I had my last shot of TEST E 3 weeks ago, and I started taking my PCT meds last week (2 weeks after last shot). I am running clomid 100 50 50 50
and nolvadex 40 40 20 20.
I am 25 years old, 200lbs, 12-13% BF, 5'11'', and I have been training with weights non-stop for over 3 years straight and off and on for about 8 years.
Here is my question. How much should I train now that I am off of the juice? When I was on, I lifted 5 days in a row every week then took off 2 days, and I was recovering very well. Now I am afraid to train that much because my recovery is way down and I dont want to over train. i was thinking about training 4days a week instead of 5, and maybe doing every other day. What do you guys suggest?