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  1. #41
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Yeah by american standards I dont think I am right leaning either. But by swedish most defenetly.

    But if a section of the democratic party in one part of the usa has completely different views compared to another part of the country is it even right to say it is the same party? It seems kind of stupid

    There are certain districts that are very liberal or conservative. So, each party will put up a candidate they think has the best chance of winnning. If its a conservative district the democrat running will have more conservative views then normal and vice versa.

  2. #42
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    Yeah by american standards I dont think I am right leaning either. But by swedish most defenetly.

    But if a section of the democratic party in one part of the usa has completely different views compared to another part of the country is it even right to say it is the same party? It seems kind of stupid
    both the democrats and republican are pretty right-wing, they just use different rhetoric to gain votes to get campaign money to get elected to get shit done to use public money to live big and to get fat jobs are lobbiests, think tankers, ceo's, etc. when they came out. they kind of play a good cop-bad cop routine where the dem's are these bleeding hearts and republicans are free market/strong defence. it's such a joke like wen bish and kerry were running against each other they differed on very few issues, kerry had gone along with almost everything bush pushed through hsi first term, they both had all kinds of corporate money behind them from the same interests, they were both from families controlling many billions of dollars, and they were effing cousins!

    it's definitely not uncommon for a candidate to say 2 completely different things to different audiences though that's for sure. also due to jerrymandering democrat and republican districts tend to be pretty concentrated. that way you have a very hard time getting third parties in like the libertarians or green party.

  3. #43
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.S.N.
    both the democrats and republican are pretty right-wing,

    You have to be joking. If JFK were alive today, and held the same views, he would be right of the most conservative Republican in congress.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    You have to be joking. If JFK were alive today, and held the same views, he would be right of the most conservative Republican in congress.
    Undeniably! I was shocked by his statement as well............I think that we have another socialist in here.

  5. #45
    juicedOUTbrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    If you think that FOX is out looking for smear against Obama, as though they would prefer Hillary, my only suggestion would be for you to put the Kool-aid down before it totally rots your teeth........This is a classic Clinton move, period.
    Actually Hillary and Murdoch seem to be forming quite the alliance...He's sponsorisng a fundraising event for her in July...


    Im shocked awell, but who knows the true reasoning behind it...
    Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 01-22-2007 at 01:48 PM.

  6. #46
    3Vandoo's Avatar
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    Seriously I look at Obama and Clinton
    and now I start to Like Bush!

  7. #47
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    You have to be joking. If JFK were alive today, and held the same views, he would be right of the most conservative Republican in congress.
    that didn't make sense but if democrats were so incredibly left-wing wouldn't they have raised the minimum wage to something like $20 an hour which is considered a living wage? or wouldn't they try to reform the IMF? or wouldn't they have all voted against the war in riaq? or wouldn't JFK have become best friends with castro and held him up as a beacon of leftness for other western hemisphere states to follow? i'm surprised pinko jfk didn't send troops into vietnam to hug the VC's to tell the truth.

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