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  1. #1
    Tock's Avatar
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    Broadcast from the Democrat's President Debate -- What do you think of this guy?

    Last edited by Tock; 07-09-2007 at 03:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Coop77's Avatar
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    I think he's got about as much chance of being president as I do.

  3. #3
    Tock's Avatar
    Tock is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nevertheless, this is the first presidential candidate I've seen that has a rational approach to the drug problem. It's an approach that every anabolic -popping member of this board ought to appreciate, too . . .

    What this guy wants to do is treat addiction as a medical problem, instead of sending addicts to prison for umpteen years. Ya, if you develop an addiction, you can either buy from your underground supplier, or you can go to a doctor and get a prescription for meth, heroin, whatever. But if you get a prescription, you end up on a gov't list, and they'll badger you to go through rehabilitation.

    The upshot of all this is, it pretty well eliminates the entire drug underworld. Given a choice between buying from crooks and risking jail, or from the local pharmacy, most people (not all) would probably transfer their business to a less risky source. It would also mean that everyone on this board could once again go to their local doctor and get a prescription for Test and D-bol and get medical monitoring without risking jail time.

    It would also eliminate the funding source that keep the drug lords in Columbia & Mexico in business; fewer people would run afoul of those bast--ds. It would lower taxes in the US, as less $$$ would need to be spent on monitoring illegal drugs, fewer people would be incarcerated (over half the prison population are in jail on drug charges), addiction in the general public would go down, millions of lives would be improved.

    Anyone want to argue that the US drug war has been successful?
    I didn't think so.

    Seems to me that this guy is the only candidate with the right approach to this problem. I'm sure that lots of guys will vote for other candidates who want to throw AS users into jail, maybe even some of y'all who read this post.
    But me, even though he's a looooooong shot in the election, he's got my vote.

  4. #4
    kfrost06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    But me, even though he's a looooooong shot in the election, he's got my vote.
    Good, I like when democrats through their votes in the trash. Nixon used to fund third party candidates for the same reason.

  5. #5
    Coop77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    Good, I like when democrats through their votes in the trash. Nixon used to fund third party candidates for the same reason.
    He's not a third party candidate. He's a democrat running in the primary.

  6. #6
    Tock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    Good, I like when democrats through their votes in the trash. Nixon used to fund third party candidates for the same reason.
    He's a Democrat, not a 3rd party candidate. Not yet, anyway . . .

    But ya can't fault him for wanting to decriminalize marijuana. There's no reason for the feds to raid folks who's only effective medication for various diseases is MJ, especially in states that have made medical marijuana legal.

    Finally . . . a common-sense speaking politician.

  7. #7
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tock
    He's a Democrat, not a 3rd party candidate. Not yet, anyway . . .

    But ya can't fault him for wanting to decriminalize marijuana. There's no reason for the feds to raid folks who's only effective medication for various diseases is MJ, especially in states that have made medical marijuana legal.

    Finally . . . a common-sense speaking politician.
    yada yada yada..................

  8. #8
    mcpeepants's Avatar
    mcpeepants is offline Senior Member
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    Kucinich, Gravel, and Paul make the debates watchable.

  9. #9
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcpeepants
    Kucinich, Gravel, and Paul make the debates watchable.
    Yes, for the same reason most people rubber neck auto accidents...........

  10. #10
    mcpeepants's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logan13
    Yes, for the same reason most people rubber neck auto accidents...........
    The top tier candidates say topic points and bring out no new ideas. The lesser known candidates bring out ideas that the top tier candidates ignore and continue ignoring if they didn't challenge. They often destroy the top tiers candidates positions but the media never focuses on this and instead keeps focusing on who's raising the most money.

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