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  1. #1
    Flagg's Avatar
    Flagg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Science hints at a time before the Big Bang!

    What does this say about life, time, etcetera if true. I guess religion will claim there was a prequel to the Bible.

  2. #2
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Many studies where done on NDE and life after death, replicated via a machine that emits the same brainwaves has an NDE.

    People that experience an NDE took the test and there was a 50/50 results with there NDE meaning that the brain reacted this way when the body died.

    Now at the university in Montreal they found out with an MRI scanning the brain that the person who came back from an NDE had different brainwaves, and was able to concentrate more.

    Does that explain there is life after death, guess its still in the balance.

    That is the same thing with the big bang theory, and how far back they would have to go to get the answers.

    Has for the bible and having faith well i guess i stopped beleive in this a long time ago.

  3. #3
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Thats pretty damn cool!

  4. #4
    Flagg's Avatar
    Flagg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Yannick that is very interesting indeed. I've always believed there was nothing but oblivion waiting for us when we died, but just imagine if there was something..

  5. #5
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    This just shows how little we really know about our universe and how much more we need to learn.

  6. #6
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    This just shows how little we really know about our universe and how much more we need to learn.

  7. #7
    urbanbody's Avatar
    urbanbody is offline Member
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    Very Interesting!!!

  8. #8
    GZA's Avatar
    GZA is offline Junior Member
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    This really doesn't change anything as it relates to religion/philosophy. Whether we are the product of a single big bang or an endless cycle of big bangs, there is order within the universe regardless, the very fact that there are physicists that attempt to figure out the "laws" of the universe highlights this fact, along with the obvious "laws of logic" etc. which we all attempt to follow. If there is a set defined "order" (this includes theory's such as quantum mechanics mind you because the theory can be explained mathematically in an ordered fashion, so ultimately there is order regardless.) then there must be an OBJECTIVE truth... once you have that then you automatically are accepting the existence of an eternal truth that defines all our existence and that in fact is the very reason for our existence. This one truth would define ALL truth ultimately whether it's a "moral" truth, physical truth, etc. and would also surpass our own consciousness in that it defines the very nature of all conscious life that has ever existed, it also would have a free will as would be defined by someone with a limited temporal perspective (like us humans) in as much as it and only it defines what it does and therefore there are no causal agents which can precede it (if you were to find any then THAT would be the ultimate objective truth and therefore the correct "God" I speak of) So in a nutshell.........
    Order="God" regardless of how, when, or if the universe/omniverse began

  9. #9
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GZA View Post
    This really doesn't change anything as it relates to religion/philosophy. Whether we are the product of a single big bang or an endless cycle of big bangs, there is order within the universe regardless, the very fact that there are physicists that attempt to figure out the "laws" of the universe highlights this fact, along with the obvious "laws of logic" etc. which we all attempt to follow. If there is a set defined "order" (this includes theory's such as quantum mechanics mind you because the theory can be explained mathematically in an ordered fashion, so ultimately there is order regardless.) then there must be an OBJECTIVE truth... once you have that then you automatically are accepting the existence of an eternal truth that defines all our existence and that in fact is the very reason for our existence. This one truth would define ALL truth ultimately whether it's a "moral" truth, physical truth, etc. and would also surpass our own consciousness in that it defines the very nature of all conscious life that has ever existed, it also would have a free will as would be defined by someone with a limited temporal perspective (like us humans) in as much as it and only it defines what it does and therefore there are no causal agents which can precede it (if you were to find any then THAT would be the ultimate objective truth and therefore the correct "God" I speak of) So in a nutshell.........
    Order="God" regardless of how, when, or if the universe/omniverse began
    I need to spend more time here.

    I miss it.(Q&A is endless)

    Very deep rooted response.



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