02-08-2008, 06:10 AM #1
2008 the year of the worlds first time machine?
Physicists around the world are excitedly awaiting the start up of the £4.65 billion Large Hadron Collider, LHC - the most powerful atom-smasher ever built - which is supposed to shed new light on the particles and forces at work in the cosmos and reproduce conditions that date to near the Big Bang of creation.
1.21 gigawatts of electricity: Michael J Fox and Christopher Lloyd in the De Lorean time machine from Back to the Future
Prof Irina Aref'eva and Dr Igor Volovich, mathematical physicists at the Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow believe that the vast experiment at CERN, the European particle physics centre near Geneva in Switzerland, may turn out to be the world's first time machine, reports New Scientist.
The debut in early summer could provide a landmark because travelling into the past is only possible - if it is possible at all - as far back as the point of creation of the first time machine.
That means 2008 could become "Year Zero" for temporal travel, they argue.
Time travel was born when Albert Einstein's colleague, Kurt Gödel, used Einstein's theory of relativity to show that travel into the past was possible.
Ever since he unveiled this idea in 1949, eminent physicists have argued against time travel because it undermines ideas of cause and effect to create paradoxes: a time traveller could go back to kill his grandfather so that he is never born in the first place.
But, sixty years later, there is still no fundamental reason why time travellers cannot put historians out of business.
But the Russians argue that when the energies of the LHC are concentrated into a subatomic particle - a trillionth the size of a mosquito - they can do strange things to the fabric of the universe, which is a blend of space and time that scientists called spacetime.
While Earth's gravity produces gentle distortions in spacetime the LHC energy can distort time so much that it loops back on itself. These loops are known to physicists as "closed timelike curves" and they ought, at least in theory, to allow us to revisit some past moment.
The scheme chimes with one laid out in 1988, when Prof Kip Thorne and colleagues at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, showed that wormholes, or tunnels through spacetime, would allow time travel, a scheme popularised by Carl Sagan in his novel - made into a film - Contact.
Prof Aref'eva and Dr Volovich believe the LHC could create wormholes and so allow a form of time travel. "We realised that closed timelike curves and wormholes could also be a result of collisions of particles," Prof Aref'eva says.
There are still plenty of obstacles for the likes of Dr Who, however. Not least of them is the fact that these are mini wormholes, so only subatomic particles are small enough to travel through them.
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They tell The Daily Telegraph that whether subatomic time travel in the LHC would open the doors for human scale time travellers "is a deep and interesting question" but stress that "these problems, and many others as well, require further investigations."
Probably the best we can hope for is that the LHC may show a signature of the wormholes' existence, Dr Volovich says. If some of the energy from collisions in the LHC goes missing, it could be because the collisions created particles that have travelled into a wormhole and through time.
One sticking point until now for wormhole concepts is finding an exotic kind of material capable of keeping the maw of the wormhole open for time travel.
Dark energy - a mysterious antigravity force that is thought to pervade the universe - could, they say, be just what is needed to keep the entrance to a wormhole open, at least according to one family of ideas about its nature, where it is called phantom energy.
If a blend of colliding particles and phantom energy does create a wormhole in Geneva this year, an advanced civilisation could find it in their history books, pinpoint the moment, and take advantage of their technology to pay us a visit.
"The observational evidence still allows for phantom energy," says Robert Caldwell, a physicist at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. "As for Aref'eva and Volovich's speculation that the LHC will produce the stuff of time machines - ugh!"
A leading scientist who believes that time travel may be possible, Prof David Deutsch of Oxford University, comments: "It's speculative in the extreme, but not cranky. For various reasons I don't think the mechanism they propose would work (i.e. provide a pathway for messages from the future) even if their speculations are true."
Dr Brian Cox of the University of Manchester adds: "The energies of billions of cosmic rays that have been hitting the Earth's atmosphere for five billion years far exceed those we will create at the LHC, so by this logic time travellers should be here already. If these wormholes appear I will personally eat the hat I was given for my first birthday before I received it."
There is also a more detailed report in the latest New Scientist, 9 Feb 2008 issue 2642 Vol. 197 http://www.newscientist.com/channel/...tart-here.html, it speaks about making artificial wormholes in space as well. This is MASSIVE news in my opinion. They think that "if" this is possible that they could only make a wormhole big enough for particles to pass through at the moment but think what this could mean. Stephen Hawking has stated that he believes that there would be some sort of "chronology protection conjecture" creating negative feedback to stop the paradox scenario of someone going back in time and killing their grandfather. I've always believed that if Time Travel was ever possible, that changing things in the past would only create a new future and that the original future you came from would thus become unaffected, your existance alone would be proof of that.
02-08-2008, 10:18 AM #2
hmmmm too bad they havent even been able to prove the existance of dark energy....fun to read but i cant see this ever happening
02-08-2008, 10:44 AM #3
^^I agree. But this is pretty interesting none the less. I will have to keep an eye out for this one.
02-08-2008, 05:49 PM #4
I second that. The energy of the highest energy cosmic ray detected is far far far beyond anything we can even imagine achiving. Its quite crazy what nature can do.
02-09-2008, 08:42 AM #5
Maybe it is possible to go back further than the date of original time travel machine creation.
I can grasp how they say it is impossible, but if you use something like the TV show: "Quantum Leap" as an example would go hand in hand with the thought that time travelers are allready here.
Perhaps it is possible to go back in time but if you go back too far then it is too difficult to travel forward just through lack of knowledge and equipment.
maybe if this year is the year time travel is made possible the best time to travel back from the future would be to a point no further back than the last 10 years. me personnallly id go back to summer 2001, put a bit to sell futures a few million for 9/11.
then invest in the British property market up untill last year, then invest in soemthing i know will do well, then go back to my own time, get to the bank and cash in!!!!
You can say this is a daft idea, but realistically it is all daft!!!!
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