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    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Obama's Foreign trade agreements

    The last couple weeks some of the presidential candidates have been saying they think the Foreign trade agreement Obama is pushing is actually a good thing but they fear there must be something he isn't telling us due to his past reputation with everything else.

    Well, they were right. #1 he has been saying he will not show or release all the information until after it is signed. Hmm how did that work for us last time?

    Luckily someone released some of the information. Turns out they he wants to loose visa requirements for 24 countries with the stipulation that if the process is not approved or denied within 30 days it will be automatically granted to the person. WTF?

    Really? is there nothing he will not do to destroy this country? He/They are already providing healthcare to all those immigrants who have come over the border illegally the last couple of years as well as tax returns and our social security to people who have never put anything into them.

    Oh and they tried saying the Pelosi wants to pass a bill that says you have to accept it in full or reject it in full as if she is against Obama. No it just makes anyone who opposes any part of the bill as if they are against the whole thing and they are the bad guy again.

    Here is part of one of the many articles recently released from the leak.

    The mainstream media covered the Wikileaks document dump extensively, but did not mention the immigration chapter contained within it, so Breitbart News took the documents to immigration experts to get their take on it. Nobody has figured how big a deal the documents uncovered by Wikileaks are until now. (See below)

    The president’s Trade in Services Act (TiSA) documents, which is one of the three different close-to-completely-negotiated deals that would be fast-tracked making up the president’s trade agreement, show Obamatrade in fact unilaterally alters current U.S. immigration law. TiSA, like TPP or the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) deals, are international trade agreements that President Obama is trying to force through to final approval. The way he can do so is by getting Congress to give him fast-track authority through TPA.
    TiSA is even more secretive than TPP. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill can review the text of TPP in a secret, secured room inside the Capitol—and in some cases can bring staffers who have high enough security clearances—but with TiSA, no such draft text is available.
    Voting for TPA, of course, would essentially ensure the final passage of each TPP, T-TIP, and TiSA by Congress, since in the history of fast-track any deal that’s ever started on fast-track has been approved.
    Roughly 10 pages of this TiSA agreement document leak are specifically about immigration.
    “The existence of these ten pages on immigration in the Trade and Services Agreement make it absolutely clear in my mind that the administration is negotiating immigration – and for them to say they are not – they have a lot of explaining to do based on the actual text in this agreement,” Rosemary Jenks, the Director of Government Relations at Numbers USA, told Breitbart News following her review of these documents.
    Obama will be able to finalize all three of the Obamatrade deals, without any Congressional input, if Congress grants him fast-track authority by passing TPA. Fast-track lowers the vote thresholds in the Senate and blocks Congress from amending any trade deals—and also, since each of these three deals are pretty much entirely negotiated already, it wouldn’t lead to any more congressional involvement or transparency with each.
    The Senate passed the TPA last month, so it is up to the House to put the brakes on Obama’s unilateral power. The House could vote as early as Friday on fast-track, but may head into next week. By all counts, it’s going to be a very tight vote—and may not pass. It remains to be seen what will happen in light of leaks about things like the immigration provisions of TiSA—which deals with 24 separate parties, mostly different nations but also the European Union. It is focused on increasing the free flow of services worldwide—and with that, comes labor. Labor means immigration and guestworkers.
    “This Trade and Services Agreement is specifically mentioned in TPA as being covered by fast-track authority, so why would Congress be passing a Trade Promotion Authority Act that covers this agreement, if the U.S. weren’t intended to be a party to this agreement – so at the very least, there should be specific places where the U.S. exempts itself from these provisions and there are not,” explained Jenks.
    She emphasized that this is a draft, but at this point “certainly the implication is that the U.S. intends to be a party to all or some of the provisions of this agreement. There is nothing in there that says otherwise, and there is no question in my mind that some of the provisions in this Trade and Services Agreement would require the United States to change its immigration laws.”

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    Proposed draft Article 5, Section 1 then requires that “Each Party shall take market access and national treatment commitments for intra-corporate transferees, business visitors and categories delinked from commercial presence: contractual service suppliers and independent professionals.” Section 3 gets more specific about the sectors of the economy where member states will have to allow access to intra-corporate transferees, business visitors, contractual service suppliers, and independent professionals:
    3. Subject to any terms, limitations, conditions and qualifications that the Party sets out in its Schedule, Parties shall allow entry and temporary stay of [contractual service suppliers and independent professionals3] for a minimum of [X%] of the following sectors/sub-sectors:
    Professional services:

    1. Accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services (CPC 862)
    2. Architectural services (CPC 8671)
    3. Engineering services (CPC 8672)
    4. Integrated engineering services (CPC 8673)
    5. Urban planning and landscape architectural services (CPC 8674)
    6. Medical & dental services (CPC 9312)
    7. Veterinary services (CPC 932)
    8. Services provided by midwives, nurses, physiotherapists and paramedical personnel (CPC 93191)

    Computer and related services:

    1. Consultancy services related to the installation of computer hardware (CPC 841)
    2. Software implementation services (CPC 842)
    3. Data processing services (CPC 843)
    4. Data base services (CPC 844)
    5. Other (CPC 845+849)

    Research and Development services:

    1. R&D services on natural sciences (CPC 851)
    2. R&D services on social sciences and humanities (CPC 852)
    3. Interdisciplinary R&D services (CPC 853)

    Other business services

    1. Advertising services (CPC 871)
    2. Market research and public opinion polling services (CPC 864)
    3. Management consulting services (CPC 865)
    4. Services related to management consulting (CPC 866)
    5. Technical testing & analysis services (CPC 8676)
    6. [CH propose: Services incidental to manufacturing]
    7. Related scientific and technical consulting services (CPC 8675)
    8. Maintenance and repair of equipment (not including maritime vessels, aircraft or other transport equipment) (CPC 633 + 8861-8866)
    9. Specialty design services (CPC 87907)

    Construction and related engineering services:

    1. General construction work for buildings (CPC 512)
    2. General construction work for civil engineering (CPC 513)
    3. Installation and assembly work (CPC514+516)
    4. Building completion and finishing work (CPC 517)
    5. Other (CPC 511+515+518)

    Environmental services:

    1. Sewage services (CPC 9401)
    2. Refuse disposal services (CPC 9402)
    3. Sanitation and similar services (CPC 9403)
    4. Other

    [CH propose: Financial Services]
    [CH propose: Financial advisors]
    Tourism and travel related services:

    1. Hotels and Restaurants (CPC Ex. 641)
    2. Travel Agencies and Tour Operators services (CPC 7471)
    3. Tourist Guides services (CPC 7472)

    [CH propose: Transport services
    [CH propose: Other services auxiliary to all modes of transport CPC]
    Recreational, cultural and sporting services:
    38. Sporting and other recreational services (CPC 964)
    In the United States, this means the L-1 intra-company transferee, B-1 business visitor visa programs, and any other applicable visa programs could be used to permit temporary employees from abroad to work in the United States, and no economic needs tests (i.e., testing the labor market) could ever be imposed by Congress. To translate, that means that foreign firms would not be required to advertise jobs to U.S. workers, or to hire U.S. workers if they were equally or better qualified for job openings in their own country. (It should be noted that the L-1 is already restricted in this way, as a result of the United States’ commitments under the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATS).) These visa programs are already under-regulated and abused by employers, but since neither the L-1 nor the B-1 visa program is numerically limited by law, this means that potentially hundreds of thousands of workers could enter the United States every year to work in these 38 sectors.

    TiSA has been written in secret by and for major corporations that will benefit greatly if it becomes law. If the House of Representatives grants the Obama administration the fast-track trade promotion authority it seeks, the authority will be valid for six years, which means TiSA (like TPP) would also get an up-or-down vote in Congress without any amendments—making it very likely to pass and become law without the necessary democratic deliberations on immigration that such major changes should have. The leaked TiSA text makes it clear that contrary to the claims by proponents of fast-track trade promotion authority, the reality is that those voting for fast track are ceding key powers to make immigration law and policy to an unelected group of corporations and foreign governments.

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    RaginCajun's Avatar
    RaginCajun is offline Pissing Excellence!
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    Why can't people open his/her eyes and see what's going on!

    So what type of jobs are there in Thailand or the Philippines again............

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Proposed draft Article 5, Section 1 then requires that “Each Party shall take market access and national treatment commitments for intra-corporate transferees, business visitors and categories delinked from commercial presence: contractual service suppliers and independent professionals.” Section 3 gets more specific about the sectors of the economy where member states will have to allow access to intra-corporate transferees, business visitors, contractual service suppliers, and independent professionals:
    3. Subject to any terms, limitations, conditions and qualifications that the Party sets out in its Schedule, Parties shall allow entry and temporary stay of [contractual service suppliers and independent professionals3] for a minimum of [X%] of the following sectors/sub-sectors:
    Professional services:

    1. Accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services (CPC 862)
    2. Architectural services (CPC 8671)
    3. Engineering services (CPC 8672)
    4. Integrated engineering services (CPC 8673)
    5. Urban planning and landscape architectural services (CPC 8674)
    6. Medical & dental services (CPC 9312)
    7. Veterinary services (CPC 932)
    8. Services provided by midwives, nurses, physiotherapists and paramedical personnel (CPC 93191)

    Computer and related services:

    1. Consultancy services related to the installation of computer hardware (CPC 841)
    2. Software implementation services (CPC 842)
    3. Data processing services (CPC 843)
    4. Data base services (CPC 844)
    5. Other (CPC 845+849)

    Research and Development services:

    1. R&D services on natural sciences (CPC 851)
    2. R&D services on social sciences and humanities (CPC 852)
    3. Interdisciplinary R&D services (CPC 853)

    Other business services

    1. Advertising services (CPC 871)
    2. Market research and public opinion polling services (CPC 864)
    3. Management consulting services (CPC 865)
    4. Services related to management consulting (CPC 866)
    5. Technical testing & analysis services (CPC 8676)
    6. [CH propose: Services incidental to manufacturing]
    7. Related scientific and technical consulting services (CPC 8675)
    8. Maintenance and repair of equipment (not including maritime vessels, aircraft or other transport equipment) (CPC 633 + 8861-8866)
    9. Specialty design services (CPC 87907)

    Construction and related engineering services:

    1. General construction work for buildings (CPC 512)
    2. General construction work for civil engineering (CPC 513)
    3. Installation and assembly work (CPC514+516)
    4. Building completion and finishing work (CPC 517)
    5. Other (CPC 511+515+518)

    Environmental services:

    1. Sewage services (CPC 9401)
    2. Refuse disposal services (CPC 9402)
    3. Sanitation and similar services (CPC 9403)
    4. Other

    [CH propose: Financial Services]
    [CH propose: Financial advisors]
    Tourism and travel related services:

    1. Hotels and Restaurants (CPC Ex. 641)
    2. Travel Agencies and Tour Operators services (CPC 7471)
    3. Tourist Guides services (CPC 7472)

    [CH propose: Transport services
    [CH propose: Other services auxiliary to all modes of transport CPC]
    Recreational, cultural and sporting services:
    38. Sporting and other recreational services (CPC 964)
    In the United States, this means the L-1 intra-company transferee, B-1 business visitor visa programs, and any other applicable visa programs could be used to permit temporary employees from abroad to work in the United States, and no economic needs tests (i.e., testing the labor market) could ever be imposed by Congress. To translate, that means that foreign firms would not be required to advertise jobs to U.S. workers, or to hire U.S. workers if they were equally or better qualified for job openings in their own country. (It should be noted that the L-1 is already restricted in this way, as a result of the United States’ commitments under the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATS).) These visa programs are already under-regulated and abused by employers, but since neither the L-1 nor the B-1 visa program is numerically limited by law, this means that potentially hundreds of thousands of workers could enter the United States every year to work in these 38 sectors.

    TiSA has been written in secret by and for major corporations that will benefit greatly if it becomes law. If the House of Representatives grants the Obama administration the fast-track trade promotion authority it seeks, the authority will be valid for six years, which means TiSA (like TPP) would also get an up-or-down vote in Congress without any amendments—making it very likely to pass and become law without the necessary democratic deliberations on immigration that such major changes should have. The leaked TiSA text makes it clear that contrary to the claims by proponents of fast-track trade promotion authority, the reality is that those voting for fast track are ceding key powers to make immigration law and policy to an unelected group of corporations and foreign governments.
    Thank goodness for people like you it's good to know some people with logical sense in their head are still around

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    Quote Originally Posted by davidtheman100 View Post
    Thank goodness for people like you it's good to know some people with logical sense in their head are still around
    I got to tell you I honestly TRY not to even watch the news because this stuff just pisses me off. I hate even more when I see him speaking because it's painfully obvious ever word out of his mouth is a lie. I swear so many people believe in him just like people did Jim Jones and other cult leaders. It's scary how someone can be saying all these things that are pleasant to the ears but in front of your eyes fvcking you over and you dont see any of it.

    I REALLY dont want to get involved in politics because I know I would end up being marked as a radical or anti government or threat. They may not be to far off though because I am anti government as it is currently and the whole thing needs a do over. Yes I realize what this would mean and things would be a mess for a while but I dont see how it can continue the way it is for much longer.

    I dont believe the rich are to blame for everything but there are for sure some of the top 1% who are controlling to much of our lives and decisions but that does not mean they are all bad or that they should not have the money they have earned, as long as it is earned and not literally stolen like many have done.

    I'm not a one party or the other. Republicans aren't much if any better than Democrats IMO. They are the under dog right now and speak a good speech but never seem to follow through and once they are in power they play their own games that dont really help anyone.

    Besides the current administration who is trying to destroy America as we know it from many angles such as Immigrations, Socialism, Terrorism (defriending them and pushing away allies) as well as making it impossible for small business owners to succeed and creating racial uprising to keep everyone distracted from what is really happening.

    I dont know what the solution is although I dont see how it can be anything short of a full fledged civil war, Huge natural disaster or a miracle to straighten things out.

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