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Thread: Fair & Balanced
02-08-2007, 12:43 AM #1
Fair & Balanced
Our good neo-conservative friend who owns Fox News Channel, you know the "fair &Balanced" one admitted today in Switzerland in front of cameras that the Fox News agenda was to help bring the Iraq war to fruition. On msnbc it was reported tonight, although the actual voice recordings won't be available for a week. This just proves how fair & balanced they really are. News Corp is losing its base as these neo-conservatives fail again and again and again.Fox News Alert: Sean Hannity and Bill Oreilly are secret gay lovers; follow up, both have been in rehab now for 3 weeks and are deemed heterosexual again...yay
Story here edited by DTBusta; 02-08-2007 at 12:50 AM.
02-08-2007, 02:20 AM #2
I believe there was a lawsuit brought about, a fews years ago to Fox news about the slogan fair and balanced...The lawsuit failed because the term balance was so debatable and open to many interprutations..Maybe now someone could bring a successful suit against them, and stop the mislabeling as propaganda as news...
Murdoch has finally confirmed what many of us already knew.
02-08-2007, 07:46 AM #3
News isnt news anymore, its big buisness.
If fox feel they can make more money by beeing neo con supportive its just good buisness for them. If people are so stupid to rely on one source of news exclusively then thats to bad.
02-08-2007, 10:17 AM #4Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern
02-08-2007, 10:24 AM #5
Karnyfysikern, I have to apologize for calling you stupid in the previous thread.Your right any of those theories no matter how much they point to some sort of truth, it doesn't mean they are all truth.
02-08-2007, 06:17 PM #6Originally Posted by DTBusta
We basically supported the Bush policy in the Middle East…but we have been very critical of his execution."
02-08-2007, 08:10 PM #7
C'mon Logan, you can't actually believe any news company is 'fair & balanced'. I know you are a devout conservative and no one is disputing that Fox news is number one, but c'mon, it's obviously very right-wing, republican, conservative leaning and you know it!!!!
02-08-2007, 08:21 PM #8Originally Posted by Logan13
Reporting that IAEA, or weapons inspectors didnt find anything is news...Or reporting that the UN is against the war is news...saying we should goto iraq to help america is opinion...
the first two were facts, the last was opinion, which is what fox is best ati know you agree with that opinion, but that doesnt mean you should report it as news, hear what im sayin
02-09-2007, 11:10 AM #9Originally Posted by juicedOUTbrain
02-09-2007, 11:12 AM #10Originally Posted by BgMc31
02-09-2007, 12:13 PM #11Originally Posted by Logan13
You just cant understand thats its not what they say, but what they dont say that counts...They dont have to state thier opinion, they just have to leave stories out that are inconvenient to the agenda they are pushing. And when those stories are shown, the important ones are downplayed.
They may have opinion on, but they ARE a news channel...And whether you accept it or not an owners opinions will influence the news he shows...
And they come out against those things because the majority of thier viewers want them to. They cant be pro-immigration, because thats thier consevrative viewers first target. They also do bush a favor by making excuses for him instead of showing the real reason bush wont secure the borders...because of corporate pressure...
And standing up for the execution of the war is equally as unpopular because almost 70% of americans oppose it...The only thing more important to them than their right wing agenda is keeping the ratings up, IMO...Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 02-09-2007 at 12:57 PM.
02-09-2007, 12:46 PM #12Originally Posted by Logan13
I actually watch Fox on a regular basis. That is how I formed my conclusions. I watch the O'Rielly Factor and Hannity and Colmes on a daily basis. All I see is O'Reilly and especially Shawn Hannity bashing Dems and lately they been trying to bash potential Democrat presidential hopefuls.
02-09-2007, 09:21 PM #13
Fox News isn't journalism my friends. They outnumber the dems 3 to 1. Find that at Neilson!
02-09-2007, 09:30 PM #14
what are you talking about. I've done better then watch fox for a couple weeks. What do you think we aren't educated on this subject? Your barking up the wrong tree if thats the case.The case could be made that Fox News is right-wing propaganda and rightfully so. Cnn and then msnbc follow closely behind. Lets just remember who owns who okay? I own a business an I tell my employees what to do, so no response with well the journalists are liberals or any of that crap, cause with Fox News we specially know this to be un true. Those half witted retarted cool aid drinkers don't report, they read off a tele prompter just like our one an only wmd mr bush. These people are clearly told what agenda to set and thats it. The rest is easy, like I said before they read off of telepromters. As far as Oreilly goes, he can go lie about awards he won, luffas he stuck up his ass or any other crap, hes just a pothetic puppet that thinks hes hot shit. Hannity just interupts anyone with a good point, cause thats the only time he needs to speak. And colmes is one ugly toned down centric dem that if was seen in public with that troll Gretta...everyone would say " ahh whats that lady doing with that ugly dude" Fact is Fox News is good at spinning specially with the "no spin zone". How come it is that everything they say is the opposite of the truth? Kind of like our President, everything he's done or said has been the direct opposite of what he said was supposed to be the outcome.Neocons and their puppets blow.
Last edited by DTBusta; 02-09-2007 at 09:35 PM.
02-09-2007, 09:38 PM #15
Oh sorry Logan I didn't buy Oreillys "Factor for Kids" does that mean Im not entitled to say Fox News=Bull Shit? I have an Oreilly Factor "No Spin Zone" door mat, that is a collectable does that count?
02-10-2007, 04:37 AM #16Originally Posted by DTBusta
02-11-2007, 07:33 PM #17Originally Posted by DTBusta
Percentage of Party Members Watching Specific Cable News Channels
CNN 28%/19%/22%
Fox News 21%/35%/22%
MSNBC 12%/10%/12%
02-11-2007, 07:35 PM #18Originally Posted by DTBusta
02-11-2007, 08:15 PM #19
What does this have to do with anything? If anything Logan it just proves what I was saying.You of anyone should know how the corporate owned media works as a filter. Fox News draws them in with the color graphics and reality tv feel. As people get educated they move on to cnn only to see how that is just mediocre but still is nationalistic. Then like me get so sick of it and turn on keith olberman on msnbc. Yes msnbc had the most educated interesting pundits of all but none the less is still the same as fox. Same talking points, same stories, same timelines.And overwlemingly your statistics still show a spike for republicans on fox news diet.People who watch Fox News don't know what they are watching.From the Fox News Alerts every 2 minutes to the right wing slanted opinions it greatly outweighs any other news source. The statistics you show don't prove anything except for what we already know and acknowledge. Show me some statistics on the Iq's of the people who watch each news source and then I believe we will start to get somewhere.
Fox news republicans still out number dems as guests 3 to 1.Last edited by DTBusta; 02-11-2007 at 08:31 PM.
02-11-2007, 08:17 PM #20
So Im a registered republican. I believed in the party before this administration turned it into a neo-con fest. Greta isn't in anyway political. She doesn't or isn't allowed to throw here opinion around in offense like hannity or Oreilly which we both know dominate their "news" hours.
any dem on fox news is just a "food source" character assasination to feed its young who have gotten stuck on the channel.Its almost like a drug, a republican nationalist just sits there watches what the dem says and than waits to applause the hero of the day republican borderline fascist who comes on next with such a bravado to character assasinate or make it sound so rediculous what the dem was going to say. Please dont compare or automatically think im a dem or liberal. Do you like Lou dobbs. They dont get anymore conservative than that man. That man sounds like a liberal though bashing Bush every day on his policies. He does it with merit though. See lou is a true ultra conservative republican who donates all his campaign tributes to the republican party in the past but is sooo fed up with Bush that he has turned on them. Lou wants a fiscally responsible, border stopping government. He hasn't gotten that, therefore Bush has alienated what conservatives stand for as far as Lou is concerned.Last edited by DTBusta; 02-11-2007 at 08:29 PM.
02-11-2007, 08:34 PM #21
Bush is registered a conservative republican. What is he conservative on? The budget, war spending,immigration, nope none of these, so what is he a conservative on?
02-11-2007, 10:06 PM #22Originally Posted by DTBusta
02-11-2007, 10:08 PM #23Originally Posted by DTBusta
02-12-2007, 12:08 AM #24
You don't know what your talking about. I am a registered republican. And last time I looked at a questionaire there were specifics..Even if not,Bush is a registered republican. He calls himself a conservative...are you saying this isn't true? The only thing I didn't post a link to is the 3 to 1 rep to dem I learned from a study and a movie OUTFOXED, you should watch it sometime.
As a matter of a fact don't tell me what to do, Im not going around and saying false things. Most of the time I do link when needed. What the hell was I supposed to link to Bush's registration? Hes a registered republican and hes a self-pronounced conservative...btw you still didnt answer what
hes conservative on linky.
theres the source, can you answer that question now?Last edited by DTBusta; 02-12-2007 at 01:32 AM.
02-12-2007, 10:43 AM #25Originally Posted by DTBusta
02-12-2007, 11:51 AM #26
what are you talking about, that link backs up my argument, just like your endless pro republican only links.That is fact my friend, a study from media mtters. They consistently have more republicans on and that is just one example. Its okay to have opinion on a forum(backed by fact aka studies), not in the news.
02-12-2007, 11:55 AM #27
Your a clown loser. I can agree with some of your assesments but you have opinions that you use here. I dont use them as fact unless they can be backed up just as you do.
You still haven't answered the question. I asked you a question. What is he conservative on?Just answer it okay? And that link backs up what I said 1 to 3 reps to dems on fox news and media matters is a reliable source.
02-12-2007, 12:52 PM #28Originally Posted by Logan13
Originally Posted by DTBusta
Fox news republicans still out number dems as guests 3 to 1.
Please post your supporting documents to this, as your opinion just does not do it for me. As a matter of fact, please start posting links to support that which you portray as fact........
From Fair
The numbers show an overwhelming slant on Fox towards both Republicans and conservatives. Of the 56 partisan guests on Special Report between January and May, 50 were Republicans and six were Democrats -- a greater than 8 to 1 imbalance. In other words, 89 percent of guests with a party affiliation were Republicans.
On Special Report, 65 of the 92 guests (71 percent) were avowed conservatives--that is, conservatives outnumbered representatives of all other points of view, including non-political guests, by a factor of more than 2 to 1. While FAIR did not break down the non-conservative guests by ideology, there were few avowed liberals or progressives among the small non-conservative minority; instead, there was a heavy emphasis on centrist and center-right pundits (David Gergen, Norman Ornstein, Lou Dobbs) and politicians (Sen. John Breaux, Sen. Bob Graham, Rep. Christopher Shays).
As a comparison, FAIR also studied the one-on-one newsmaker interviews on CNN's Wolf Blitzer Reports over the same time period, and found a modest but significant tilt towards Republicans, and a disproportionate minority of guests who were conservatives--but in both cases, there was far more balance than was found on Special Report.
Of Blitzer's 67 partisan guests, 38 were Republicans and 29 were Democrats -- a 57 percent to 43 percent split in favor of Republicans. Thirty-five out of 109 guests (32 percent) were avowed conservatives, with the remaining 68 percent divided up among the rest of the political spectrum, from center-right to left.
Only eight of Special Report's 92 guests during the study period were women, and only six were people of color -- making for a guest list that was 91 percent male and 93 percent white. Wolf Blitzer Reports was hardly a model of diversity either; its guests were 86 percent male and 93 percent white.
Special Report's guests who were women or people of color were strikingly homogenous in ideology. Seven of the show's eight female guests were either conservative or Republican, although women in general tend to be less conservative and more Democratic than men. Although African-Americans and Latinos show an even more pronounced progressive tilt, five of six people of color appearing on the show were either conservative or Republican; the sixth was an Iraqi opposition leader championed by congressional Republicans. (On Wolf Blitzer Reports, nine of 15 female guests were conservative or Republican; four out of five of the show's American guests who were people of color were non-conservative.)
I would consider Special Report one of the more fair shows on Fox News, and as DT said, Greta doesnt discuss politics...
Opinion show, or not, Special Report portrays itself as a "News" program...The only liberal stories they put on are in the "grape vine" section implying they are rumors, and the rest of the show is fact...the bias is so obvious its not even funny...Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 02-12-2007 at 01:18 PM.
02-12-2007, 01:41 PM #29Originally Posted by juicedOUTbrain
02-12-2007, 04:59 PM #30
I already did post the link from media matters that proved my point on rep to dem guest statistics. None of us our fooling our selves if we just admit Fox is biased. So are the rest of them. The other ones are just toned down and slightly trying to win over a different crowd for marketing purposes. But for the record that link was posted showing fox news guests are overwelmingly republican.
02-12-2007, 06:39 PM #31Originally Posted by DTBusta
well, I would have anyway.
02-12-2007, 08:26 PM #32Originally Posted by Logan13
02-13-2007, 01:38 PM #33Originally Posted by juicedOUTbrain
It is going to make many of the lefties in here cringe.........damn I can't wait. Everyone bashes Bush and traditional values, now it's time to turn the tables on them. aaaahahahahahaahaha!
FNC takes satire out for spin
Fox News Channel is airing two pilots of Joel Surnow's "The ½ Hour News Hour" to test the market for a right-leaning satire show.
FNC is testing the concept on Sunday nights. The first episode will air at 10 p.m. Sunday and repeat the following Sunday. The second episode will air at the same time March 4.
The show, which stars comedians Kurt Long and Jenn Robertson, owes quite a bit to "Saturday Night Live" segment "Weekend Update" in both format and spirit. The "newscasters" will take a story of the day and then spin it to a comedic extreme.
"We're calling it news with a sense of humor," said Surnow, producer of Fox's "24." "It's a show that satirizes the targets that have been missed by the mainstream satirists on TV."
One seg discusses the timeless popularity on campus of T-shirts bearing the iconic image of Che Guevara. "We spin it into a campus T-shirt salesman who also sells T-shirts of Mao and Hitler," said co-producer Manny Coto.
FNC will promote the show over the next few weeks and see what kind of ratings it produces in a typically sleepy timeslot for cable news. Ratings will determine whether the show is picked up.
Surnow, a personal friend of Rush Limbaugh, said he hopes to get some promotion for the skein on conservative talkradio over the next few weeks.
Surnow initially pitched the concept as a latenight skein for the Fox television network, which passed. He took it to FNC topper Roger Ailes, who liked the idea and committed late last year to a trial on Fox News Channel.
"You can turn on any show and see Bush being bashed," Surnow said. "There really is nothing out there for those who want satire that tilts right."
02-13-2007, 07:55 PM #34Originally Posted by Logan13
I really thought Glenn Beck calling Disneys, Happy Feet "part of the gay agenda" was pretty funny...honestly
"So cindy sheehan walks into a bar right, than some muslim blows her up!" Hahahahaha...i seriously cant wait.
Ill watch it on sunday Logan...well talk about it monday...should be interesting to say the least...Last edited by juicedOUTbrain; 02-13-2007 at 08:10 PM.
02-14-2007, 12:20 AM #35Originally Posted by juicedOUTbrain
02-14-2007, 09:46 AM #36Originally Posted by mcpeepants
Buchanans a straight shooter, along with Lou Dobbs, and even Joe Scarborough to an extent, IMO...
They all have an allegance to the conservative agenda, not a single man...And this preident counldnt be further from the true conservative agenda...
Glenn Beck is the closest thing on TV to a nazi, IMO...remeber when he asked Ellison, "How do we know your not a terrorist?" Blatent racism...Before 9-11 he would have been fired...
Preach your opinion for all I care, but keep the hate, and bigotry away from such an influencial platform as TV...
02-14-2007, 10:04 AM #37
Glen Beck out does Hannity as far as his blatant rascisim goes. However Hannity hides it a little bit. They are both full of themselves.And full of something else.
Dobbs is a true ideological conservative. I agree with Dobbs ten times more than Bush, cause real financial conservatives know what they are talking about.
02-14-2007, 12:17 PM #38Originally Posted by DTBusta
02-18-2007, 12:41 PM #39
I said hannity hides it. Glen Beck straight up asks people. Hannity I have to agree with you Logan hasn't once from what I can find has said anything rascist. But Bush himself hasn't either. His grandma has made rascist comments and Bush him self has said things to the effect of "The have and the have nots"(him being the haves... and lau***ng). Not that this is rascist but it seems to bring the prejudices out in these people. Ill search for an example Logan but he shows signs with his comments, for now I conceed.
02-25-2007, 10:22 PM #40
We can clearly see how Faux News feels about its fellow Americans by airing that half hour new promo last week. What a bunch of bigot, rascist, homo-phobic, sexist disgusting people. Mann Coulter would be great as a Vice President..btw everything she said during the promo was exactly what her party and people did to Iraq...its not funny either, its sad, 600,000 are dead from what they claim is a mistake and what I say is a LIE>.
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