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  1. #1
    glover's Avatar
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    Starting a cycle today, just thought I'd post

    After reading about other's cycles you can guess what it makes a body crave. I am starting a cycle today with no goals. Lack of ambition has set in at 46 years of age. Oh wait a minute my goal is to be as hard as a rock as stong as a bear and as virile as a nineteen year old.

    I'll be taking for 7 weeks NPP/Prop (have 125mg/ml) and 80mg Var ED. I have not decided how much NPP/Prop to use.

    Think I'll try 125mg of each EOD or ED. Any recomendations?

    I am 46yrs
    194 lbs
    almost in the shape I was in my avatar
    and can only inject in glutes and shldrs
    Last edited by glover; 09-01-2009 at 01:48 PM.

  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Have fun man.
    And i guess eod injections will be just fine. Especially if you can only inject in those 2 places.

  3. #3
    kaju's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by glover View Post
    After reading about other's cycles you can guess what it makes a body crave. I am starting a cycle today with no goals. Lack of ambition has set in at 46 years of age. Oh wait a minute my goal is to be as hard as a rock as stong as a bear and as virile as a nineteen year old.

    I'll be taking for 7 weeks NPP/Prop (have 125mg/ml) and 80mg Var ED. I have not decided how much NPP/Prop to use.

    Think I'll try 125mg of each EOD or ED. Any recomendations?

    I am 46yrs
    194 lbs
    almost in the shape I was in my avatar
    and can only inject in glutes and shldrs
    I read up on NNP a while back at my muscle world dot com
    I remember them recommending 10mg per kg of body weight.

    i was highly interested in this compound. I will follow your posts to see what happens. let us know. I have never used it nor have I known anyone that has.
    I will be 46 this month. I would like to run with reckless abandon again. this compound seems promising to guys our age.
    good luck and keep us posted.
    Oh by the way you will be fine doing an EOD with four injection sights. just rotate them as I'm sure already know how to do. but just out of curiosity and I do not want to get personal so if you do not answer that is OK, but why only injections in those places?

  4. #4
    westco28 is offline Junior Member
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    good luck keep posting on progress

  5. #5
    glover's Avatar
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    kaju, I would like to inject somewhere else but I am a wimp. I have tried the thigh but can not seem to get it done. It seems much harder than shld and glute. When I try I get twitches and muscle seems so much harder to penetrate. I have nerve damage after vascectomy.

    Any suggestions on how to make it workor should I try another location? I use 25g 1 inch.

  6. #6
    kaju's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by glover View Post
    kaju, I would like to inject somewhere else but I am a wimp. I have tried the thigh but can not seem to get it done. It seems much harder than shld and glute. When I try I get twitches and muscle seems so much harder to penetrate. I have nerve damage after vascectomy.

    Any suggestions on how to make it workor should I try another location? I use 25g 1 inch.
    25G 1" needle is fine for shoulders and thigh. I would suggest 1.25 for gluts. less chance of hitting a nerve or vessle. If youve ever done that you will be getting the longer needle the next day. Not so much the bleeding but if you inject the gear into a vessel you will feel it when it hits you heart or loungs. It wont kill you but it is not a fun feeling.

    sorry to hear about the nerve dammage. It took me about two years before I was compleatly back after my vasectomy. I had to wear a jock strap for two years. But it finnally got better.

    EOD pining gets old pretty quick and the shoulder will take quite a punnishment through that. especialy any cycle that is longer than six weeks.
    If you can learn to relax the thigh it will be a great place to pin just dont do it there a day before legg training day.
    I have heard of people pinning in the pecs. I did it one time but I was too sore to get good work outs. the pecs affected almost every workout. Arms, shoulders and back. I was doing tren at that time and it made me sore no matter where I pinned.
    I just stuck to having six places to pin and it was better than having four. as I said I have never done NNP so I do not know how it will affect the muscle when pinned. Let us know if it makes you sore.

    So good luck and keep us posted and let us know when you start.

  7. #7
    johnsomebody's Avatar
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    I've done one cycle with prop and it seemed like from what I was reading EOD was too long and ED seemed like a pain so I compromised and did every 36 hours. So it worked out like 8AM first day, 8PM next day, skip third day. (Plus I was using Tokkyo prop, which burned like hell the next day.)

    So even if you only do shoulders and glutes, you'll only be hitting each one every six days.

    Thighs are tough for me too -like pushing into wood sometimes. But I found that if I make a real conscious effort to relax the muscle and deep massage it a bit til until it softens, it goes in fine.

  8. #8
    glover's Avatar
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    Kaju, what was your problem from vascectomy?
    I started Tue Sept 1 and have injected everday so far. It hurts less when I draw the NPP first and prop last into the syringe. Thus giving me an inject with prop going in first and NPP going in last, equal amounts of both. I am on my last shoulder today and will do leg injections this weekend. I looked at ************** web site and outer thigh seems to be the place. I will aim for the biggest part of the muscle. Anybody do it any diff?

  9. #9
    kaju's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by glover View Post
    Kaju, what was your problem from vascectomy?
    I started Tue Sept 1 and have injected everday so far. It hurts less when I draw the NPP first and prop last into the syringe. Thus giving me an inject with prop going in first and NPP going in last, equal amounts of both. I am on my last shoulder today and will do leg injections this weekend. I looked at ************** web site and outer thigh seems to be the place. I will aim for the biggest part of the muscle. Anybody do it any diff?
    Ater teh vasectomy I could not just let them hang. I had to have support. and If they wee mashed for any reason the pain made me sick to my stomach. The jock strap seemed to do the trick for the most part.

    mixing two compounds seems to work well for most people.

  10. #10
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    ok I did injects in both thighs over the weekend. 0.75ml of prop and NPP for a total of 1.5mg in each thigh. I can barely walk. Someone tell me this will get easier!!

  11. #11
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by glover View Post
    ok I did injects in both thighs over the weekend. 0.75ml of prop and NPP for a total of 1.5mg in each thigh. I can barely walk. Someone tell me this will get easier!!
    Nope, won't be me !

    What's worse is the keys in my uniform pants , bounce against legs where they're hurting .

    Reminds me every step I take .

    At some point it should get better . Some weeks are better than others .

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by glover View Post
    ok I did injects in both thighs over the weekend. 0.75ml of prop and NPP for a total of 1.5mg in each thigh. I can barely walk. Someone tell me this will get easier!!
    if its the first time you pinned those areas than yea it will get easyer. im in week 4 of test e glute shots and the post injection pain gets less and less each week. the first week i was hurtin bad.....couldnt walk without a noticable limp.

  13. #13
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    Well my left leg is ok now. Inject was Sat but my right leg still has a bruise such that I will not be able to train my legs today as plnned. The shot was Sun. Were talking 5 days and still huge bruise.

    You can't be serious? I do not think I can inject them again.

  14. #14
    fummins's Avatar
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    Mind over matter my friend, the benefits will outweigh the initial pain.

  15. #15
    kaju's Avatar
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    OK it looks as if NNP is going to be one of those things that hurt and causes pain when injecting. I would not give up on the thigh but give em a break for now.
    How do the shoulders feel? IF your thighs hurt that bad so should your shoulders. When I do tren I have to plan way ahead of time so I do not pin on a day or a day before I work out that body part. IF I pin my shoulders a day before a shoulder work out I would almost cry when working out shoulders.
    As I said you will be fine with four pinning spots but your thighs just give you two extra spots.
    try just pinning testosteron into your thigh one time as a test to see if it causes that much pain. I love test prop ist is smooth adn and I love teh results it gives.
    I do not know what kind of gear you are using but at 125mg of each in one pinning How much is in one syringe for both compounds?
    Some compounds are stronger than others. for instance the gear I use I get 200mg in 1cc. IF you are using something not as concentrated you may be having to put up to 3cc in one pinning and that can cause conciderable pain.

  16. #16
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    Ok I have about two weeks left on my cyle. I got some hcg and started doing around 500 iu EOD and some Aromasin 25mg EOD. I have only been going into shoulders and glutes with no problems. I am only weighing in at 201lbs and have held this for most of cycle. So I do not gain much weight as previous cycles. Will post some pics in a few weeks.

  17. #17
    kaju's Avatar
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    looking forwar to hearing about your progress

  18. #18
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Dude, awesome shape in your avatar and if you are close to that now congratulations.
    I only inject in the in the quads, if find it much easier and no pain. It's easy to sit and relax and 10x more easy to aspirate .

  19. #19
    kaju's Avatar
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    Hows it going? let us know where you are in your cycle and how well it works for you.
    Last edited by kaju; 11-12-2009 at 02:18 PM. Reason: grammar

  20. #20
    glover's Avatar
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    Sorry for the lack of posting like I said I would. Finished cycle Oct 22nd. So it's been almost four weeks. Although I guess you could say I never finished cycle because I have decided to bridge with test enthanate, however I must have made a bad batch and just remade some yesterday. So I am still using some prop and will restart enthanate soon.

    I still weigh around 200lbs and have not lost any strength. In fact gained some on the all test brdige. My body fat is lower and size the same I guess I will never be any bigger than I am today. I don't mind I really like the small waist it has given me.

    I have no issues other than severe pain in the hip which made me quit squats altogether and hurts on all leg exercises. This limits my weight gain also. I would estimate I gained around 2lbs and dropped bodyfat about 3%.

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