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  1. #1
    davidb's Avatar
    davidb is offline Junior Member
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    starting pct, getting sides, first week off

    coming off a 20week cycle

    letro 21mg every third day throughout to 20th week

    test cyp 500 mg per week first 12 weeks

    test cyp 500 mg, tren ace 500 mg week 15 thru 17

    test cyp 800mg per week 17 thru 20

    clomid and nolva due to start week two after last shot

    this is my first week week off and I feel like total shit, i have no energy, i am lethargic, and weak. was shooting every monday and thursday, stopped thurs 8/14 it is now saturday 8/16. Is this normal when test levels begin to drop?

    this has been my first cycle and i have put on about 20lbs of weight probably around 10lbs of it muscle, just looking for some input on these sides that i am having. I am thinking of shooting more test to kick these sides, but dont want to put off my pct. what should i do?

  2. #2
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidb View Post
    coming off a 20week cycle

    letro 21mg every third day throughout to 20th week

    test cyp 500 mg per week first 12 weeks

    test cyp 500 mg, tren ace 500 mg week 15 thru 17

    test cyp 800mg per week 17 thru 20

    clomid and nolva due to start week two after last shot
    letro 21mg????/ wtf! it should be like 1mg e3d
    Quote Originally Posted by davidb View Post
    this is my first week week off and I feel like total shit, i have no energy, i am lethargic, and weak. was shooting every monday and thursday, stopped thurs 8/14 it is now saturday 8/16. Is this normal when test levels begin to drop?

    this has been my first cycle and i have put on about 20lbs of weight probably around 10lbs of it muscle, just looking for some input on these sides that i am having. I am thinking of shooting more test to kick these sides, but dont want to put off my pct. what should i do?
    just start pct now
    your pct sucks though

    estrogen/progesterone side effect control on cycle
    estrogen/progesterone and gyno/side effects INFO FOR NEW GUYS

    my pct

  3. #3
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    horrible horrible horrible cycle David. Who ever suggested that to you, never listen to them again.

    How often were you shooting the cyp?
    How often were you shooting the Tren ?

    You are in for a long road to recovery and likely you are going to lose all that you gain. Not being harsh, but stating the truth.

    Letro at 21mg is more than you would need for a lifetime dang near.

    What do you have scheduled for clomid and nolva?

  4. #4
    davidb's Avatar
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    Smile Correction on letro dose

    Correction on the letro, I am splitting the 2.5 mg femara into four and taking a quarter every third day which is 1.6mg e3rd day. I was shooting the tren twice a week 250mg per shot. twice a week with the cyp as well. (stopped the tren due to sides) sorry for the confusion I was thinking 25mg instead of 2.5 and some how came up with 21mg, was a long day at the office.....

    how do you figure I will lose the gains? please explain.
    havnt got the exact dose of clomid and nolva yet, but I will be dropping the letro all together soon and starting clomid and nolva. probably run the nolva for six weeks, the clomid for three.
    Every thing is and has been going well , just feeling the test dropping in my system and have no energy.
    please respond only if you have experience with 20weeks + on cycle. I would like to know if this is a normal side when waiting for the two weeks to start PCT.


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  7. #7
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidb View Post
    Correction on the letro, I am splitting the 2.5 mg femara into four and taking a quarter every third day which is 1.6mg e3rd day. I was shooting the tren twice a week 250mg per shot. twice a week with the cyp as well. (stopped the tren due to sides) sorry for the confusion I was thinking 25mg instead of 2.5 and some how came up with 21mg, was a long day at the office.....

    how do you figure I will lose the gains? please explain.
    havnt got the exact dose of clomid and nolva yet, but I will be dropping the letro all together soon and starting clomid and nolva. probably run the nolva for six weeks, the clomid for three.
    Every thing is and has been going well , just feeling the test dropping in my system and have no energy.
    please respond only if you have experience with 20weeks + on cycle. I would like to know if this is a normal side when waiting for the two weeks to start PCT.

    Your sides of tren were probablly horrid at best. You were shooting tren ace, 2x per week at 250mg/injection? Your body was on a roller coster with it. Tren ace is a short ester with an active likfe of about 2 days. It is imparative that you shoot it ED. If you want to take tren and not shoot it everyday, then you need to go with enanthate (Tren E) and then your 2x week would be perfect. Your weekly dose was fine, just the injection rate/method was very inappropriate for the compound. This is what contributes to alot of your sides. Or perhaps the severity of them. Tren is notorious for some bad sides, most notably night sweats, night terrors or weird dreams and extreme aggression.

    Your Letro dose as described is actually .625mg E3D. 2.5/4 - .625. That is MUCH better than your original statement. That is not quite where you need it, but it should be providing decent benefits.

    My original statement on losing your gains was based on the Letro at 21mg. . .You may be ok and can work through this with decent results.

    Do some research on Nolva/Clomid PCT. I would continue with the 2 wks after last injection schedule. I would say you are getting really close to that now if you are feeling the test drop and no engery. Can you get ahold of any Aromasin or HCG REAL soon?
    Last edited by kynetguy; 08-17-2008 at 04:27 PM.

  8. #8
    davidb's Avatar
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    I would like to include some HCG in my PCT to jump start the recovery. I have my nolva and clomid schedule written down from several weeks back just dont have the numbers on hand right now. Thanks for the input, this thing wasnt planned to go 20 weeks but I kept gettin results and felt great so I kept on truckin.
    Thanks again! Check your pm

  9. #9
    kynetguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidb View Post
    I would like to include some HCG in my PCT to jump start the recovery. I have my nolva and clomid schedule written down from several weeks back just dont have the numbers on hand right now. Thanks for the input, this thing wasnt planned to go 20 weeks but I kept gettin results and felt great so I kept on truckin.
    Thanks again! Check your pm

    Next time you plan a cycle, stick to it though. If you are going to run long cycles, you need to add different ancillary compounds, depending on what you are trying to achieve. I have cruised on test for weeks on in at bearly above HRT levels. The longest I have went is 8-9 months without a break. I know guys who have gone longer than that. There is a whole unique science to it that is very much different than running a long 12-16. After 20 weeks, you are going to be shut down pretty hard.

    What is your age?

    You might want to ask some question in the HRT section. I know there are guys over that cruise long cycles. (and I dont mean HRT...berfore anyone wants to be funny)

  10. #10
    davidb's Avatar
    davidb is offline Junior Member
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    age 33

    started at 175lbs

    now at 205lbs

    first cycle

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