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  1. #1
    masterjuice's Avatar
    masterjuice is offline Associate Member
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    The dirty Jersey

    Sex Drive Question???

    IM on a 12 week cycle of test prop/tren e400 mg and im gonna add npp for weeks 6-10, im on week 5 and loving it, im taking nolva eod and a .25 mgs of letro mwf just to make sure no gyno the sex drive is great but is it gonna drop off during pct? i got clomid and letro i really dont want to wait a year to get a hard one, any help??

  2. #2
    lucabratzi's Avatar
    lucabratzi is offline Anabolic Member
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    Feb 2005
    from what i hear sex drive will lower during pct...once natty test levels are back u should be dreadin my pct thats starts soon...

  3. #3
    BOBBY D's Avatar
    BOBBY D is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    currently on pct & thank god i dont have a girlfriend now .. i have little sex drive & my ejaculation is slightly watery.. i cant wait til my boys go back to normal.

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