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  1. #1
    Kornsy is offline New Member
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    41, new here, on first cycle

    Hi guys. Have been lurking for a while and decided to join. I like the info here in the over 40 forum.
    I am 41 yrs old, been working out off and on for 20+ years. Have taken it alot more serious the last 5yrs. I went from 201lbs down to 165lbs about 2yrs ago, hurt my shoulder and went back up to 195lbs. Went on a low sodium high protein diet about 6 months ago. My workouts were very intense. Got down to 172lbs with a 32inch waist.
    I am currently 7 weeks into my first ever cycle. 500mg of Cyp a week. I feel like I am 18 again. I currently weigh 187lbs and have put on NO weight on my waist line. Very little gyno and some acne on my chest. I started 10mg Nolva ed. I will try to post my beginng pic and my current pic.( big difference) I havent lifted heavy for probably 12 yrs because of shoulder problems. Muscles have responded very well. Starting to get " the comments"
    Here is what I am thinking about................After my 12 week cycle is over I want to "cruise" on 200mg of Cyp ew for 12 weeks and then go back to 500mg of Cyp for 12 weeks then hit the Clen for cutting for summer. IS THIS ACCEPTABLE FOR A 41 YR OLD? Am I doing it right? I absolutley love how I feel!!!

  2. #2
    Kornsy is offline New Member
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    I'll try again
    Last edited by Kornsy; 11-07-2009 at 09:42 AM. Reason: wrong site

  3. #3
    Kornsy is offline New Member
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  4. #4
    gigabitbucket's Avatar
    gigabitbucket is offline Associate Member
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    Welcome to the forum.

    to start;
    you are on a cycle, but taking Nolva Every day (ed)
    I would suggest that you take a look at the PCT section and suggest you take;
    (copied from the PCT section)
    Arimidex (Anastrozole) : This is a widely used type II AI. It competes with estrogen for the aromatase enzyme. This effectively lowers estrogen up to 80% in the blood. Approved for use in 1995 to fight breast cancer. At doses up to 1mg a day, it has been shown to be very effective at controlling estrogen while on cycle or in PCT. It is usefull for curbing the effects that come with aromatizing AAS's while in cycle, and can be used in PCT. Nolvadex is shown to decrease the effectiveness of Arimidex when used together. In this case a suicide inhibitor may be more well suited, like in PCT. It is also called L-dex, in its liquid form.

    I would suggest Nolva for PCT, after your cycle.

  5. #5
    Kornsy is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the info. I will definately look into it.

  6. #6
    gen0105 is offline New Member
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    Hey Kornsy,
    Great picks, looks like you added muscles and lost a little fat on your waist. What's your diet. Do you do cardio?

  7. #7
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Welcome ,
    Good job on pics .

    I would imagine your test lvls are that of a 20 year old man taking 200mg AAS .
    There will be a point that your natural production slows ( testes shrink ) .
    If your going to cruise , some people use HCG ( while still taking tamoxifin ) .
    This will complement the 200mg you are going to cruise on and keep testes working if you ever stop using AAS .
    If you have any more problems with DHT ( more hair loss , I saw thinning hair in pics) . Finistride can be used . This will help if your experiencing prostate problems also .

    You may decide 200mg is all you need and not cycle 500mg . Having the test levels of a younger man is invigorating .

    I am no expert or doctor .
    Information is for entertainment only.
    Good luck and stay young .

  8. #8
    Kornsy is offline New Member
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    I eat 7-9 meals a day. High protein, low carbs, little to no sodium.
    8:00am MT-Rex Big 100 protein bar for breakfast with 2 cups of coffee.
    10:00am 5 eagg omlette with salsa cooked in it.
    12:00 GNC protein shake
    2:00 Chicken breast
    4:00 GNC meal replacement shake
    6:00 Whatever the little lady makes Mostly chicken, fish, turkey, or beef. Always have a salad and broccoli.
    8:00 Chicken breast
    10:00 big scoop of peanut butter or yogurt. LOVE PEANUT BUTTER
    I have not done any cardio since starting the cycle.

  9. #9
    Kornsy is offline New Member
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    Dont wanna....
    Been losing my hair since I was in college. It pretty much stopped about 8 - 9 years ago so not really worried about it. Alough I did start Rogain for the back of my head.
    So you think I may be able to just Cruise and not Blast?? If I'm gonna just Cruise throw in some HCG along with? Tamoxifin??
    Thanks for all the help.

  10. #10
    Kornsy is offline New Member
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    BTW...I know what Tamoxifin is, wht I need to know is how much to take, whn, ect.

  11. #11
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Nice pics good job. I take 250iu HCG twice a week during the cycle. Then I PCT with Nolvadex and Tamoxifen (Arimidex , brand name). Tamoxifen is an antagonist of estrogen receptors so you don't get gyno.

  12. #12
    kaju's Avatar
    kaju is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kornsy View Post
    BTW...I know what Tamoxifin is, wht I need to know is how much to take, whn, ect.
    If you see signs of bloat or gyno take it every other day or every day

  13. #13
    gigabitbucket's Avatar
    gigabitbucket is offline Associate Member
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    if I may add, I normally start with Arimidex , .5 EOD, if this does not help I go to ED.

    How is the cycle going?

  14. #14
    kaju's Avatar
    kaju is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gigabitbucket View Post
    if I may add, I normally start with Arimidex , .5 EOD, if this does not help I go to ED.

    How is the cycle going?
    giga is correct. if you have .25 you can take it every day or every other day. if it is .5 take it every other day

  15. #15
    Kornsy is offline New Member
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    Cycle is going very good. I took shot number 8 on Nov 7th. Monday I weighed 186lbs. So thats 14 lbs in 7weeks. 2 lbs a week. I think that is pretty good. Its not in my waist wich is what i like.
    I really want to put on quality size so I eat very clean. What are your thoughts on me starting some Clen during the last two weeks to lean out some???
    ALSO....I talked to my Dr this week and told him about my cycle and that I wanted to do TRT. He said no problem, finish the cycle I am on then get my blood tests. My question long after my cycle to I need to wait?? He wants me to bottom out so my test is very low. Any suggestions??
    NO i didnt do it right and have blood tests before I started. Rooky mistake.

  16. #16
    kaju's Avatar
    kaju is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kornsy View Post
    Cycle is going very good. I took shot number 8 on Nov 7th. Monday I weighed 186lbs. So thats 14 lbs in 7weeks. 2 lbs a week. I think that is pretty good. Its not in my waist wich is what i like.
    I really want to put on quality size so I eat very clean. What are your thoughts on me starting some Clen during the last two weeks to lean out some???
    ALSO....I talked to my Dr this week and told him about my cycle and that I wanted to do TRT. He said no problem, finish the cycle I am on then get my blood tests. My question long after my cycle to I need to wait?? He wants me to bottom out so my test is very low. Any suggestions??
    NO i didnt do it right and have blood tests before I started. Rooky mistake.
    test cyp has an active live of 15-18 days. wait 18 days after your last shot. then have your blood work within 1 week.

  17. #17
    Kornsy is offline New Member
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    Thank you!

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