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Thread: is my pct ok?

  1. #1
    cokecoon is offline Junior Member
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    is my pct ok?

    ive been gettin mood swings and feeling generally run down and depressed after running this cycle: advice pls

    im currently taking hcg 2500iu eod and proviron 40mg and nolvadex 20mg ed

    my question there something im doing wrong or is it just gonna take time for me to get back to normal because of my terrible cycle choice?
    my doctor has prescribed me anti-depressants, is it ok to take with my pct gear? also after how long should i start feeling ok again?


  2. #2
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    I really hope you meant 250iu not 2500. I would add clomid if it's not too late, otherwise it looks fine at first glance. As far as the antidepressants go, check with your doc. When did you start this pct? How long are you running it? Can you map it out for us, please?
    Last edited by Ernst; 08-26-2008 at 06:52 PM.

  3. #3
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    Wow dude i agree with Ernst...

    I REALLY hope you are not takin 2500IU's EOD...

    And being run down, and feeling depressed is kinda common... Welcome to the wonderful world of TREN !

    I dont know about the anti-depressant's dude, maybe you have a F'd up home life or something, im not gonna even touch that one...

    Iver read many times over and over anti-depressant's can cause sucidial thoughts and feelings, i dont know, just what ive heard...

  4. #4
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Its probably form lack of testosterone . No confidence, loss of sex drive, insomnia, mood swings are all sides of hypogondal males (males with low, to no, testosterone).

    Although your taking HCG , the endogenous testosterone your producing probably isnt sufficient, hence your sides.

  5. #5
    cokecoon is offline Junior Member
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    ok so the box says HCG -lepori 2500 and it has 8 vials (4 powder, 4 liquid) so the liquid is put into the powder and that is how much hcg? each vial totals 1ml if that helps...also how long does it take for the body to get back to normal i.e test levels?
    i have been running my pct for 9days 1st i took the hcg on its own then a week later ive added the proviron and nolvadex

  6. #6
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by cokecoon View Post
    ok so the box says HCG -lepori 2500 and it has 8 vials (4 powder, 4 liquid) so the liquid is put into the powder and that is how much hcg? each vial totals 1ml if that helps...also how long does it take for the body to get back to normal i.e test levels?
    i have been running my pct for 9days 1st i took the hcg on its own then a week later ive added the proviron and nolvadex
    How long did you take the Tren /Winstrol ?

    It will take as long as it takes is your answer. It ranges from person to person.

    Personally, I'd get some Clomid or Tormifene. Clomi 25-50mg/ED or Torm 60-120mg/ED for 5-6 weeks would be my PCT. With the addition of an AI if you havent used one already.

    Proviron should be used to support your labido and free up bioavailable testosterone , not as a compound to start endogenous testosterone production with Nolva. Nolva/Proviron seems a bit week to me after using Tren.

  7. #7
    cokecoon is offline Junior Member
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    i took winstrol for 8 weeks and took tren for 2 weeks @ 2 ml per week but than stopped after i found out my cycle was wrong.

    put up a few posts on here and alot of people suggested the hcg ,proviron and nolva would be a good pct for me.

    ive put the link to my original post here: advice pls

    thanks for your advice swifto

  8. #8
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by cokecoon View Post
    i took winstrol for 8 weeks and took tren for 2 weeks @ 2 ml per week but than stopped after i found out my cycle was wrong.

    put up a few posts on here and alot of people suggested the hcg ,proviron and nolva would be a good pct for me.

    ive put the link to my original post here: advice pls

    thanks for your advice swifto
    Although Tren is very suppressive, I dont think its needed here.

    I'd keep the HCG (if you have it) for another cycle and run 2 SERM's as PCT. Clomid and another. Proviron at 25mg/ED or EOD for labdio support.

  9. #9
    cokecoon is offline Junior Member
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    would it be ok to carry on runing the proviron and nolva then? does that class as 2 serms?

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