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Thread: Wife

  1. #1
    ACE24's Avatar
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    Anyone have some suggestions about telling your wife about taking a leap into the dark side? I was able to hide my first cycle from her but it was a real pain in the ass. I am going to be upfront with her before I start my second cycle but am open to any ideas you people may have as far as telling her what I am doing. I have plenty of literature already lined up for her to read but any input is welcome.

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Big Mistake IMO. She will use it against you everytime you have an argument over anything and if you ever split up, God help you !!!

  3. #3
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    Dont tell them anything they dont NEED to know. It may be ok now but things can change.

    jing jai

  4. #4
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    It depends on your relationship, tell her that you have spent a lot of time researching gear and that there is a correct way to use them. You know your chick best, if you can persuede her then tell her, if not just don't tell her, that way if she catches you just say "oh, I didn't think it was a big deal"

  5. #5
    ACE24's Avatar
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    We have a great relationship and have always been very open but I am just not sure on this issue. Thanks for the input

  6. #6
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    Quote Originally Posted by ACE24
    Anyone have some suggestions about telling your wife about taking a leap into the dark side? I was able to hide my first cycle from her but it was a real pain in the ass. I am going to be upfront with her before I start my second cycle but am open to any ideas you people may have as far as telling her what I am doing. I have plenty of literature already lined up for her to read but any input is welcome.
    The key is to present it to her as if you're thinking about doing it. Tell her why that you want to do it and provide to her some comforting facts to support your desires. The WORST thing you can do is present it to her in a way that states that you've already made up your mind to do it. Women need to feel as if they're part of your decisions. If you give her the opportunity to have a say, then your success rate will be much higher.

    And the last thing you'll want to keep in mind. DO NOT get angry during your presentation. She may get discouraged because of various steroid myths due to stereotypes. It's then up to you to educate her to comfort her uncertainties.

    Good luck!

  7. #7
    Quadrablue's Avatar
    Quadrablue is offline Female Member
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    If you were my man I would want you to tell me. I know everything my bf does...good or bad. If he were to hide stuff from me I would start to wonder. Just be honest with her. Ask her if she has any questions (which I'm sure she will have). Answer them as honestly and sincerely as you can. Have her come visit this forum. She can ask questions here too...not just from the men but from the women as well. The more she knows and feels a part of what you are doing the easier it's gonna be for you.

    But hey, this is just MY opinion. Lord knows I've been wrong before. lol

  8. #8
    Tru2's Avatar
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    as much information as you can give her on this when you tell her it would help. don't try and gauge a response by dropping it in conversation.

    earlier this year.. my former other half was using and I didn't know, I was also completely ignorant and thought it was all bad - made people violent and shrunk manly bits. he eventually told me when he was drunk and I wasn't impressed - though being the level head that I am, knowing hes not stupid ... we sat down and talked about it, explained it to me, gave me some websites to visit, answered all my questions.

    highlight the positives, and have prepared answers to rationalise the typical fears, like I had.

  9. #9
    BOOST's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Big Mistake IMO. She will use it against you everytime you have an argument over anything and if you ever split up, God help you !!!

    I agree worst thing I did, all I heard was look at your juice attitude kicking in. Screw that, never again

    Or like the above post, start talking about it before you start your next cycle and see how she act's when you bring it up, and you were thinking about it

  10. #10
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    yep like prevoiusly stated.. she will always throw it up in ur face any chance u give her...and thats that...

    in all honesty u shud tell her, hiding shit is bad news for a true relationship.
    just tell her, educate her then if that doesnt work.. the chokeslam works wonders but OF COURSE SHE WILL BLAME IT ON THE "ROIDS" ..

  11. #11
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    bring up the topic of steroids , like someo**y you know is gettin g good results with them, then see how she reacts.

  12. #12
    Tru2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    bring up the topic of steroids, like someo**y you know is gettin g good results with them, then see how she reacts.
    I wouldn't recommend this approach - especially if she has no education on them already. this is what a previous partner did to me.. he asked me this.. "if you weren't getting the results you wanted with your body, would you resort to drugs or surgery" looking back - this was a pretty funny question. he wasn't getting the answer he wanted so started asking me my thoughts on steroids .. of course.. I bashed the shit out of them. and if thats what she does.. then you're in the shit, cos she can use the line.. you knew how I felt about them yet you did it anyway. ouch.

  13. #13
    spywizard's Avatar
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    don't ask permission, tell her you are doing it and why.. then let her learn, they are just afraid of being alone, adn of the unknown...

    if she says you can't.. then you have bigger issues than AAS use..
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    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Big Mistake IMO. She will use it against you everytime you have an argument over anything and if you ever split up, God help you !!!
    yeah go with Kale on this one!

  15. #15
    JMan06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOOST
    I agree worst thing I did, all I heard was look at your juice attitude kicking in. Screw that, never again

    Or like the above post, start talking about it before you start your next cycle and see how she act's when you bring it up, and you were thinking about it

    Man if I had a dollar for everytime my gf said that Id be rich. I tried to explain to her roid rage is a myth, she refusses to believe me and continues to listen to her friends...

  16. #16
    ACE24's Avatar
    ACE24 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks to all for the input! We sat down Friday and had a long discussion about gear. It actually went very well, she was very open minded and now can understand why I want to do another cycle. She has been reading a lot of information about steriods over the past two days and she is comfortable with me starting my cycle around the first of the year. I am placing my order tonight!!!

  17. #17
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    dont tell her its a big mistake . my ex after 12 years of marriage use it against me all the time threating to tell the court and have my children removed from my house. dont tell her anything.

  18. #18
    Chitown Raider's Avatar
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    I wouldn't mention anything. I was out having dinner with my lady and out of the blue she asked me if I was doing steroids . I turned it around and was like "No, I can't believe you would ask me something like that. Why would you think that?" She said that she knew a few other guys that were all swole that worked out and she asked them and they said they took steroids.

  19. #19
    Wizeguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    don't ask permission, tell her you are doing it and why.. then let her learn, they are just afraid of being alone, adn of the unknown...

    if she says you can't.. then you have bigger issues than AAS use..
    This was my approach and it worked out fine. But, she knows my track record with being dedicated to bodybuilding and she knew I cycled before in my younger years. I believe she knows its a passion of mine and is willing to support that.

  20. #20
    letmein's Avatar
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    If you are 35+ go see a doc and get a script. If you need more, add it and reduce the amount a few weeks prior to you bloodwork.

  21. #21
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Remember, the Woman you Marry is much different from the Woman you divorce bro!
    Thats a negative statement I know, but Oh so true!


  22. #22
    ACE24's Avatar
    ACE24 is offline Junior Member
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    Just to follow up, I have gear in hand and my wife is actually excited to have me start my cycle. She is looking forward to assisting in anyway she can, either injecting, dieting, training and of course she is also looking forward to the walking hard on!!!

  23. #23
    Booz's Avatar
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    ive never had it thrown in my face by my wife and we have been through quite a lot of shit the last few months.....................

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  24. #24
    evil pepsi is offline Associate Member
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    i got my ex involved by educating her as to how it could affect her, and also took the angle of women using. this seemed to intrigue her, and within a few months, she started asking me questions about what would be good for her. when she started, i knew i would never have to worry about her ever giving me a problem.
    now, when i meet someone new, if im on, i tell them ahead of time. with so many people on diff stuff for various mental/physical reasons, i feel in todays climate, nobody will really judge...

  25. #25
    abstrack's Avatar
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    Just be up front and honest with her. Thats the ebst way. Even if she gets pissed off at your decision, it is best to be honest now then hide it and have her find out later and ask you why you did not tell her about it.

    Be specific and tell all.

  26. #26
    evil pepsi is offline Associate Member
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    is she on birth control, or any other meds? ask her how it would feel if every time she acted different, you blamed it on her meds.
    its all about the myths created by overzealous politicians that used steroids as a platform to further their careers. they know nothing about gear, yet they are one of the firsts to light a torch in the witch hunt.
    people believe this crap that has been fed to them, and thats our biggest problem.
    i recently had my doctor tell me that he thinks all the problems that he is seeing regarding steroid use is a DIRECT RESULT of steroids now being illegal. he blames the black market for majority of the ills of steroids.
    sorry, i just caught myself on a soapbox. ill get down now...

  27. #27
    finny is offline Associate Member
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    Myself, I'm against telling. I haven't done my cycle yet, but don't think I will tell her. Unless your spouse is big into fitness, she won't understand. I got mine involved with fitness but I don't think it will get ever to the point that she would understand.

    Mind you, one of the benefits of your wife knowing would be if she could inject you. This is one thing I'm not looking forward to.

    I don't know, form me it's just weird telling her than anything else. It's almost like a let down. Same thing if I have to tell my doctor when doing blood work.

    __________________________________________________ ___________________________________

    Height: 5’8”
    Weight: 180lbs
    BF: 15%
    Age: 36, will turn 37 in few weeks
    Workout history: 10 years in my teens-20s, then on and off. Last 6 months good, consistent.
    Diet: The last 6 months very good.
    Cycle history: none
    Goals: put on quality muscle, 10% bf.
    PCT knowledge: still learning
    __________________________________________________ ___________________________________

  28. #28
    pwerfll1's Avatar
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    just went threw that bro, she was ok with it what a surprise. but she did let
    me know first case of roid rage is all done!

  29. #29
    dhriscerr's Avatar
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    I havent started my first cycle yet but have everything here, she found out when she opened one of my packages in the mail, I figured she would be Irrate so I wasnt going to tell her, but she just said she married me because she trust me and knows I wont do anything stupid to hurtmyself, and I reasured her I would research everything I could before starting and she was really happy to see me buy The Anabolics book by Anthony Roberts n Brian Clapp cause she Knows ill do it right. Just make sure if she finds out or you tell her that you can explain everything and if your really knowlegeable about it just overpower her with that

  30. #30
    ebjack's Avatar
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    Mine said he ex boyfriend (military police) used to take them when he was with her.. She said he would have anger explosons.. Mind you this kid was pretty young and I'm sure didn't do any PCT. I told her I,ve been researching since May and I'm very meticulois about all things regarding this experience.

    This is my story to her and I'm stckin to it

  31. #31
    jbarkley's Avatar
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    Good for you bro..

    Quote Originally Posted by ACE24
    Just to follow up, I have gear in hand and my wife is actually excited to have me start my cycle. She is looking forward to assisting in anyway she can, either injecting, dieting, training and of course she is also looking forward to the walking hard on!!!
    Good for you Bro, obviously having her support is very cool! You may want to let us in on all the things you shared with her to understand what a cycle entails....could help a lot of guys!


  32. #32
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    Are u engaging members here in some reverse psychology scheme? LOL..

    Quote Originally Posted by ACE24
    Thanks to all for the input! We sat down Friday and had a long discussion about gear. It actually went very well, she was very open minded and now can understand why I want to do another cycle. She has been reading a lot of information about steriods over the past two days and she is comfortable with me starting my cycle around the first of the year. I am placing my order tonight!!!

  33. #33
    shark333's Avatar
    shark333 is offline Associate Member
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    hey man my woman likes me on the roids great sex show your woman that side of it and it will b all gooooooood... be cool good luck.

  34. #34
    finny is offline Associate Member
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    Let's not forget, it's totally different when it's your wife vs girlfriend. When there are kids, that's a different ball game.

    Some of us have it easy...

  35. #35
    shark333's Avatar
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    thats a factor but trust me wifes need lovin to . hit it ...hard .also a good girlfriend will be happy you r feelin good and healthy. just dont act like an idiot. take it e z .

  36. #36
    jeepman06's Avatar
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    I was honest and up front with my wife. She still doesn't like the idea, but accepts my decision and is happy that I was up front with her.

  37. #37
    Lynn's Avatar
    Lynn is offline Female Member
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    best way to be with your wifes! Nothing worse than us catching you without you telling us Hubby gave me a little taste of the test as well, WOW sex like a teenager again

  38. #38
    shark333's Avatar
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    thats cool 10-4.

  39. #39
    STB is offline Junior Member
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    Another vote for don't tell the woman anything.

    Is it worth giving her that kind of ammunition IF things go south in the future?

    Screw that.


  40. #40
    shark333's Avatar
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    i can really see it from both sides.gooooood luck all.

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