Run arimidex (l-dex) at 0.5mg everyday throughout your cycle and pct.

You should also run hcg at 250-500iu every four days thoughout your cycle, but never into pct (note that hcg has an active life of 4-5 days, and you will have to check the active life of the steroids you will be using to ensure this). For example, test enanthate has an active life of two weeks, so in this case you would run hcg no longer than nine days after your last shot of test enanthate.

Then, two weeks after yout last shot of test enanthate, run clomid at 300mg on day 1 / 100mg everyday for two weeks / 50mg everyday for two weeks. And at the same time run nolvadex at 20mg everyday for the same amount of time.

Hope this helps.