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  1. #1
    DaIllstPlaya is offline Banned
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    How important IS PCT?

    Case 1
    My friend did a cycle of Winstrol for 5weeks

    his body is SUPER CUT!! he has a little bit of acne on his back and thats about it. He is horny like crazy and has an amazing body. Its been 2months since his last shot and he's doing beautiful!

    Case 2
    My 19yr old cousin did a cycle of Deca for 6weeks

    well compare the 2 pics.
    before (notice his skinny arms, tsmall chest and little neck, he in the white shirt)

    look at him now 3weeks after his last shot (he was outta town)

    he went from 147lbs to a whopping 172lbs!! drank nothing but protien shakes and ate fast food!!

    Common qualities between the 2
    they dont even know what PCT is!!

    Purpose of thread
    from what ive read, PCT isnt all that, it isnt even that high of a priority to do, your test level will go back normal after time

    IF ANYTHING, your PCT cycle is what will give you side effects. You get drowsy, you feel like you moving up and down, you get ACNE, any many other scenarios ive read throughout this board

    So now i ask you guys.... your honest opinion.... whats the big deal with PCT? these guys didnt do it, and the people that have done it complain or say its makes them this or gives them that

    yet these 2 guys are perfect examples of how there body didnt get any side effects and didnt even do PCT

    well? any thoughts? all comments and feedback are welcome


  2. #2
    SteelTown84's Avatar
    SteelTown84 is offline Junior Member
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    He will lose almost half of what he gained in about 2-3 months

  3. #3
    DaIllstPlaya is offline Banned
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    i know he will, thats a proven fact (he already lost 9lbs) but what about the side effects of PCT?

    is it true? drowsiness? acne? motion sickness? etc... etc...

  4. #4
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    I don't get those things..

    have him run a pct of myogenx.. see how that goes for him..

    see the supplement forum for a sticky.. there's a bunch of guys that are doing that right now..
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  5. #5
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    PCT helps keep your hard earned gains. Fvck the sides, they go away.

  6. #6
    DaIllstPlaya is offline Banned
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    but your test will come back in like2-3weeks

    sure you lose 15% of your gains, but man i dont mind compared to the drowsiness, motionsickness, acne and who knows what else you get from PCT treatment

    i worry because i run my dads business. I work with our customers on a dialy basis. I drive across town ALL DAY, ill go from point A all the way to point B and all the way back and again and agian and again.... i can be gettin motion sickness or drowsy when im driving these crazy Houston highways.

    and the acne i can DEF. do without. Im a guy that worries about my looks, i dont wanna get a moon face/crater face thing goin on

    when you guys say you lose your hard earned gains, what are we talkin about? 10% or are we looking at 50% or more?!?!

  7. #7
    Benches505's Avatar
    Benches505 is offline 75% HGH 25% Testosterone
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    Quote Originally Posted by latinplaya
    but your test will come back in like2-3weeks

    sure you lose 15% of your gains, but man i dont mind compared to the drowsiness, motionsickness, acne and who knows what else you get from PCT treatment

    i worry because i run my dads business. I work with our customers on a dialy basis. I drive across town ALL DAY, ill go from point A all the way to point B and all the way back and again and agian and again.... i can be gettin motion sickness or drowsy when im driving these crazy Houston highways.

    and the acne i can DEF. do without. Im a guy that worries about my looks, i dont wanna get a moon face/crater face thing goin on

    when you guys say you lose your hard earned gains, what are we talkin about? 10% or are we looking at 50% or more?!?!
    It sounds like your mind is already made up. Do it your cousins way the first time, after you lose 70%+ of your gains come back and we will help you run a proper PCT for your 2nd cycle

  8. #8
    DaIllstPlaya is offline Banned
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    70% ?!?!?!?!

    omg..... thats all i needed to know. Thanks man, that cleared things up

  9. #9
    1819's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by latinplaya
    70% ?!?!?!?!

    omg..... thats all i needed to know. Thanks man, that cleared things up
    not to mention that old estrogen rebound. the pain in your tits is not worth it. do your pct!

  10. #10
    DaIllstPlaya is offline Banned
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    but read the above... how come they didnt get bitch tits or acne or anything of that nature?

    but what i do read is the side effects of PCT.

  11. #11
    Benches505's Avatar
    Benches505 is offline 75% HGH 25% Testosterone
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    Quote Originally Posted by latinplaya
    but read the above... how come they didnt get bitch tits or acne or anything of that nature?

    but what i do read is the side effects of PCT.
    Clomid is the only thing used in some peoples PCT that causes sides. You can't even tell you are taking nolvadex .

    Your cuz did a 5 week cycle, not long enough for much other than some major water retention from the deca and high salt fast food diet. I'm sure he got decent strength gains but watch where they go now too.

    Believe me when I tell you this..If there was anyway to avoid PCT I wouldn't bother with it!

    Keep us posted on what you decide to do.

    Some people get bitch tit and some don't. My nips don't even get sore unless I go above 1,000 MG of test ew for a prolonged period of time. I only use nolva during PCT. Don't use any anti E's while "on"
    Last edited by Benches505; 03-01-2007 at 09:07 PM.

  12. #12
    DaIllstPlaya is offline Banned
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    no i know, if i do, they will counter act the effects the test will do for me

    i learned that

  13. #13
    lilripped's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by latinplaya
    but your test will come back in like2-3weeks

    sure you lose 15% of your gains, but man i dont mind compared to the drowsiness, motionsickness, acne and who knows what else you get from PCT treatment

    i worry because i run my dads business. I work with our customers on a dialy basis. I drive across town ALL DAY, ill go from point A all the way to point B and all the way back and again and agian and again.... i can be gettin motion sickness or drowsy when im driving these crazy Houston highways.

    and the acne i can DEF. do without. Im a guy that worries about my looks, i dont wanna get a moon face/crater face thing goin on

    when you guys say you lose your hard earned gains, what are we talkin about? 10% or are we looking at 50% or more?!?!
    Where did you hear about this crazy motion sickness that will make you lose control of your car. Never had any experiences like that. Never had motion sickness at all. If you are scared of PCT maybe AAS is not for you.

    I personally knew a guy who gained about 30lbs off his first cycle. Did everything completely wrong and without pct. Lost everything he gained. Absolutely ridiculous. If you are worried about people noticing that you are on AAS then nothing proves that you are like losing everything after getting big.

  14. #14
    DaIllstPlaya is offline Banned
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    you know what ima do? ima go pay my cousin a visit... h elives bout 35min away, dont mind the drive, but i have to see how he is doin

    i havent seen him in a while, wonder if he still has his gains?

  15. #15
    lilripped's Avatar
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    Wasn't trying to flame you earlier bro, you have done the right thing by coming here and asking questions. Next step, is listening to the guys on here, taking it in, and making a decision for yourself on what is best for you. There are good people here, people who want to make sure you cycle as safe as possible and keep what you worked so hard to achieve.

  16. #16
    DaIllstPlaya is offline Banned
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    thanks ripped

  17. #17
    deadliftin00 is offline Junior Member
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    haha well these two guys obviously shouldn't have been cycling, that is only the tip of the iceberg.

    To make a long story short, your PCT is probably 70% as important as the cycle if you plan on keeping anything. There is plenty of great PCT info in the PCT forum... just read up there. You can get a good idea of a basic, but pretty solid PCT in about 15 minutes.

  18. #18
    Nate Dawg is offline New Member
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    Skipping pct is a complete waste of the cycle, plus have fun with low test levels for a long time...

  19. #19
    DaIllstPlaya is offline Banned
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    they still have there gains, and there still horny as hell !! if anything there more sexually active now than they were before... and its been 2 and 1/2 months since end of there cycle?

    when is this low test gonna effect them? or the loss of there gains?

    its been almost 3 months now and there still strong and hard

  20. #20
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by latinplaya
    they still have there gains, and there still horny as hell !! if anything there more sexually active now than they were before... and its been 2 and 1/2 months since end of there cycle?

    when is this low test gonna effect them? or the loss of there gains?

    its been almost 3 months now and there still strong and hard
    hard to believe with a deca only cycle....that stuff is stupid supressive.....i could see it with the winny you could prolly get away with no pct but man its not worth the gamble. i mean atleast with pct you KNOW ur levels will come back quicker. maybe these guys got lucky OR maybe they had bogus gear........both are possible. I do however believe some people go over kill with their PCT by adding all sorts of crap in them...but everything has its place....i'd do alot more research on the boards and learn from EXPERIENCED users...not your 172lb friend who frankly.....doesnt loook like he's ever juiced or even big at all.....and protein shakes and fast food...!?!?! thats just ignorance..shoulda never touched gear in the first place but oh well. Do ur research man dont wanna seeu starting a thread after ur cycle saying "natural levels through the floor cant get a hard on"......

  21. #21
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    decca only for 5 weeks,what was the point?I knew a guy who ran a 6 month long cycle with no pct and had no problems whats so ever(he clamied)but thats just plain dumb.You need test with decca,plus you need to run it 2 weeks longer then the decca.Your friend is not smart.Probaly was his first cycle,most ppl dont experience to many neg. side's on there 1st cycle.Tell him to keep running decca only cyles,

  22. #22
    vuff mags is offline New Member
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    new member who didint use pct after a 10 weak sust cylce. lost 15lb, i feel fat, lost lots strenght, have acne and my sex drive sucks now. im pist!!! but its been about two months off and still the same. im preparing fro another cycle the right way with pct in about two months, but wut do i do right now? is it to late to start pct or wut.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by vuff mags
    new member who didint use pct after a 10 weak sust cylce. lost 15lb, i feel fat, lost lots strenght, have acne and my sex drive sucks now. im pist!!! but its been about two months off and still the same. im preparing fro another cycle the right way with pct in about two months, but wut do i do right now? is it to late to start pct or wut.
    I would wait a few extra months to get hormones back to normal again.Don't rush into another cycle because it could only make thing's worse 4 u.Take alot of triblus or vitrix ,should help.

  24. #24
    DaIllstPlaya is offline Banned
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    after reading alot of threads and posts and comments from many other members ive concluded that....

    my cousin was just a very very very lucky guy for a 1st cycle

  25. #25
    hardgainer1's Avatar
    hardgainer1 is offline Senior Member
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    VERY lucky and being so young, shouldnt even be touching AAS much less Deca ONLY with NO PCT christ... you can do serious long term damage at that age especially using so ignorantly

  26. #26
    lousygenes is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vuff mags
    new member who didint use pct after a 10 weak sust cylce. lost 15lb, i feel fat, lost lots strenght, have acne and my sex drive sucks now. im pist!!! but its been about two months off and still the same. im preparing fro another cycle the right way with pct in about two months, but wut do i do right now? is it to late to start pct or wut.
    I forked up a PCT with the same results, only I had used tren , so I was shut down hard.
    I posted here a couple of months after cycle. Other posters recommended aggressive PCT; it worked. Get on PCT ASAP!

  27. #27
    acciaio's Avatar
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    ... I think they were not lucky... They are YOUNG... Too young for me.... But that helped them to recover fast... Probably they still have enough Test running troght their body to not suffer for erectile disfunction...

  28. #28
    imsmall's Avatar
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    i didnt do pct my first time and the second time i only did half due to clomid screwing my vision and i have kept nearly all of i have gained

  29. #29
    Rivaled is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by latinplaya
    but your test will come back in like2-3weeks

    sure you lose 15% of your gains, but man i dont mind compared to the drowsiness, motionsickness, acne and who knows what else you get from PCT treatment

    i worry because i run my dads business. I work with our customers on a dialy basis. I drive across town ALL DAY, ill go from point A all the way to point B and all the way back and again and agian and again.... i can be gettin motion sickness or drowsy when im driving these crazy Houston highways.

    and the acne i can DEF. do without. Im a guy that worries about my looks, i dont wanna get a moon face/crater face thing goin on

    when you guys say you lose your hard earned gains, what are we talkin about? 10% or are we looking at 50% or more?!?!
    do wut we say and do PCT... ur foolish not to

  30. #30
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    clomid will give you sides. some ppl get low libido from anti estrogens.
    But overall how you "feel" is not a measure of how well ur pct is workin while actually running it. After is.
    Also, your frinds short winny cycle probably didntn shut him down hard. Winny isnt quite as supressive as others and its a short acting so its not gonna be in you shuttng you down weeks after.
    The deca cycle, beats me. Chalk it up to luck.
    Yes, over time, levels or testosterone will return, but PCT get you there faster. Like instead of waiting 4 months for your stuff to return, you can get it back in 1-2. get it?

  31. #31
    DaIllstPlaya is offline Banned
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    Clomid messed with your vision ?!?!?!?!


  32. #32
    lousygenes is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by latinplaya
    Clomid messed with your vision ?!?!?!?!

    Clomid PERMANENTLY impaired my vision (was 20/20; now 20/35) when I used it both during cycle and PCT. It's old school. I recommend using nolvadex for PCT instead of clomid.
    As far as PCT, latinplaya, you seem to be predisposed to skip the PCT. Once you start doing heavier longer cycles with stuff that'll shut you down hard (TREN ), you would be foolish to take PCT so lightly. PCT is an essential part of a cycle.

  33. #33
    hardgainer1's Avatar
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    Clomid gave me blurred vision as well, but I luckily recovered.

  34. #34
    gagear628 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benches505
    It sounds like your mind is already made up. Do it your cousins way the first time, after you lose 70%+ of your gains come back and we will help you run a proper PCT for your 2nd cycle
    This is 100% true and it may not be as much as 70% Everybody is different but pcts def help with keeping your gains and also can help with the productivity of natural test in your body. And you say everything is fine and perfect examples did you get blood work done. If all you ate was eat fast food. your body may have some other issues to worry about than your gains. your blood pressure and your chlorestoral may be way high. Get a good diet going that doesnt consist of a meal that has 90% fat from mcds

  35. #35
    gagear628 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vuff mags
    new member who didint use pct after a 10 weak sust cylce. lost 15lb, i feel fat, lost lots strenght, have acne and my sex drive sucks now. im pist!!! but its been about two months off and still the same. im preparing fro another cycle the right way with pct in about two months, but wut do i do right now? is it to late to start pct or wut.
    To help you with this question. Dont take pcts lightly next time. your next cycle should consist of a high test level. if your already having trouble with your sex drive stay away from anything like deca and make sure if you stack with anything that the test is higher...For now id run a simple tribulos pills to help with your test levels and you can run pcts like nolv and arom for up to 2 months to really help retain gains and help with natural test levels...

  36. #36
    wishmasterATM is offline Banned
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    Well Latina atleast now you know , f you ever plan on doing something you be sure to take your PCT

  37. #37
    DaIllstPlaya is offline Banned
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    yes sir!

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