I've done a deca only cycle for 10 weeks now at 500mg/week. I understand it wasn't a good idea, but luckily i had a successful cycle and no libido issues, i had my last shot a few days ago for my 10 week cycle and my libido is still high; however i had blood work done and my natural test production is shut down. This is my first cycle so i am new to PCT and i am not sure of what to do, clomid or nolva. I was mensioned by someone to use clomid/nolva together:
Weeks 1-2 100mg/day clomid
Weeks 3-4 50mg/day clomid
Weeks 1-2 40mg/day nolva
Weeks 3-4 20mg/day nolva

However does anyone else have any opinion if i should use something else? or stick by this? Im supposing my progesterone levels are high now, will they go back to normal soon?