Stats: 5'8", 32yo, 205lbs, I just finished my first cycle, started out at 400mg/week of Test Cyp ended with 600mg/week. Also about the last three weeks of my cycle I added Tren Ace. @ 75 mg/day. I also took 1mg arimidex and 1mg Proscar per day with cycle. I had hardly any sides from this cycle when using the test, however when I started the Tren I had trouble sleeping and also had bad night sweats.

The day after my last shot of Test/Tren I quit taking the 1mg Arimidex/day and started taking 20mg Nolvadex to start my PCT. That is when the shit hit the fan so to speak. I got very emotional and depressed.

My theory is that the arimidex kept my system from creating any Estrogen at all and when I quit taking it and started the nolva my body was overwhelmed with Estrogen. While I know that the nolva will prevent many of the side effects of Estrogen it will allow the body to convert the test to Estrogen while the arimidex will not allow any estrogen conversion.

Does this theory make sense? Maybe I should have tapered the arimidex instead of quitting cold turkey. How do you guys suggest I finish my next cycle.

Also, I plan to add Chlomid about 10 days after my last shot as well as HCG for a short period to get my nuts jumpstarted.

Thanks for your help. This site is a great learning tool.