Just finished running the following cycle and have this planned PCT.. is it overkill or what do you recommend. I am shut down hard.

1-10 - 500 mg test enan
11-16 - 400 mgs test cyp
1-15 - 600 mgs of EQ

going to wait 2 weeks after last shot of test cyp to start this.

Post Cycle
1-3 15,000 iu's of HCG spread out over the 3 weeks
1-3 1,000 vit E
1-5 40mgs of nolva day 1, 20mgs remaining 5wks
1-4 150 clomid day 1, 75 remaining 4 wks
1-5 .25 aromasin
1-4 myogenx
2-4 Clen
1 bottle of NO2 black for energy.

My biggest question would this PCT be is this overkill? I have some minor gyno symptoms, should I curb the HCG?

thanks for any feedback or input.