i recdently came off a 20 wk cycle of sust 250, primo, masteron .....i did my hcg start at the time of the detection of the compounds were out of my system...18 days after my last sust shot.....i incorporated an anti from day 1 all through pct and this si what my pct looked like

eod 1,000 units of hcg with aromasin
that was completed in 3 weeks and then started clomid at 100 for 2 weeks followed by 50 for 1 week

got my blood work and my free test is ok but my total test is 210??????

now the doc is recommending i start all o ver again.....should i combine the clomid at the same time of the hcg and anti estrogen or do it after???

do you think this is a good way to handle this???