Turns out I have something else going on and should never have gotten on TRT. I am 23.

I had normal LH (middle of the range), really high DHEA, and low testosterone .

Doc put me on 100 mg test-c a week with no HCG . Although at one point I overdosed and ended up with 1350 test when the range tops out at 800.

I have been on test-c for 6 months and desperately need to come off it. Please help me get my body working again. What all do I need to do to get off this shit?


Which kind of makes sense, although 3 weeks of HCG seems like it would zap LH production to 0, but the Nolvadex is supposed to cure that.

So basically what he is doing there is using HCG to restart the testes, and putting in Nolvadex to combat the reduction of LH, and then adding in the other inhibitor to combat estrogen. Does that sound good? I like his strategy and I definitely think that HCG needs to be in this.