Okay guys I need your help. I started on Androgel when I was 19 because my doctor diagnosed me with hypogonadism. My total test came back to be around 400 nanograms. Well I have been on it for 2 and 1/2 years and the last time I had my test levels checked they were like 350 nanograms while using the gel. What I would like to do is come off of the androgel and wait about 6 months and see how my natural testosterone level is and go from there. I have done 1 cycle of injectables and that was about 4 months ago(600mgs of test e. I loved it!). My question is my body is totally shut down and not producing at all from being on androgel for 2 and 1/2 years. This would have to be one hell of a strong pct here. Can you guys give me some help. I have a lot of hcg from my last cycle and nolva too. What do you guys think about this? Thanks