Thread: Critique Cycle Please
04-29-2002, 07:53 PM #1
Critique Cycle Please
Please review and comment on the following cycle that I am considering:
My stats:
5'9"/165 lbs/<10% BF/age 40/4 solid years of workout history most of the time with a trainer, but had been working out for the previous 6 years fairly regularly so I have a pretty good base of knowledge, but can always learn more.
My goals:
15-20 lbs of solid mass with as little water and fat as possible, got to get beach ready.
My diet:
Very clean, I eat 5-6 small meals a day totaling roughly 2700-3000 kcal, I break it down to 40% protein/40% carbs/20% good fats, but will up intake based on AAS strategy.
Current workout program:
I had reached a plateau so I decided to try the HST program by Brian Haycock and have seen some pretty good results.
Due to my profession I can not look like I am using (eg. moon face due to water retention, acne, hair loss, etc). I have a tendency to put on muscle and fat easily. My hair is thinning a bit so I want to try and avoid any further loss with AAS. Per my MD I am in excellent health.
I want to keep it as simple as possible for my first trip to the Dark Side.
Wks 1-10
-75 mg Test Prop/ED
-400 mg Equipose/Week
Wks 6-10
-50 mg Winny/ED
Ancillary items
Arimidex and Clomid
My Questions:
-Do you feel my quantities and ratios are adequate to achieve my goals?
-When should I start the Arimidex and Clomid and how much should I use?
-How should I shoot the EQ, once or twice a week?
-What am I overlooking, what would you do differently?
Thanks for your help.
Shoot High,
04-29-2002, 08:18 PM #2
Your cycle looks good, Can you handle the test injections ED.
I prefer to do 400 -500mg of Cyp or Enth split in two injections per week.
I would also mix the EQ with the test.
Good luck
04-29-2002, 08:29 PM #3
That looks good to me. The only suggestion I have is to run winnie weeks 7-12 then start clomid week 13. You might even want to run the prop to week 12 too.
As far as the arimidex goes, run 0.25 mg everyday until clomid. If you not satisfied with the results of 0.25 then bump it up to 0.5 mg ed.
Break the eq up into 2 shots per week.
04-29-2002, 08:40 PM #4
Well, Test prop is a little much for a first cycle due the fact that you feel like a pin cushion. I would do 500 mg test-E and 400 mg eq for 10 weeks. Shoot it twice a week. If your gonna use arimidex the bloating won't be that bad. Just keep the sodium intake down
04-29-2002, 10:06 PM #5
Please review and advise.
Based on your input I have revised my cycle as follows:
Wks 1-12
-400 mg Test Enth mixed with
400 mg EQ shot 2 x pr week.
-.25 mg Airmidex ED.
Wks 7-12
-50 mg Winny ED.
Wks 13-?
-Clomid (how much and for how long?)
Why 12 wks instead of 10 wks?
Should I run the Test/EQ all the way thru to 12 wks, or stop at 10 wks while continuing the Winny until week 12.
Thanks for your advice
Shoot high
04-30-2002, 02:52 AM #6
Looking like a good cycle, but still needs some tweaking!
Run the Test/EQ for only 10 weeks & Winny for 12.
EQ takes three weeks to be fully metabolized by your system, so after your last injection, the EQ dissipates slowly and at three weeks you have a trivial amount it your system, not enough to suppress natural testosterone production when you start taking the Clomid. (If you start the Clomid while the AS levels are still high, the Clomid signals the testicles to produce testosterone while the AS suppresses it, so you wind up wasting the Clomid & not restoring testosterone production.
The reason that Arthur999 suggested running the Test. Prop. for 12 weeks is that it is metabolized very quickly; it only lasts about 48 hours in your system—so you can run it right up until the 12th week while the EQ is being metabolized slowly. It’s the same reason that people suggested running Winny up until the 12th week; Winny has a very short life as well. So by running Winny & Test. Prop. right up to the end keeps your AS levels high until you are ready to start the Clomid and you don’t have a as long of a ‘trough’ between when you stop the AS and when your natural testosterone production picks up.
However, once you substitute Test. Enathate (or Cypionate ) the equation changes; they are long-acting testosterone esters and stay in your body for about as long as the EQ; so just run Test. En./Cyp. For 10 weeks, Winny through the 12th week to prevent a trough/crash and start the Clomid 3 weeks after the last injection of Testosterone/EQ.
Clomid schedule:
300mg on the first day.
100mg/day for the next ten days.
50mg/day for the next ten days.
04-30-2002, 04:41 PM #7
OK guys, here I go, one more time. Your comments please.
LABoy's first cycle:
Revision no. 3
Wks 1-10
-400 mg Test Enth mixed with
400 mg EQ shot 2 x pr week.
-.25 mg Airimidex ED
Wks 7-12
-50 mg Winny ED.
Wks 13-15
300 mg on the first day
100mg ED for 10 days
50 mg ED for 10 days
Any thoughts on an 8-10 week bridge cycle of Clen or Cytadren or a stack of both to block the cortisone receptors so that I can hold on to the mass that I've built on the AAS cycle?
As always thanks for your advice.
Shoot high
05-01-2002, 12:19 AM #8
Looks good!
06-06-2002, 10:07 AM #9Junior Member
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My question is will you continue with HST while on the cycle? I have done HST and my strength increased across the board but is it intense enough for the juice?
Very curious because I was leaning towards going with HST for the first 4 weeks of my upcoming cycle.
06-06-2002, 11:09 AM #10
I too have realized great improvements in my strength and have put on some pretty decent size, all naturally. I am planning on one more 6 week HST cycle, followed by a 9 day deconditioning. Then hit my AAS cycle in conjunction with a 4 week HST program, then switch over to a one day on, one day off routine. By this point the TE and EQ should be kicking in and I feel that I will need to up the training volume in order to maximize their effect.
What are your thoughts on the subject. I'm open to suggestions.
Thanks for your input.
Shoot high,
06-06-2002, 12:34 PM #11Junior Member
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I'm thinking exactly along those lines. My only concern was that HST is not enough work but it would be better to do in the first 4 weeks than any other time during the cycle. I can't really make suggestions because I'm doing the same thing without really knowing if it's the right thing to do or not. But if no one has done it before they can't really criticize it either. We will just have to be guiena pigs.
06-06-2002, 04:55 PM #12
If you search the threads at there are a few bros there that are in a situation similiar to ours. I've not had the time to read them fully, I figure that I still have some time before I start my cycle.
Shoot high,
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