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Thread: Radical Muslims

  1. #41
    youngerlion is offline Banned
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    i live in texas and you can come get some love whenever you are ready redneck.

  2. #42
    youngerlion is offline Banned
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    you still respond in a hateful hate mongering murderous manner and ignorantly use religion to justify it. you sir are an ignorant waste of breath and you are worse then the people you hate because you blindly believe you are elevated above it.

  3. #43
    youngerlion is offline Banned
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    and believe murder is the way to solve it.. i hope love and understanding for what you seem to have a limited capacity to understand comes into your limited and oppressive social paradigm.
    Last edited by youngerlion; 12-18-2009 at 01:11 PM.

  4. #44
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    yeah, get on ur knees and pray to ur loser god allah...

    maybe one day the world will be rid of ur kind..........

  5. #45
    youngerlion is offline Banned
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    actually . I am not Muslim. and Allah is the Arabic word for god so your statement is a little redundant. Islam is a monotheistic religion (like Christianity and Judaism )so my understanding is they believe in the same god as you but worship and believe in a different manner that you obviously have no respect for. their you go again assuming things and hating with a clear disregard for human life and love. My kind... those who critically think and try to love and not spread ignorance and hate.
    Last edited by youngerlion; 12-18-2009 at 02:18 PM.

  6. #46
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    u got one thing correct, i hate the muslim religion and want it dispossed of.
    is that ignorant, well read the events that have transpired by these fvking dirtbags..

    muslim religion is a thing of hate, therefore it must be met with a stronger hate and destroyed...
    ur in texas, fort hood would not of happened if not for islam.
    every major conflict in the world today includes one form of that religion or another..

    as metallica said...."kill em all"

  7. #47
    youngerlion is offline Banned
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    i could go through a daily list that you choose not to research and the media does not show you and tell you about the murder and pain caused to Muslims and nonmuslims and nonmilitants alike but i doubt you care. you will still twist it to keep your hateful paradigm intact. so i will say. i hope u find love and leave these murderous thoughts in the "Crusades" days because there will always be hate and murder in a world with thinking that coincides with yours . have a good day.

  8. #48
    youngerlion is offline Banned
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    and just for your knowledge.
    fort hood happened due to post traumatic stress disorder. he never went thru and shot anyone in the name of anything except his hate for the war and how it has effected him but twist away. He just happened to be Muslim. like you happen to be whatever you choose to be . I wonder if in their media sources they say you kill masses ( literally millions) in the middle east based upon the fact that you are Christian and they are not.
    Last edited by youngerlion; 12-18-2009 at 03:04 PM.

  9. #49
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    liberalism is a mental disease.

    have a good day

  10. #50
    youngerlion is offline Banned
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    wow. those thinkers. they confuse me. he must be a "liberal" and if he isn't it is easier for my small mind to comprehend his intellect with one word i have deemed negative.
    Last edited by youngerlion; 12-18-2009 at 03:26 PM.

  11. #51
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    small mind...

    i made a statement, if u took it personal its on you.
    did i call u a liberal?

    u my friend are the one with the small mind, and live in a bubble to not see how evil the muslim religion is.
    stay out of my threads if ur going to defend these muslim scum who kill innicent americans.

  12. #52
    youngerlion is offline Banned
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    It is a publicly open website and thread. as such. you kind sir can eat a dick and take criticism for your prejudicial spreading of hate and ignorance.

  13. #53
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by youngerlion View Post
    It is a publicly open website and thread. as such. you kind sir can eat a dick and take criticism for your prejudicial spreading of hate and ignorance.
    what have i prejudged?

    texas used to be a stand up state, then sheila jackson and her followers destroyed it. im sure she gets ur vote....
    people like u make me sick.

    now go get on ur knees and pray, or whatever people like u do on their knees...

  14. #54
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    look at the first post in the trhead.

    tell me about all those events, are they just misunderstood?

    fvkin muslim scum is all those radicals are...

  15. #55
    youngerlion is offline Banned
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    ignorance is something we all possess but you seem to be stupid and possess an inability to use basic critical thinking skills learned usually at an early childhood level. hopefully you can cure yourself of this inability to critically think or comprehend things passed a learned negative and prejudice level that you are unaware of and incapable of fixing. your ignorance is a handicap. "stand up" but only if you have the same retard( a holding back or slowing down) thought process as me seems to be supreme in your world.
    Last edited by youngerlion; 12-18-2009 at 04:16 PM.

  16. #56
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    ur such a douche man.

    answer my questions, dont just insult me..
    u wont answer because u have no answer as the muslim religion is built on hate and destruction.
    please tell me where in my first post of this thread i am wrong....
    cmon smart guy...please educate my dumb self...
    u call me stupid, whatever scumbag...
    to use your smart self a dick

  17. #57
    youngerlion is offline Banned
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    i answered you. you are just an imbecilic, maniacal, moron who does not comprehend what im saying. their is hate on both sides and im not blaming the religious beliefs that have been turned into ammo for hate. i could post how many Pakistanis or Afghanis or Iraqi killed daily due to unmanned "strategic" bombing or maniacal killing raids by children who think death is a video game...but i choose not to because that means nothing to you because you assume all the people caught in the crossfire are murderous Muslims. if the millions of people killed were all murderers... their would be more casualties but you but those dead people don't look or speak like you. they are different so its easy for you to be alright with their deaths. My best friend died in Afghanistan on june 5 2006 to support his education and a war you believe in so much from noncombat related injuries like most of the soldiers who have died. for what. It definitely was not for prejudice hateful losers like you who retard the world.

  18. #58
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    listen u fvking lowlife,
    i never once said i support this war in afgan, not one fvking time.

    my problem is with the muslim religion and its followers who have a hate for my country, Amercia who continue to attack the innocent here. they do not do it in the name of their country, they do it in the name of their god.
    those innocents dying over their are being killed by a government, not a terrorsit organization like the americans here.

    and where do u get off saying cause someone does not look or speak like me i have a problem with and dont care about their deaths?
    ur comments show that u are a low life piece of dog trash.
    i hide nothing, i hate muslims and always will...i want to see that religion destroyed..
    not because they dont look or talk like me but beacuse of all their actions. the radicals are fvking cowards who prey ONLY on the innocent.

    now piss off and stop pretending like u know me or are smarter..
    seems ur hate for me is no different then the hate i have for them...but somehow im sure u will justify it...


  19. #59
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by youngerlion View Post
    i live in texas and you can come get some love whenever you are ready redneck.

    you use that word as if it were derogatory, like people use the word white trash and nig**** or queer in an attempt to demean them ??

    I'm sure that wasn't your intention??

    I mean i haven't read this whole thread, just the post that stick out..

    and with that we will close this thread that was highjacked before an incident of flaming happens and banning are handed out..

    good day
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