right?

    I am anti-israel (anti- zionist to be specific) because you spread an infectious level of misunderstanding, ignorance and hate, the same exact reason I hate extremists of all colors and religions. But I expect more from a western "civilized" country...
    I am pro Chicago Bears
    Figures...You dont work for them, do you? These people do, your comparing apples to oranges...

    Once again, America's in the hole its in because of Israel, and our corrupt politicians! And The controlled media has allowed it to happen, by not being the watch dog that we rely on in a "democracy".

    People like you who think that nothing is going on behind the scenes, and take everything your government says at face value, feed the beast...

    Im not saying that all "conspiracy theories" are true, or that everything we're told is lies. But for gods sake, take what we KNOW and connect the dots:
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 01-24-2007 at 12:09 AM.

  12. #92
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    singern quit pushing for a parallel to the protocols of the learned elders of zion. any given lobby group, government, trade organization, bank, is driven by a number of forces. the issue is whether those forces are healthy for a) the united states, and b) the world community.

    when we have the pharmalobby creating policy where we the taxpayers fund medical research, then the pharmacrop's patent the drugs and sell them without any controls, that does not benefit the taxpayer.

    on the same token, if you have a pro-israel lobby pressing for american tax money subsidizing israel who then use it to effectively destabilize the middle east, we're pissing money away.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    when we have the pharmalobby creating policy where we the taxpayers fund medical research, then the pharmacrop's patent the drugs and sell them without any controls, that does not benefit the taxpayer.
    Good point.

    The FDA is run by the food and drug companies. Our energy policy was written by the big energy companies that got bush elected(Enron, Worldcom)Enviormental policy was influenced by the biggest corporate polluters, and our foreign policy papers were written by the israeli lobby and supported by big oil, big defense, and big reconstruction. Many other sectors supported it aswell because Iraq was "virgin territory" for capitalism.

    If you dont believe this stuff than you dont know your history. Read up on the military-industrial complex, and war profiteering. These things aren't new but Iraq was definitly one of the bigger mistakes...

    on the same token, if you have a pro-israel lobby pressing for american tax money subsidizing israel who then use it to effectively destabilize the middle east, we're pissing money away
    This is my favorite profiteering method. We give 60% of or foreign aid to israel....and around 65% of that is aid earmarked to be spent on weapons from the US. The more tax dollars we give to Israel, the more goes into the pockets of big defense. Most politicians and lobbyists own stocks in these very same companies...just a perfect example of how they profit off of their decisions and our problems...
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 01-24-2007 at 08:03 AM.

  14. #94
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    yes completely. i can't wait until there's a robot slave world economy so we can get past this permanent antipathy/fleece the sheep system.

  15. #95
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    Sorry gentlemen. You shot your own argument in the foot when you injected the hateful ignorance of "the elders of Zion" as a reference. Why didnt you just say Heil Hitler and be done with it.
    Its like karma, True colors and intentions always come out in the end. Yours are now obvious to everyone.

    Oh and by the way is anything we should know about you two (JSN, juicedOUTbrain) at "".
    Last edited by singern; 01-24-2007 at 11:24 AM.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    Sorry gentlemen. You shot your own argument in the foot when you injected the hateful ignorance of "the elders of Zion" as a reference. Why didnt you just say Heil Hitler and be done with it.
    Its like karma, True colors and intentions always come out in the end. Yours are now obvious to everyone.

    Oh and by the way is anything we should know about you two (JSN, juicedOUTbrain) at "".
    Typical Israeli, calling us anti-semetic because I question your countries actions...In case you didnt notice, i question the US gov't as well, I must hate WASPs too...

    I am half jewish, and reject your grandparents are russian jews and i have family in israel. My grandparents agree with me that the creation of the israeli state was not a great idea. Are you going to call them anti-semetic too?

    i dont blame israel for everything, i just dont exlude them from being part of the problem as you do...

    we can agree to disagree on that point, but please dont call me anti-semetic, or compare me to hitler...he was the most evil man to ever walk to earth, and he has much more in common with countries like the US and Israel (punishing the whole of a people, for the actions of a few) than people like me and JSN who are advocates for peace and understanding...
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 01-24-2007 at 07:00 PM.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicedOUTbrain
    than people like me and JSN who are advocates for peace and understanding...
    sorry but your posts do not reflect this, rather an unyielding agenda to discredit an entire nation based on hypothetic scenarios.
    Last edited by singern; 01-24-2007 at 07:42 PM.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    sorry but your posts do not reflect this, rather an unyielding agenda to discredit an entire nation based on hypothetic scenarios.
    ANY statement made against israel is racist, or terrorist propaganda to you...Its this unwillingness to hear the other side that leads to your blatent lack of understanding.

    Look at how mad you get after a civilian dies in a rocket attack. Your country has killed many times more palestinians in a country a 5th the size. Add this with the excessive poverty, lack of education, lack of human rights...

    Are you that surprised that these people are ****ing angry and desperate? Is it that hard for you to understand that your defense actions are making things worse for you?

    Bottom line, anyone who sees this injustice and speaks of it is not racist, or a terrorist, and i would appreciate if you left the name calling out of it...if you have a problem dispute my argument....
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 01-24-2007 at 08:59 PM.

  19. #99
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  20. #100
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    Anyway, back on topic...

    Video: Wolf Blitzer at AIPAC conference gets the smackdown by Dr. Norman Finklestein

    Blitzer got

    Now watch the introduction "honest news broker" wolf gives to david duke...

    Wolf Legitimizes David Dukes claim of zionist media

    notice, even though thousands of people share this view, a former klansman is the only one to make it on the air...ask yourself why that is?
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 01-24-2007 at 11:25 PM.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicedOUTbrain

    Look at how mad you get after a civilian dies in a rocket attack. Your country has killed many times more palestinians in a country a 5th the size. Add this with the excessive poverty, lack of education, lack of human rights...
    Bottom line, anyone who sees this injustice and speaks of it is not racist, or a terrorist, and i would appreciate if you left the name calling out of it...if you have a problem dispute my argument....
    But I am refuting your argument whole heartedly, It is not my job to disprove a conspiracy theory, it is however your job to prove it. You have showed no proof at all, only posting "he said she said", Videos of people stating opinions, and autobiography’s and insist this to be proof of some world wide conspiracy.

    And you say I’m angry?

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    But I am refuting your argument whole heartedly, It is not my job to disprove a conspiracy theory, it is however your job to prove it. You have showed no proof at all, only posting "he said she said", Videos of people stating opinions, and autobiography’s and insist this to be proof of some world wide conspiracy.

    And you say I’m angry?

    Your making me extremly angry!...Ive asked you 5 times, and ill ask you 1 more time...What spefic claim do you have the most trouble believing? I will prove it...although i know no matter what i post wont be good enough...

    Its so funny you just dismiss these things as conspiracy theory, they are FACTS! What the hell kinda shit is your press turning out over there...

    Your own prime minister admitted that Israel controlled america!

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicedOUTbrain
    Your making me extremly angry!...Ive asked you 5 times, and ill ask you 1 more time...What spefic claim do you have the most trouble believing? I will prove it...although i know no matter what i post wont be good enough...

    Its so funny you just dismiss these things as conspiracy theory, they are FACTS! What the hell kinda shit is your press turning out over there...

    Your own prime minister admitted that Israel controlled america!
    You just said it yourself, "claim" I can claim that Satin lives in a penthouse with Santa Clause in Manhattan, I challenge you to prove me wrong?

    Dont get angry. My press is your press, I see the same cable news you do. I just dont take hearsay at face value. It also helps if you dont mix a predisposition to hatful propaganda with reality.

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    You just said it yourself, "claim" I can claim that Satin lives in a penthouse with Santa Clause in Manhattan, I challenge you to prove me wrong?
    You are blind...stop wasting my time...

    I never claimed there was a zionist conspiracy to control the ****ing world...I said that Israel is controlling america (through the media, and various PACS)...Your prime minister Aerial Sharon, has stated this fact on the Israeli radio station Kol Yisrael....although zionist media intimidation groups like CAMERA have denied this.

    AIPAC is the biggest and most influencial lobby in the US-FACT

    The Bush administration is dominated by Israel-Americans (AEI, PNAC, Hudson Institute)- FACT

    The media in the US is monitered by MEMRI, CAMERA and the ADL-FACT

    The Iraq war was "an imprantant Israeli Strategic Objective"-FACT

    you would rather argue about words than the point I am obviously trying to make...

    I claim you're a moron, and your own posts prove done here
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 01-25-2007 at 07:10 PM.

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicedOUTbrain

    The Bush administration is dominated by Israel-Americans (AEI, PNAC, Hudson Institute)- FACT

    The media in the US is monitered by MEMRI, CAMERA and the ADL-FACT

    The Iraq war was "an imprantant Israeli Strategic Objective"-FACT
    I think you're confusing Fact with Opinion...

    Fact = something that actually exists; reality; truth:

    Opinion = a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

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