i have run superdrol fro 6 weeks, the 6th week ends this comming tuesday. i ran 10/20/20/20/30/20. for pct i have novadex xt and i was wondering what els to take along with it. i already have the novadex and i was thinkin like 8g's of tribulous a day? for the novadex i was plannin on takin 4 pills a day. 2 at 6am and 2 at 6pm. then after 2 weeks go to 1 in am and 2 in pm, then after another 2 weeks take 1 am and 1 pm for another 2 weeks. i would take 8gs of tribulous weeks 1 and 2, 4g at 6am 4g at 6pm, then weeks 3-4 take 3 in am and 3 at pm. then weeks 4-6 take 2 @ am and 2 at pm. how does that sound? any recomendations on the ammounts. what els could/should i take along with it. im gonna continue the milk thistle, red yeast rice, hawthorn berries, and no flush

if anyone was wonderin what gains i got from it i went from 167lb to 182lb. bench went up 25lb, im gonna try for another 5lb next week, i think ill get it. chest increased, arms got bigger, back got bigger, sholders got bigger, sides filled in, got good overall strangth gains. people notice a difference in how i look. im goin back home for the first time in 4 weeks so i cant wait to see what people notice about me. i had planned to run it for 4 weeks, but the 3rd week i only made it to the gym monday thursday and sunday.... due to things i had to attend to.... then the fallowing week i had strept throat, but still went to the gym 5 days that week, not the best workouts but better than nothin.

side affects.... the first week i felt like i had a cold, i have had back pumps on and off threw all the weeks, sometimes more uncomfertable than others, in the 4th-5 th week i had acme on my right sholder, right side of my neck and a lil on my back, but went away in 2-3 days. my balls hurt alot end of 2nd week and therw the 4th week. sex sucked. i could keep a hard on for hrs but as soon as we started to have sex and somethin happens, u instantly go soft, and u get to that point in about 1 min.... towards the middle of the 5th week tho the sex got better, i kept goin and goin untill she coudlnt take anymore.... o ya and blood pressure... i forgot to take it one time and i checked my blood pressure about 6 hrs after i should have taken the pills, b4 i took them, my blood pressure was 196/84. when i went to the doctor to get checked for strept it was 129/64.... b4 i started my blood pressure was 121/61 on average.... so i think takin what i took moderated it prtty good

if anyone has other ?s about it just let me know. id be glad to tell ya what i know.
