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Thread: prop pct??

  1. #1
    englandnwest's Avatar
    englandnwest is offline Junior Member
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    prop pct??

    just wondering if anyone can help me with wat wuld be best for pct, im running 1.5 ml of prop ed, thats 100mg/ml, and takin 20mg nolva with it to try keep the gyno away i have had problems in past with gyno, seems to be workin good, just wondering how i should do pct i have never run nolva through a cycle before, should i up the dose of it when i start pct or just carry on takin it at 20mg a day?? or should i use something else instead of nolvadex for pct why i been runnin it on cycle???

  2. #2
    one8nine's Avatar
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  3. #3
    englandnwest's Avatar
    englandnwest is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for the thread, so why not use nolva why on cycle??

  4. #4
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    Whats your cycle exp? Because you're shooting over a gram of test a week. Get some Arimidex instead of nolva on cycle.

    Here I'll make it easy for ya.
    Quote Originally Posted by one8nine View Post
    Nolvadex is terrible to take on cycle. If taken with tren \deca or drol it will INCREASE sides.
    Nolvadex is also TOO anti-catabolic. the way muscle grows is by tearing down and rebuilding bigger. Nolvadex greatly decreases that, actually endurance athletes take it to decrease muscle fatigue.
    estrogen/progesterone and gyno/side effects INFO FOR NEW GUYS

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    Jfew44's Avatar
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    By the way, thanks one8nine lol

  6. #6
    englandnwest's Avatar
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    ive done a few cycles in past couple of years but had 18month without ant steroids to try peak out my natural potential abit more. i been on cycle for 3 weeks now and started to see some gains so im gona stick to it now, lots of people run nolva why on cycle, do u have evidence that it affects gains??

  7. #7
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by englandnwest View Post
    ive done a few cycles in past couple of years but had 18month without ant steroids to try peak out my natural potential abit more. i been on cycle for 3 weeks now and started to see some gains so im gona stick to it now, lots of people run nolva why on cycle, do u have evidence that it affects gains??
    It reduces levels of IGF...Thats it. I wouldnt NOT use it, but there are better alternatives, like AI's. Arimidex is my choice at 0.5mg/EOD.

    If you were to use Nolva on cycle, you can (and users have) had estrogenic rebounds when they discontinue their SERM of choice.

    Think about it...

    Exogenous testosterone = Elevated estrogen....A SERM blocks estrogen, then when you come off....Estrogen is free to do its dirty tricks...

  8. #8
    englandnwest's Avatar
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    yea i see wat u mean swifto, thanks. so if i just stop the nolva now and carry on with the cycle u think that would be ok then use them as part of pct??

  9. #9
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by englandnwest View Post
    yea i see wat u mean swifto, thanks. so if i just stop the nolva now and carry on with the cycle u think that would be ok then use them as part of pct??
    I can only see you having an estrogenic rebound if your using massive doses of aromotasables or have been on the cycle for months/years, which you have not I dont think.

    If I were to stop the Nolva on cycle, I'd employ Arimidex to keep estrogen in check anyhow. Not just a rebound, but water retention and gyno would be my main concerns.

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