Thank you for reading my post and responding to the questions.
I am now 37 and feel like im 60! Today I went shopping for some new jeans and found out that im a FORTY waist!!! WTF happened! A few years ago I was very active in the gym, had a trainer who not only competed but also trained a few others to rank high in the non pro shows (not tooting his horn just letting you know his experience)
For the last several years I looked in the mirror and saw the old me, the one who spent alot of time in the gym....until i tried on the pants today! It was a strong kick in the ass to say the least! What i saw was a pear shaped old guy! Still have decent arms and traps, calves look ok but my mid section looks like my father!
Well I am now living in Cozumel Mexico working as tour guide and I guess the tacos and cervesa caught up with me.
So today I joined a gym got some tennis shoes and am ready to hit it at the gym once again.
I remember the workout and the nutrition but do not know what AS I should do as a kick off. (i have ZERO energy and no muscle strength, what happened to it all?!!!??) This was evident as I attempted a workout today, even the treadmill felt like hell)
I know that AS is not a quick fix or a magic button, but as a former gearer I know the motivation of quick gains in strength and endurance.
So what do you guys think, this is what I used back then:
QV brand
T-200 2cc 2x per week
EQ - 1cc 2x per week
I have read on some of the boards here about using Dbol as a booster?

Also if anyone has the spanish translations that would be very helpful as well.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I will post some b4 photos in the next couple of days.