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  1. #1
    Hughinn is offline Banned
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    Sep 2020

    FEMA to House Up to 3,000 Immigrant Teens at Dallas Site

    It's unclear as to why the biden administration has enacted the federal emergency management administration, especially when the biden administration continues to deny that it has created an emergency at the border.

    At this point, Texans in all areas of the state are beginning to see the ramifications of the decisions made by the biden administration to abandon the southern border.

    There are now large groups of migrants beginning to accumulate in most metro areas of texas. Any quick drive through any texas metro area and one can see the progression of the biden administration policies. Homeless camps I see everyday have literally quadrupled in size.

    Nobody seems to know what the plan is, or why this decision has been made. or at least nobody dares to say it openly. The only thing that seems to be obvious, is that Texas will no longer be the same.

    At the same time, the democrat party of texas has so far been unable, but continues to push for the eliminating of all voter ID requirements. The last election cycle the democrat party spent record money to flip the texas house and senate but despite spending more money than ever before, they failed to flip a single seat, it really ain't hard to figure out if you look at the big picture, why the Biden administration has chosen such a policy path.

    They failed to win over Texas voters with good policy. So they've chosen to punish american citizens who voted the wrong way and to import alternative voters instead of change bad policy's.

    This is surely coming to a state near you.

    This entire situation begs real questions be asked, even if nobody else will ask them.

    Why is this a good idea?
    How does it help american citizens?
    If more people are needed, despite millions of americans still out of work, then where are the jobs?
    And if more people are needed, then how many more? What is that number and what do we plan to do with them?
    Who will pay for it all, and what is the cost?

    Nobody that seems to think this administration policies are a good ideas are asking any of these questions, and none of them bother to answer them.

    Last edited by Hughinn; 03-17-2021 at 01:51 AM.

  2. #2
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
    Fluidic Kimbo is offline Morale Officer (de facto)
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    There was a video up on YouTube only about a 2 or 3 years ago of a German teenage girl giving a monologue about how "You have destroyed Germany". I tried looking for it just now but couldn't find it.

    However I did find a video of the German president telling a Lebanese girl that she has to leave Germany:

  3. #3
    Hughinn is offline Banned
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    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluidic Kimbo View Post
    There was a video up on YouTube only about a 2 or 3 years ago of a German teenage girl giving a monologue about how "You have destroyed Germany". I tried looking for it just now but couldn't find it.

    However I did find a video of the German president telling a Lebanese girl that she has to leave Germany:

    I'm aware that democrat party media wants to portray allowing this massive unregulated, unorganized migration to occur, out of what they pretend to be caring and compassion.

    But the reality of it is that aside from a few success stories, most of the unaccompanied minors are likely to wind up in prostitution rings and trafficking circle's, because more often than not, that's what has happened in the past.

    It's also unfortunate for the countries of el salvador and honduras, because they are losing young, motivated segments of thier population en masse. These are the types of people a nation needs to build itself. And instead of investing in the future of those nations and people, the biden administration and the liberals in america would rather see el salvador fail, and it's national building people block come here to wash dishes and clean hollywood mansions at best, or wind up as prostitution victims and gang members at worst.

    So we shouldn't pretend it's about compassion and human suffering.

    Because it's not. That doesn't make sense. Intentionally subjecting people to smuggling, human trafficking, rape and molestation in order to achieve a political end, is alot different than a comprehensive immigration policy coupled with national aid and investment opportunities in the source country. Whick is really what would be far more effective if one's goals were compassion and human suffering.

    And we shouldn't pretend it's about the good of those nations and people.

    Because it's not good for either in reality. El salvador will suffer, the migrant population will suffer and the american people will suffer. So it's not about helping nations and people. Especially not about helping the american nation or it's people. Much less the honduran and el salvadorian nations and people.

    It's about the democrat party keeping itself in power at all costs. By supplanting an unruly and uncooperative working class with one that more docile and controllable and will vote the right way and removing obstacles to power like large parts of Texas, Arizona and Florida . Human suffering and collateral damage be damned. And that's another tragedy inofitself.
    Last edited by Hughinn; 03-17-2021 at 11:11 PM.

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